Cathedral School for Boys Faculty and Staff Handbook 2017-18

Nothing in this Handbook is intended to unlawfully restrict an employee’s right to engage in any of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, including but not limited to, the right to engage in concerted protected activity for the purposes of their mutual aid and/or protection. Nothing in this Handbook will be interpreted, applied or enforced to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of these Section 7 rights.

II . Statement s of Mi ssion, Phi losophy , Di versi ty , and Non-Di scr iminat ion

Mission Statement

To provide an excellent education for boys at the elementary level.

To attract a diverse student body of strong academic potential.

To provide a school committed to intellectual inquiry and rigor, centered in the Episcopal tradition, respectful of and welcoming to people of all religious traditions and beliefs.

To develop civic responsibility through exemplary programs of outreach and service.

To create a community bonded by open-heartedness, hope, compassion, and concern.

Statement of Philosophy

Cathedral School for Boys, founded in 1957, strives to provide education in the best tradition of the Episcopal Church and in consonance with the mission of Grace Cathedral. We believe that this education is derived from three main sources: the highest academic and personal standards humanely applied; building a diverse community united in its concern for the school and for the world; and an active engagement with religion and the spiritual dimension. Academically, the school sets high standards in literacy, basic skills, self-discipline, the joy of learning, and the pursuit of wisdom. We set equally high standards in good behavior, caring, mutual respect, truth telling and honor, and emphasize these qualities in all aspects of school life. Art, music, drama and physical education are integral parts of the curriculum. We prepare boys to enter demanding secondary schools confidently; we recognize that there is a variety of learning styles and paces among able students, and we try to teach accordingly. Teachers are able to focus on those learning styles, which are boy-friendly, hands-on, active learning, which allows for



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