Cathedral School for Boys Faculty and Staff Handbook 2017-18

movement and vigor. We affirm the integrity of childhood and elementary curriculum, and do not try to replicate secondary school studies.

We believe that the school’s programs are affected by a talented, enthusiastic, and loving collegial faculty. These men and women are recruited and retained based on their professional skills, their willingness to model the highest standards in every respect, and their commitment to professional and personal growth. It is a priority of the school to provide funds and other support for that growth, and to strive toward competitive faculty compensation. We believe that our all-boy environment frees our students to explore the full range of their potential. Our awareness of the different learning styles, rhythms and activity level needs of boys promotes an openness and flexibility in the program that allow for success in all areas of study. Personalities have the freedom to develop without gender stereotyping, and boys can inhabit all roles in social, academic, and aesthetic areas. Thus they develop a strong sense of self without the need for posturing and pretending. In an atmosphere where friendships are valued, and where cooperation and collaborative problem solving are practiced, boys are able to talk about their feelings freely. Being the recipients of empathy, understanding, and compassion, boys learn to become caring and compassionate people. Our belief that all people are children of God and citizens of a shrinking world leads us to develop as diverse a community as possible. We seek families of all races, creeds, and economic circumstances, subject only to their ability to take advantage of our program. A growing financial aid program, tied by policy to the tuition income, exists to effect economic diversity. We make every effort to ensure that all families feel welcome in the school community. seek to assure literacy in the content and discipline of all major religions, recognizing the limitations of what is age-appropriate and the general sensitivity of the subject. We strive to open minds and hearts to the religious dimension of life, and to discourage uncritical dogmatism. The time we spend regularly in Grace Cathedral, with its soaring spaces and magnificent music, provides the boys with an opportunity to come together as a community in a sacred place of great beauty. The spiritual dimension of the school and its program adds immeasurably to the exploration of values, the development of character, and ethical and moral sensibilities. Clergy of many faiths lead worship from time to time. Twenty or more of the boys sing in the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys, receiving a special musical training and religious experience. We are committed also to outreach beyond the financial aid program. This commitment is evidenced at present by programs of community service and charitable outreach through the entire school community. Religious education includes exploring questions of meaning, purpose and personal identity within the daily life and studies of the boys. Using the Bible and Anglican worship as starting points, we



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