Transfer Line and Hydrant System Repairs
Install rumble plates, linear controls, stabilized construction entrance with tire wash stormwater related Best Management Practices (BMPs) (e.g. straw wattle, silt fencing) as needed at the various work locations. Daily closeout of the Work, including any potential transport or hauling of soil, will require sweeping and cleaning to an acceptable level by the SFO Airfield Operations staff. This project consists of extension (to grade) of one low point drain (NLP-6) and a high point vent (OHP- 6), decommissioning one fuel vault (FV-14), and installation of a high point vent riser into an existing isolation valve pit (BAB-IVP-50-3). This includes installation of pit components, associated equipment, hydrostatic pit testing, and application of protective coatings. Confirmation soil samples are to be analyzed for TPHd using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015M with silica gel cleanup method 3630C.
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