BayState_Neck Pain and Stress

Neckpain,fortunately,canbealleviatedwithphysical therapy.Becauseneck pain can be caused by inactivity or repetitive activity, different activity can cure it. Physical therapistscan target thesourceofyourpainbyexamining your symptoms. Then, they can offer exercises that stretch, flex and relax your neck muscles. In time, your neck will become more resilient — giving you the comfort you deserve. Where after-care treatment is considered, custom-tailored neck exercises will assure your neck stays loose, limber and healthy. If you’re dealing with neck pain, you’re not alone. Even if your neck pain is caused by stress, it still needs attention. We’ll work side by side with your goals, creating the proactive, effective programs you need to achieve mobility once more. Try physical therapy first when you are experiencing pain that limits your ability to function. At Bay State Physical Therapy we offer free screenings. We will assess whether further treatment is needed or a program of home exercises will help your individual problem HOW PHY S I CAL THERAPY CAN HELP YOU WITH NECK PAIN

There’s no question that what you eat affects how you feel, and a healthy diet helps you feel better. Choose a diet that works best with your body. Makesureyoudon’teat foods thatcause inflammation.Combineahealthy diet with regular exercise, and you will find it helps your mood as well as your body. Here are some tips to help improve your mood and activity with the right nutrition. 1. Mix in Protein to Boost Mood. Like fiber, protein can help you to avoid blood sugar crashes. Some good sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, seeds and nuts, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese and milk, tofu, and peanut butter. 2. Don’t Worry, “B” Happy. TheBvitamins, includingB6,B12,and folicacid,playarole in theproduction of brain chemicals that regulate mood. Good food sources for many B vitamins includeshellfish,poultry,eggs, low-fatyogurt,andfortifiedbreakfast cereals. Folic acid in particular is found mostly in leafy greens. 3. Drink Water. Sip water or other drinks with few or no calories to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a water bottle in your bag or at your desk to satisfy your thirst throughout the day. 4. Be Active Whenever You Can. Set a goal to fit in at least 2½ hours of moderate physical activity in your week. Being active 10 minutes ata timealso adds to your weekly total. Ask your friendsor family tokeepyoucompanyasyoubike, jog,walk,ordance. Don’t forget to do some muscle strengthening activities twice a week. 5. Enjoy Your Food but Eat Less. Use a smaller plate for meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat. FEEL BETTER BY EATING BETTER

Call our location nearest you today, and schedule an assessment.

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain..

Decreases Neck Pain

Upper Trapezius Stretch Stand with good posture. Position your hand tucked behind the side of your body being stretched. Bring your ear to the opposite shoulder. Keep your chin towards your chest. Hold for 30 seconds repeat 3 times on each side. This stretch will stretch your upper trapezius muscles. It should be discontinued if your pain symptoms increase or you develop symptoms into your arms.


Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.


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