Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — October 26 - November 8, 2012 — 7C
DAMIT prevents water damage & can save Property owners $1000s
Nisivoccia LLP Building strong foundations
Many years ago a roofing company in New Jersey dis- covered a solution that has been indispensable to their daily operation and have saved their clients hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years in potential dam- age of drywall, ceiling, carpet and furnishing. Rain can never be pre- dicted. The effect of too much rain, combined with wind, leads to quickly developing leaks. The first drip of water can be quickly followed by complete ceiling collapse, foundation leaks and gallons of water pouring into a home or business. Attempts to stop leaks are often met with little effective
results. Property owners will often call professional roof- ers for a stop gap solution the can cost anywhere from $300 to $500 for a temporary fix until a permanent repair can be made. The product, DAMIT, is fast and effective for tempo- rarily stopping leaks in all types of roofs by creating a temporary dam or barrier. DAMIT forms a water tight barrier when exposed to water. DAMIT is ideal for stopping leaks during rain storms, in ponded areas or any other wet surfaces. DAMIT is a granule that pours easily from a re-seal- able container and should continued on page 8C
hen the partners and staff of Nisivoc- cia LLP pore over a
and management clients. “In order to succeed in today’s complex business environment, our clients require more from us than traditional account- ing and tax services,” Douglas S. Collins, Real Estate Group Partner. Through their experi- ence and industry involvement, Nisivoccia LLP has developed a specialized knowledge of the real estate and construc- tion industries and can offer clients expert advice and solid financial results so they can succeed. Whatever the industry and its challenges, clients can count
on hands-on service from the partners and staff at Nisivoccia LLP. That’s what fueled growth for the firm’s first 40 years and the firm looks forward to con- tinuing the tradition over the next 40 years, as it expands its geographic footprint. “We work hard to earn our clients’ trust and, as our track record shows, we keep that trust,” Mehaffey said. “They believe in us, they turn to us for additional services and, in what we consider the ultimate compliment, they refer us to their friends and associates.” ■
company’s financials, they read between the numbers to glean insight about the underlying operations and business situa- tions. Those insights form the foundation of the practical ad- vice delivered on a daily basis by Nisivoccia LLP. “We take pride in conduct- ing our work with a business consciousness and awareness that leads to constructive and helpful recommendations,” said Timothy J. Mehaffey, Nisivoccia LLPmanaging part- ner. “They are the result of un- derstanding our clients, their people and their systems and procedures.” The firm’s approach is prov- ing vital for companies seek- ing steady guidance through turbulent economic times. “We take a proactive approach when we meet with our cli- ents,” Mehaffey said. “In ad- dition to providing traditional services, we also help identify ways they can operate more efficiently, save costs and im- prove margins.” Founded in 1970, Nisivoccia LLP provides accounting, tax, auditing and other business ad- visory services to individuals, organizations and businesses. As an independent member of BKR International, Nisivoccia LLP can count on a network of affiliates to support its clients across the United States and internationally. BKR repre- sents more than 135 leading- edge accounting and business advisory firms in more than 300 cities around the world. Nisivoccia LLP maintains a strong presence, as well as a wealth of experience, in the following industry niches: real estate developers and manag- ers, construction contractors, governmental entities, non- profit organizations, health- care practice management accounting and consulting, and manufacturing. The firm is not content to watch from the sidelines. “Our partners and staff are ac- tive contributors to the indus- tries we serve,” Mehaffey said. “They publish articles, speak at events, participate in as- sociations, sit on boards and volunteer when available.” As a result, advice given by Nisivoccia LLP is usually ahead of the curve. That’s a good place to be, especially for the firm’s real estate developer
Construction and real estate companies require more from a firm than traditional accounting and tax services. Let our experts help you manage the more complex issues and regulations impacting your business, so you can succeed. All successful projects begin with a well-defined plan.
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