Saw Chain Troubleshooting
Most Saw Chain Problems are Caused by Four Things: 1. Incorrect saw chain tension 2. Incorrect filing 3. Lack of lubrication
4. Cutting any material other than wood.
Here are the things you should look for, and the corrective actions you should take:
Problem: Cuts Slow/Rough or Won’t Hold Edge Look closely at your saw chain’s cutters and compare them to the following illustrations
1. Light abrasive damage on side plates. Cause: Cutters came in contact with light abrasive materials Symptoms: Very slow cutting Remedy: File cutters back until all damage is removed 2. Severe abrasive damage on side and/or top-plates. Cause: Cutters hit or cut material other than wood, such as rock, dirt, or sand This type of damage typically occurs when cutting close to the ground Symptoms: Saw chain won’t cut or cuts crookedly if the damage is to one side of saw chain Possible guide bar rail damage Remedy: File cutters back until all damage is removed 3. Too much top-plate filing angle. Cause: Excessive top-plate angle while filing or grinding Symptoms: Cutting angle is very sharp, but dulls fast Cutting action rough and erratic Remedy: Resharpen cutters while holding the file at the correct top-plate filing angle for the saw chain Be sure the file guide is stamped with the saw chain’s correct top-plate angle 20˚
Safety & Maintenance Manual
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