Oregon Maintenance and Safety Manual, MMANUAL-EN AB

Saw Chain Troubleshooting

8. Backslope on the side plate. Cause: File held too high or the file is too large Grinders: Saw chain ground at the wrong top- plate cutting angle, grinding wheel is too large, or the grinding wheel is not grinding deep enough into the body of cutter Symptoms: Slow cutting Premature wear to saw chain and guide bar rails Remedy: Resharpen cutters using the correct file guide in the right size held in the correct position 9. Low depth gauges. Cause: Too much depth gauge removed; depth gauge damaged in use Symptoms: Rough cutting Saw chain grabs Excessive wear to the heel of cutters, opposing tie-straps, guide bar rails Top-plate breakage and/or saw chain stretch Remedy: In most cases, cutters cannot be filed back enough to correct for depth gauges that are too low Replace the saw chain 10. High depth gauges. Cause: Depth gauge never lowered Symptoms: Slow cutting Excessive wear to the saw chain and guide bar rails Remedy: File depth gauges down to their correct height

NOTE: Refer to "How to Sharpen Cutters" on page 23 when performing the remedies above.


Safety & Maintenance Manual

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