Guide Bar Troubleshooting
Problem: Guide Bar Nose Conditions
10. Chipped rails or excessive rail wear just behind hard steel on solid nose guide bars, or near the nose on sprocket nose guide bars. Cause: Loose saw chain tension Symptoms: Saw chain damage, saw chain throwing, shortened guide bar life Remedy: Use proper saw chain tension ad invert guide bar on saw periodically to distribute wear 11. Rails in tip of sprocket-nose guide bar spread, allowing loss of bearings. Cause: Accidents or irregular operating techniques twist the nose or push drive links sideways against the nose’s rails Symptoms: Sprocket breakage Remedy: Replace sprocket components Keep guide bar nose away from objects not intended for cutting 12. Sprocket in sprocket nose guide bar breaks. Cause: High saw chain tension, accidents, saw chain broadsided by log pulling saw chain out of guide bar rails Symptoms: Guide bar nose sprocket no longer functions Remedy: Replace sprocket components Use proper saw chain tension
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