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Ricardo Nincheri, résident de Hawkesbury, lance un programme de dons en collaboration avec l’épicerie indépendante Asselin dans le but de collecter de la nourriture et d’autres produits pour les banques alimentaires locales. (Antoine Messier, EAP) “People want to help but don’t always know what they can do” said Nincheri. He says he was inspired by the story of a man, Peter Norback, in Arizona who had started a donation program. Norback asked his neighbours to leave a can of food on their porch so that he could collect them and redistribute them to local food banks. Independent Grocer will also insert pam- phlets in grocery bags after purchases. All food goods will be given to the local food bank. By the people, for the people

besoins des communautés en amenant les services gouvernementaux là où les gens vivent, travaillent et font leurs courses. » La province a déclaré que le partena- riat permettra d›augmenter de 30 % les heures de service par rapport aux centres remplacés. La province n›a pas indiqué si elle avait l›intention d›étendre le projet à d›autres endroits à l›issue du projet pilote de trois ans. Nincheri saw this idea and thought it could be simplified by promoting donations inside of the grocery stores themselves. The program is beginning in Hawkesbury, but its founder has bigger goals. “I want it to be like a spiderweb. We’re trying it at Asselin and if people like it, we’ll try to get it into other grocery stores” said Nincheri. Nincheri has already discussed with Foodland in Vankleek Hill and Fresco in Hawkesbury but no partnership has been officialised yet. He hopes to convince people in other cities and municipalities to talk to their local grocery stores and foodbanks to grow the program all across the region. For now, he is working alone on the pro- ject. “We’re going to see how this goes “said Nincheri enthusiastically. “I’m sure we’ll find volunteers when we need them.” The One Item a Week program is in it’s second week of operation at Asselin Inde- pendent Grocer. “The three subjects are related and that’s why I chose them. I always insist that eve- rything is interconnected.” The first talk on the subject of AI was held on January 31 at the Champlain library. During the talk, Real not only discussed how artificial intelligence works but also addressed questions many are asking such as “is AI going to take over people’s jobs?” and “is it dangerous?”. The second conference will be about blockchain technologies and cryptocurren- cies and the third will be on virtual and augmented reality. “You ask a lot of people what the block- chain is and they don’t know,” said Real. “It’s going to change our economy, so it’s important to know what it is.” The next two conferences will be held Wednesday, February 21 and Wednesday, March 20 from 6:30 to 8 PM at the Creative Center in Vankleek Hill. The talks are held JO&OHMJTI

Hawkesbury resident Ricardo Nincheri is launching a donation program in col- laboration with Asselin Independent Grocer aiming to collect food and other goods for local foodbanks. “We only can count on each other, and that’s what we’re doing” said Nincheri. The program, called One Item a Week, aims to incentivize people to donate one item per week for local food banks. One Item a Week installed food donation boxes near the exit at Asselin Independent Grocer. Nincheri also set up a banner with a list of items necessary for the foodbanks at the moment. “The grocery stores are being very kind to accept the idea and to let us promote it” praised Nincheri. “Mr. Asselin has a good vision.” To promote the program, Asselin


The Champlain Library is offering a series of talks on artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and virtual and augmented reality with guest speaker Fernando Real. “They’re technologies that are changing our lives, the same way the internet and phones changed people’s lives” said Real. Fernando Real, a freelance graphic desi- gner with studies in design and engineering living and working in Vankleek Hill, said he has worked on a number of virtual reality projects. “I was close with the world of computers all my life” said Real. The goal of the talks is to educate people on what AI, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and extended realities are, how they work, and how they could affect reality in the future.

Fernando Real offre des conférences au sujet de l’intelligence artificielle, les cryptomonnaies et la réalité virtuelle à la bibliothèque Champlain. (Antoine Messier, EAP) SERVICE ONTARIO DES CUPR RESTE EN PLACE


associé à Staples Canada pour transférer neuf centres ServiceOntario dans des maga- sins privés, affirmant que cet arrangement permettrait à la province d’économiser un million de dollars au cours des trois années que durera le projet pilote. Malgré la présence d’un magasin Staples, le centre ServiceOntario de Hawkesbury restera pour l’instant au 179, rue Main et participera au projet pilote de la province. La majorité des établissements touchés se trouvent dans la région de Toronto et dans le sud de l’Ontario.

jø&OOPVTBTTPDJBOUÆVOEÊUBJMMBOUFYQÊ - rimenté, bien établi et très présent dans la collectivité comme Staples Canada, nous pouvons créer des moyens plus simples, plus rapides et plus efficaces de relier les Ontariens aux services essentiels dont ils dépendent, a déclaré Todd McCarthy, mi- nistre de la Prestation des services publics et des services aux entreprises, dans un communiqué de presse. Notre programme de partenariat avec les détaillants amélio- rera l›expérience des clients et répondra aux

L’annonce faite par le gouvernement de l’Ontario à la fin du mois de janvier, selon laquelle un certain nombre de centres ServiceOntario seront intégrés à des magasins Staples, n’aura aucune inci- dence sur les centres de Hawkesbury, de Clarence-Rockland, d’Embrun et de Casselman. Le 29 janvier, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé de façon controversée qu’il s’était

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