American Consequences - June 2021


Since sports are escapism, the view from certain quarters seems to be that athletes should keep politics, and “woke” politics in particular, off the field and off the court. chosen profession. In other words, we’re asking too much of athletes when we expect them to be political. political theorists and partisans in addition to showcasing their unique brilliance in their Curry, and Mike Trout and Mookie Betts. Per Canadian economist Reuven Brenner, the “vital few” elevate those around them. If the individuals whose athletic exploits drive enormous valuations and profits for multibillion-dollar corporations want to talk politics, why shouldn’t they? Arguably the better case for athletes, along with entertainers and CEOs, steering clear of politics is that it’s asking too much of them. As the title of this piece makes plain in a narrower sense, we insult the genius of athletes when we expect them to be EVERYONE BUYS SNEAKERS This truth is arguably most notable in basketball. Probably because there are so many black players on NBA rosters, the expectation is that the players will shill for the Democratic Party while playing basketball . How could they not? As President Biden explained it to voters in the 2020 presidential election, “You ain’t black” if you vote for the other guy. But why?

their proverbial lanes on the way to embarrassment when talking about what they don’t understand, but professional athletes are routinely expected to take stands on matters about which they’re not experts. It’s very unfortunate... And it’s also disrespectful to the athletes. About the ongoing politicization of athletics... so much ink has already been spilled about how sports should be a refuge from life’s contentious worries for fans. Since sports are escapism, the view from certain quarters seems to be that athletes should keep politics, and “woke” politics in particular, off the field and off the court. Also, Republicans buy shoes, too, don’t you know? Why offend potential customers with political commentary? It all sounds reasonable at first glance, except that members of the Right have long made a case that corporations are but an aggregation of individuals, and as such, limits on corporate political speech amount to limits on freedom of speech. There was even a Supreme Court case, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission – the outcome of which conservatives cheered. Corporations would (and better yet should ) have a political voice if they chose to. In that case, professional athletes should feel free to similarly express their own views if they want... In so many ways, they are the corporation when it comes to the NFL, NBA, and MLB. If this is doubted, imagine the value of professional teams today and the leagues they’re part of without Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers, LeBron James and Steph


June 2021

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