Biola Broadcaster - 1965-06

TheBibleInstiuteH»ar CALIFO RN IA Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo


broadcaster Monthly Publication o f the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP V o l. 5 N o . 6 J U N E , 1 9 6 5 CONTENTS OVERCOMING PROBLEMS ........ 3 RELATED TO CHRIST ............... 5 BRETHREN OF C H R IS T ............. 7 I A M THE V IN E ...................... 11 FRUITFUL LIVING ...................13 VICTORIOUS LIFE .................... 15 MOTHER'S DAY ...................... 19 SONG OF SOLOMON ................ 21 QUESTIONS AN D ANSWERS .... 25 TUESDAY-THURSDAY STUDIES ..31 COVER: Students of Biola College's "pilot class" in the nursing depart­ ment, preparing for the R.N. degree. Their names and home towns- are listed on page four. Y O U R C H R I S T I A N W I L L Did you know that there is a way to invest in Biola for the training of students while saving costly estate taxes. Ultimately you may be able to leave more money for your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligations when you write for information or counsel. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT S T A F F President.................... S. H. Sutherland E d ito r.................................. Al Sanders Production ...............Virginia Schwepker Photography .................William Ehmann Printing________ _______ Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California.

4:00 9:30 9:00 A.M.MTWTF P.M. Sun A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. Sun. A.M. MTWTF P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 8:00



Bakersfield-Wasco KÀFY Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU KWSO

550 1050




94.5 (FM)

Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI



8:30 9:00

107.5 (FM)

KTYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KAAR 104.7 (FM) 8:00 KOXR 910 8:00 Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 8:00 San Bemardino-Riverside KFXM 590 7:30 11:00 10:30

^ | a .M. Sun. Vacation with a Purpose BIOLA CAMPU S CONFERENCE June 27-July 3, 1965 (See back cover)

Santa Cruz KSCO

1080 8:30 A.M. Sun.

KSCO 99.1 (FM)

8:30 A.M. Sun.

San Diego

7:30 A.M. MTWTF 860 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 910 4:00 P.M. Sun.

KBBW 102.9 (FM)


San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY

1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF

1440 7:00 A.M. Sun.


9:00 A.M. Sun.

KHOM 93.1 (FM)


Albany-Eugene KWIL Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KWIL

790 790

8:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:00 A.M. MTWTF


8:30 A.M. MTWTF


8:30 A.M. MWF

Portland KPDQ

800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M.MTWTF


93.7 (FM)


Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN 630 Spokane KCFA 1330 Walla Walla KTEL 1490 Yakima KBBO 1390

11:30 A.M.MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MWF 10:00 A.M.MTWTF (Radio Log continued on page 23)


I T HAS BEEN A HEAL PRIVILEGE for me to be in your wonderful coun­ try for the first time. My heart has been thrilled to fellowship with won­ derful believers who, regardless of what area in which we may find them, find the bonds in Christ as natural and refreshing. It has been interesting, however, to meet people who have told me, frankly, “It was not difficult for me to become a Christian, however, it is extremely hard for me to be a Christian.” Maybe some of you have felt this way. Hav­ ing accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour, there is absolutely no lack of assurance on your part. You know you are going to heaven when you die. Nevertheless, discouragement has been your lot and you frequently become frustrated. As an analogy, it didn’t take me very long to get married. One day I stood at the front of a church and a certain young lady of my choice came and stood beside me. The preacher said a number of things to which we both affirmed, “I will.” You see, it is one thing to get married but it is en­ tirely another thing to live a happy married life. In essence, on the day of our marriage I told my wife, “Look, I want to give myself to you.” She responded beautifully with, “Fine, and I would like to give myself to you.” The whole principle of our mar­ ried life since that time has been that we have continually sought to make ourselves available to one another. In other words our married life simply has been a projection of the original crisis we shared together. (I use the word “crisis” in a right sort of way.) We made a decision or a covenant with each other. If either of us at any time failed to honor that agreement then things would not go along very well. To the degree in which we are Dr. Briscoe is a member of the Torchbearer's Society, Capernwray Hall, England.

prepared to carry on a step at a time the way in which we began, our mar­ ried life really works. This example is perfectly applica­ ble as fa r as our salvation is con­ cerned. The Christian life only works on the basis that the initial contact we made with Jesus Christ is applied in every circumstance of life. Are you able to say continually, “Lord Jesus, I make myself available to You.” In return He says, “I make My­ self available to you.” What happens when you have a problem? Do you say, “Lord Jesus, I make myself available to You.” What do you say when a temptation comes along? Do you commit it all to Him? What do you do when you have an opportuunity too big for you? Do you look to the Lord to be your all sufficiency? These are the ways by which the Christian life works. Too many Christians forget their initial contact and find only disap­ pointment and spiritual misery. So many believers find their spiritual lives disintegrating since they are not making themselves available to the Saviour. Your Christianity is totally dependent upon the degree in which you live in faithful relationship to Him. There are many believers whose Christianity is totally dependent upon the church. Others rely on certain principles as they seek to conform to various patterns. Others find them­ selves shaped and molded by various moods. There is only one way by which the Christian life can work. That is when one exists in a living fel­ lowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Examine your own heart at this mo­ ment, asking yourself, “How deep is my relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ?” If there is no depth or real­ ity today in your relationship to Him, then you are desperately in need. In I Corinthians 1:9 we read, “God 3

is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” This unchanging God has an unchanging purpose for your life. It is simply to call you into fellowship w ith His Son, J e s u s Christ. To be sure, the church is im­ portant; the patterns handed down to us are important (provided, of course, they are the correct pattern s); the principles we are taught are impor­ tant, but it is possible for the church to organize the Lord Jesus Christ out of business. The danger for us is merely to con­ form without having any real vibrancy to our being in union with the Saviour. We can do no better than to say, “Lord Jesus Christ, I want You to re­ veal to me the reality of Your person. I want You to make Yourself increas­ ingly precious to me. I want to live in the relationship with You whereby You are constantly making all that You are real to me.” This, my friend, is exactly what Christianity is all about. Is this your kind of Christianity: a very ordinary human being here on earth living in close fellowship to a very extraordinary Saviour let loose in his life? If this isn’t your case, you will only continue to experience prob­ lems and extreme difficulties. May God bind these things on your heart and help you to do the right thing as He speaks to you at this moment. OVERWHELM ING DEDICATION Years ago in the Italian army there was a company of soldiers who were known as “death men.” They would vol­ unteer for any especially dangerous tasks. Their love was so great for their country, and they themselves were so dedicated to their officers, that whenever a request came, even if it appeared to he a risk of death, they would willingly carry forth the orders. Whenever a call was issued, so dedicated were these “death men” that more than twice the needed number stepped forward. Our Biola students are not called “death men," however, their dedication is very similar. By God’s grace they are willing to go wherever the Lord may call them, to the uttermost parts of the earth.

i Miss Lewie V. Soubireu (left), chairman of the Department of Nursing, BIOLA College, and Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Biela president, meet Miss Suellen Skinner, representative ef the Nurses Christian Fellowship. COVER PICTURE: BIOLA R.N. STUDENTS Fourth row: Sharon White, Empire, Ore.; Janet Brown, Whittier, Calif.; Carol Mims, Yucaipa, Calif.; Beverly Whilener, Corvallis, Ore.; LaRelle Stensland, Spokane, Wash.; Joyce Alexander, La Mirada, Calif.; Diane Donell, El Paso, Texas; Claire Vickers, Pasa­ dena, Calif. Third row: Dena Memmler, Glendale, Calif.; Julia Harris, Seattle, Wash.; Cheryl Tyra, Lowell, Ariz.; Margarita Barr, Nogales, Ariz.; Shela Painter, Imperial Beach, Calif. Second row: Julie Walker, Pacific Grove, Calif.; Kathleen Kildall, Mt. Vernon, Wash.; Theresa Parr, SI. Joseph, Mo.; Linda Booth, Baywood Pk., Calif.; Joanna Ritchie, Gardiner, Ore.; Janet Olson, Turlock, Calif.; Elizabeth East­ man, Baltimore, Md.; Carol Richards, San Diego, Calif.; Bonnie Dickey, Phoenix, Ariz.; Mary Beaver, Huntington Pk., Calif. First row: Terrie Moore, Lyn­ wood, Calif.; Lura Ebeling, Buena Pk., Calif; Linda Stewart, El Paso, Texas; Ann Hunt, Lewistewn, Ida.; Della Lutz, Lodi, Calif.; Diane Martin, Oceanside, Calif.; Phyllis Tobey, Albany, Ore.; Loretta Gardner, San Fernando, Calif.; Eileen O'Reilly, San Francisco, Calif.; Louisa Couvillion, Park Ridge, III.; Darlene Abken, San Bernardino, Calif. LIFE'S INV ITA T IO N Years ago when caravans in the Sa­ hara desert were in need of water, riders on camels were sent out to search for possible wells. I f no report came back, a scout was sent in another direction. Then a third and a fourth until a water hole was finally discovered at which time the guide would shout back the word in the native language, “I ’ve found it! I’ve found it!" Then a wave of joy would go up from the whole caravan. What a priceless life-giving substance. Similarly, how wonderfully refreshing it is to hear the words of Scripture, “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye!” The word “come” appears more than 600 times in the Bible, about 400 of which are in the New Testament. 4


by D. Stuart Briscoe

O NE OF THE SIMPLE SECRETS of a dynamic Christianity is living in lationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is of vital importance. The Bible gives us a very beautiful picture of the relationship He intends to have exist between human beings and the Saviour. In Romans 7 :4 we read, “Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law of the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fru it unto God.” When we took the Lord Jesus Christ as our own personal Saviour, as fa r as God is concerned, we are married to Jesus Christ. What a very beautiful picture this is. It is also, however, a rather frightening one. Those of you who are married have gone into all the wonders of this union.and experience blessed of God. If you are happily married you know, too, what a thrill and delight it is to love someone so much that you just want to share all that you are and all that you have with them. This is ex­ actly what the Lord Jesus Christ has in mind for us. Is this the basis of your experience with the Saviour? I have met so many pitiful Chris­ tians who have no relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ at all. They are just saved and that is all. They have gone no further. It is one thing to stand at the front ,of a church to get married, but it is another to share in all the situations and problems day by day. Everything is dependent upon your love. We can say all sorts of things, and profess all sorts of things, and do all «-urts of things, but the Bible makes it quite clear that profes­ sion means little if practice is not real. This is a very searching thought. We must give heed to it in these days when so many people live defeated lives. It is not the question as to how

much you love the church, or your Christian service, or even your Bible. The question is how much do you love Jesus Christ? Sometime ago one of your presi­ dents spoke about the dropping of the first atomic bomb. He is purportedly to have said, “This is the greatest event in the history of the world.” I have grave doubts that such an evaluation could be placed on this. Actually, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was the greatest event in the history of this world. Our Saviour demonstrated that He is greater than sin, death, hell and the devil. He arose in mighty victory over all the things which would mar and spoil our daily experience. One day every knee will bow before Him. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He has risen in mighty dynamic victory over all things that would defeat us. The glorious relationship God in­ tends for married people to enjoy is to be nothing less than the similar relationship whereby you are in touch with the Lord who is risen from the dead. Do you have problems? Of course you do. Do you have fears? No one is without them. Do you have a be­ setting sin? In all probability this is true. The depth of relationship exists ing between you and the risen Saviour will determine the degree in which His risen life is let loose in your body, giving victory over all the things that ruin your daily life! It is your re­ sponsibility to live in a vital dynamic relationship with Christ. There are some wonderful results to be achieved. One of the happiest days in my life was when I got mar­ ried. Another was the day when my first little boy was born. Still another was when my little girl arrived. One more was when my second little boy came into the world. I wasn’t sur­ prised at all when these children came. As a result of our marriage experi- S

complete fellowship and a perfect re­

ence God in His goodness gave us three wonderful little children. It was not a surprise but a most natural thing. Because of our marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ, we ought quite naturally to bring forth fru it for God. They say that my little girl looks like my wife while my boys look like me. I don’t argue with the people who tell us these things. They may or may not be true. One thing I do know is that God has given to our marriage this wonderful fruit. The fru it is in­ tended to demonstrate something of the root. If you are married to Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, this must be the relationship of your very being and the whole center of your Chris­ tian life. The Christian experience is the greatest thing anyone can enjoy on the face of this earth. Still there are many people who have had their sins forgiven, who are going to heaven when they die, and yet they have no fruit. May I suggest you have dealings with this One to whom you are mar­ ried? Reaffirm the vows and say, “Dear Lord Jesus, the day I was mar­ ried to You, I made my life available. Yet, I'm just beginning to realize that You made Your risen life avail­ able to me. Blessed Saviour, just now work in my life that there might be evidence of Your dynamic resurrec­ tion in me.” May you do this for His sake as well as for your own. A SAD PICTURE A sociology professor was discussing the population explosion with his class explaining it with the illustration, “If you lined up all the people in China, four abreast, and marched them, over a cliff, the line would never come to an end. That may paint a picture of the vast world population, however, the true Christian with a missionary heart could never consider such a situation without a deep and lasting challenge. To the young people here at Biola, this mental picture of the countless millions march­ ing over the abyss of hell, is a dramatic revelation of those of the world march­ ing on and on, heading for a Christ-less eternity. This is why “the love of Christ contrains” them to go!

Biola student trio and their accompanist from left to right, Sharon Maxwell, Joan Hartvigsen, Patty Filler, and Elizabeth Bohanan. A GODLY W O M A N 'S EXAMPLE Dorcas lived in the busy port city of Joppa. Evidently her primary concern was for others. Her home town had more than the usual share of widows and fa­ therless children. The sea was as cruel then as it is now, except that safety and rescue aids then were virtually non-ex­ istent. To these fatherless families Dor­ cas gave her particular attention. Schol­ ars tell us that evidently she was finan­ cially well-to-do. She could have looked out upon widows and orphans, scavag- ing the beach for any scraps of value, soothing her conscience by throunng them a few coins. She chose, however, not to give of her possessions but rather of herself. She wasn’t trying to ease her mind. With her hands she sewed robes, sandals, and garments of all types. They were worth far more than the cost of her time, thread and effort, for they had been stitched with love. Little won­ der that when she became so sick and died the Christians sent for Peter. Dor­ cas’ weeping and bereaved friends could only show him some of the clothing she had made and given to them. Peter, using his God-given powers, bolstered their faith by restoring for a little time their beloved Dorcas. This woman of faith is a living example of practical Christianity. Today, too, there are many Christian women unknown perhaps to the world, but well-known to God (for that is all that matters), who are giving of them­ selves to help others as obedient and tri­ umphant servants of Christ. The Bible exhorts us, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.’’ * * * People sometimes think they have a strong will when it's actually a strong "won't." 6


by D. Stuart Briscoe

O NE OF THE GREAT PROBLEMS we Christians face is making our There are many people who have no difficulty in getting saved, however, as far as living victorious lives, this is an altogether different matter. The Christian life is like a marriage and our bridegroom is the Lord Jesus Christ, according to Scripture. Actu­ ally, the entire secret of effective Christianity is the relationship which is to exist between the Christian and the Lord Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 2:11 we read, “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.” What a beautiful picture of the lovely union which is to exist between us and the Saviour. He sees us as being His brothers and His sis­ ters. Personally, I have one brother. We have this relationship simply because we have the same parents. The reason Christ calls us His brethren is because we all come from the same common source in God. The Saviour made it abundantly clear that the whole secret of His effectiveness as a Man on this earth was simply that the Father dwelt in Him. Over and over again, particularly in John’s Gospel, Christ said that He wasn’t humanly responsi­ ble for what was going on in His life. It was God who mightily worked within Him. As an example we read in John 14:10, “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” Again, in John 5:19 we hear Him say (from the human stand­ point), “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”

One other passage for our considera­ tion is John 8 :28 and 29 where we find Him saying, “I do nothing of my­ self; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.” On the human plain the Lord Jesus Christ was the recipient of the life of the Father, through the indwelling Holy Spirit who filled and flooded Him. He faced worldliness and temptations from His human standpoint. He was led of the Spirit in the wilderness through the three-fold phase of temp­ tations. Then He came triumphant again out of the wilderness, full of the Spirit. He came out unchanged simply because of all that the Father was in Him, and because He was God’s own Son, Man and yet Divine. This same life is made available to us through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever looked upon the Lord Jesus Christ not only as your Saviour, Lord and Master, but also as your Brother? Thereby you will, underline something that thrills the Saviour. He is not ashamed to call you His breth­ ren. He knows that within you dwells the same life that resided within Him, coming straight from the Father above. You know, there are some people who say that my brother and I look alike. It doesn’t seem so to me, how­ ever, I suppose others see things in our mannerisms and facial character­ istics which may appear very similar.. We have even been told that we have very similar voices. There is evi­ dently a family likeness. Now, Chris­ tianity is simply the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ being reproduced in a very ordinary person like you or me. There are many well-meaning peo­ ple who long to be like the Lord Jesus 7

daily lives effective for the Lord.

Christ, and yet there is very little comparison for they have not fol­ lowed the principles involved. The de­ gree of relationship which exists be­ tween you and the One who makes the Father real within you by His Holy Spirit, will determine your degree of Christlikeness. I am not talking about trying to imitate the Saviour. Too many people erroneously endeavor to do this and thereby they constantly fail. There was a little boy who bought himself a hen. When he got it home, he realized for the first time that it was a bantam. He could tell by the tiny little egg. This made him very disappointed. Having seen an ostrich egg down town at a store, he went to see if he could borrow it. When he got it home, he took it to the little chicken and said firmly, “Here, have a look at this, and try harder tomor­ row.” The poor little bantam didn’t know what to do. This little story has a definite parallel with all too many Christians who are trying in their own strength to “do a little better.” It never works. You may take a good look at the Lord Jesus Christ and be so ashamed of your failures that you have vowed you would do better the next day. There is as much chance of you looking at Jesus Christ and being like Him as there is of a bantam looking at an ostrich egg and repro­ ducing it. The Scripture tells us, “Both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanc­ tified are of one.” Christ is not ashamed to call you His brethren. He alone can reproduce His own like­ ness. When you will come to the end of yourself and say, “I’m just a sin­ ner; there’s no good thing in me. I make myself totally available to You, Lord Jesus. Thank You that You live in me. Now start Your work through me,” you will begin to look like your heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, simply because His life is manifest in your life. May God bless you as you ponder and act upon this important truth. * * ♦ The best tact in soul winning is CON fact.

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Dr. Milton (. Gould (center), pastor of the First Baptist Church of Downey, Calif., and president of the Biota Alumni, presents a check for $5,000 to be used in the erection of the Alumni-Missions building on the Campus, to Mr. William Eitzen, executive secretary of the Alumni Association. Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Biola president looks on. GOD'S SM ILE A t two years of age, a little boy stood with a beam of sunshine basking him in its warm rays, and said to the delight of his mother, “Me standing in God’s smile, mama.” He was too young to un­ derstand what his mother meant when she whispered, “May God grant, my son, that you may so live as to always stand in God’s smile." Less than a year later the Lord called home his Christian mother. The child was left to the care of others. Growing to manhood, he found there were things in his world of more interest to him than any thoughts of God. His life was constantly restless and unhappy. One day, in the prime of life, he began looking over some of the things his foster parents had saved from his childhood. A small paper parcel was of special interest. To his amazement, when he opened it, he found a pair of tiny shoes. He read these lines written by his mother. “These shoes were worn by my darling boy when he was only two years old. Standing in a ray of sunlight he said, ‘Me standing in God’s sm ile, mama.’ May the Lord grant that my dar­ ling boy may so live always standing in God’s smile.” Through these words on a yellowed piece of paper, written years before, the Lord spoke to this man’s heart. He realized for the first time that he was seeking to win the smile of the world. As a result he had only found un­ happiness and frustration. Giving his heart to Jesus Christ, he discovered that true blessedness and peace which only the Lord can give. In the little epistle of Jude we have the important exhorta­ tion, “Keep yourselves in the love of God.” 8

Have faith in God, He hears thy prayers; He doth understand every one. Though dark the night with dread alarms, Beneath are God's eternal arms. THE STORY OF A FOOL One day there was a little task God wanted me to do, But I said, "Lord, You'll have to wait, I've got no time for You. I have this little child to raise. And prices are so high; Besides we've found a house and lot We thought we'd like to buy. Soon I took on some extra work, No church— I was too tired. But I got up on Monday morning, I had to— or get fired! Then I said, "I'll have to use The money I owe You. I have so many creditors Whose bills are coming due." And so I went along for years With never a thought for God; Until one day my little child Was laid beneath the sod. The lovely home we'd bought for her Seemed empty now— so bare. In anguish then I turned to God And cried, "It isn't fair That you should take my little one And cause my wife these tears; When we have been so happy here These few short, busy years." 'Twas then I heard the voice of God Come ringing in my ear— " I called upon you once but then My cry you would not hear. Now in your grief you cry for Me, 'Why must this sad thing be?' Your little child became your god, She took the place of Me." Oh my dear friend, find time for God, In everything you do. If not, you'll find that one day He Shall have no time for you. — James McGinley

THE DAY THAT IS TO BE I stand between the day to be And the yesterday that's past. I cannot alter that which was, Though hating my errors cast. I can't recall embittered words Flown forever far from me, Nor can I withdraw the poison barb— Prideful thrust of jealousy. I can't remove the roughshod print Where I trod on your heart, Unheeding then by selfish haste, That you might wish a part. Alas, amid the good and bad— The deeds of yesterday, I must confess, I must repent— Attempt to mend my way. I must invoke in Jesus' name, God's mercy, pure and clean, To wash just now, amend my way— Erasing each ill between. I will today with tender words A new-found love reveal. I too will give to others place, And pray God's balm to heal. O day between, O .day of hope, Today belongs to me That I may alter and prepare For the day that is to be. GOD'S ETERNAL A RM S When trials come with weight untold, And sorrows of your life take hold, Through every ill that wounds and harms, Beneath are God's eternal arms. He knows thy way, He holds thy hand, Each joy or grief does understand; His gentle voice uplifts and charms, Beneath are God's eternal arms. When comes the day when life is done, Thy battles fought, thy race is run, His loving presence soothes and charms, Beneath are God's eternal arms. — R. W. Cooper


PROTECTED BY THE LORD Sometimes it is all too easy to take for granted the protecting, loving care of our heavenly Father. It is like the lit­ tle boy who had been used to sleeping with a night light on in his room. When he reached a certain age his parents felt he was old enough to do without it. He was to get along in the dark. The first night, however, he plead, “But, mommy, do I have to sleep where there’s no light?" His mother reassured him, “Yes, son, you’re getting to be a big boy now. God will take care of you!" Without scy­ thing more he got up out of his bed, knelt down on his knees (although he had already said his prayers), explaining, "As long as I’m not going to have any light I think I ’d better say my prayefb again more carefully." Perhaps some of the rest of us would need to do the same. We so quickly forget that we are the central objects of God’s love. During the heighth of his military conquests and successes, Napoleon re­ ferred again and again to his large map of Europe. He had drawn a red circle around the British Isles. Frequently he would commiserate, “Were it not for this red spot, I could conquer the whole world.” As we think of that, what a blessing to know that we may come to the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. His blood shed on Calvary gives us the as­ surance that this sacrifice is all suffi­ cient. Were it not for this red covering, Satan would be victorious. Wherefore, “we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and washed us in His own blood.” * * * Pride often builds thenest in which pov­ erty hatches out its sorrows. * * * THE LORD'S PROPERTY A Christian servant in a certain home had such implicit faith and confidence in the Lord that he wasn’t shaken by the bitter scorn and persecution of his employers. The more they ridiculed and tried him, the happier he appeared. One day the servant’s master overheard him praying, “Dear Lord, you know the devil’s getting after me. I ’m one of your children in trouble. You’d better come and take care of me because your prop­ erty’s in danger!” Suoh an e a r n e s t prayer will always be answered. What a blessed truth it is to realize that we are children of God, joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

Mr, Merv Fishback (right), executive administrator of Arizona Bible College, Phoenix, discusses Biola's affiliate with Rev. Ed Rogers, ABC stewardship representative. M A N 'S ERROR Although it h a p p en ed nearly six months ago, one can hardly forget the devastating floods which hit Northern California and Oregon Christmas week last year. Damage now totals nearly $500,000fiOO. It was during that period when the new John Day Bridge on High­ way 80 washed away, taking with it th re e lives. The Portland-Oregonian newspaper, in their January 20 issue, in­ terestingly cleared God of any blame, placing the fault as an error in human judgment. It was earlier believed that the collapse of the bridge was simply due to the heavy rainfall and resulting flood. The Oregon h ig hw a y commissioner, however, has frankly admitted that the decision not to rest the central pier on bedrock was the human error in judg­ ment which led to the collapse of the bridge and the loss of lives when the storms came. What was true of this steel and cement structure is a spiritual picture of the lives of many who, in the overwhelming floodtides of trials and temptations, have given way, resulting in personal destruction and failure. So it is with those who have rested their foundations on the shifting sands of human philosophy, or upon some relig­ ious system, rather than upon the Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder we read that tremendous statement of reality and tes­ timony in Scripture that “other founda­ tion can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” * * * If success turns your head, then you're facing in the wrong direction. 10


by D. Stuart Briscoe


I T IS MY EARNEST CONVICTION, based upon Scripture, that the Christian life is simply a relationship between an ordinary human being and a very wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. The depth of that union determines the vitality of Christian experience and the resultant fru it which is produced. In addition to the picture of this re­ lationship compared to marriage and to individuals as brothers, there is another lovely symbol for our consid­ eration. In John 15:5 we read the Saviour’s testimony, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bring- eth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” I must admit that I have spent hours and hours reading these words. They are most blessed to my own soul. If Christianity is totally dependent upon the relationship existing between the Lord Jesus and ourselves, we need to know two things. F irst of all, who He really is, and secondly, what we really are. Both questions are an­ swered quite simply from this verse. He is the great “I AM” the Vine. As far as we are concerned, we are the branches. One day the Lord Jesus Christ was talking to a group of Jews about this. They were furious with Him when He said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” Were they mad because. He used bad grammar? Should He have said, “Before Abraham was, I was” ? No, they knew perfectly well what He meant. When God spoke to Moses, the Lord was asked, “What is Your name?” God said, “I am that I AM.” Moses didn’t understand this, so the words were added, “Go tell them that I AM sent you.” This is the great name God reserves for Himself. Christ rightly claimed to be God Himself. The same was true in His words about the vine. There is so much “froth” which passes for Christianity today. We need

to understand perfectly that if our lives don’t demonstrate the power, wisdom, patience, love and peace of Almighty God, then our brand of Christianity is not of the Lord! Are you willing to make a check on your Christianity? Do you account for your Christian experience in terms of personality, training, inbred convic­ tions, environment or tradition? Can you account for your salvation in all these things? Remember, God only recognizes that Christianity which can be explained simply in terms of Him­ self. It is possible to have all these other things, including church mem­ bership, and yet have no real relation­ ship with Almighty God. You may even receive the praise of other Chris­ tians as you go through all the mo­ tions, and yet your soul is spiritually dry. Let me ask you, “Have you any evidence that God Himself accom­ plishes His work in your life?” God wants you to be related to Him while you live down here on earth. When the Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am the vine,” He was foreshadowing that which is recorded in Hebrews where we read of Him that He is “the same yesterday, today and forever.” He is completely unchanging. There are many people who look back at the Christ of yesterday and agree that He must have been wonderful. I sug­ gest to you, however, that the Saviour wasn’t wonderful, He is wonderful! He wants His relationship in us to be all that He is. So many Christians spend their time trying to live in union with all that the Saviour did; trying to follow an example of all that He was. It does not work. The Christian life is actually an experience whereby you are nothing less than a branch from the Vine which is unchanging. You simply have to be in touch with all that He is. If you want to be in touch 11

with all that He is, then your Chris­ tianity ought to be nothing less than a reproduction of all that He ever was. In all your problems and difficulties your Christianity is a relationship to the I AM who is greater than all your circumstances, more adequate than all your needs, more abundant than any situation you may face. Is It was only a cup of water With a gentle grace bestowed But it cheered the lonely traveler Upon the dusty road. For the way was long and dreary, And the resting places few; And the sun had dried the streamlets And drunk up all the dew. None noticed the cup of water As a beautiful act of love, Save the angels keeping the records, Away in that Land above. But the records shall never perish, And the smallest deeds shall live; Our Saviour demands but little From those who have least to give. It isn't the world-praised wonders That are best in our Father's sight, Nor the wreaths of fading laurel That garnish fame's dizzy height. But the pitying love and kindness, The work of the warm caress, The beautiful hope and patience, And the self-forgetfulness. The trifle in secret given, The prayer in the quiet night And the little un-noticed "nothings" Are great in our Saviour's sight! this a good definition of your salva­ tion? If not, let the great I AM loose in your life. Take a moment now say­ ing, “Lord Jesus, I never realized that all You ever were You are, and all that You are, You are to be in my life, just as branches abide in the vine.” May this be your earnest and avowed purpose today. A CUP OF WATER

Officers of the Biola Women's Auxiliary, standing at right Mrs. Fred Boyd, president, Mrs. At Sanders, vice president, (left) and Mrs. Millard Henry, secre­ tary, (seated). SOW ING HATEFUL SEEDS Some years ago a teenager, living in a rural community, got offended and mad at a neighboring farmer. The more he thought about him, the angrier he be­ came. Finally, he plotted against the neighbor by planting weeds throughout his fields. He used a most obnoxious grass which, when once it starts, is almost impossible to get rid of. As the teenager grew up, ironically he fell in love with the farmer’s daughter and later they were married. When the girl’s father died, the whole farm was willed to the young couple. Bitterness caught up with the boy. Now a wiser man, he sadly commented, “It has been thirty years since I sowed those terrible weeds in vengeance. I have had to fight them every day of my life ever since. I’ve had to reap the tares of my own evil disposition." Ralph Waldo Emerson penned, “Every secret will be revealed, every crime will be punished, every virtue will be re­ warded, every wrong will be corrected. The thief steals only from himself.” No wonder the Word of God rightly attests to the fact that whether in this life or in the judgment to come, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap!” * * * One of the best definitions of humility is just believing God's estimate of you. 12

MAY RADIO MESSAGE FRUITFUL LIVING T here is a very wonderful rela­ tionship which can and should exist between a believer and the Lord Jesus Christ. Christianity is actually a union between an ordinary human being and the great “I AM.” How thrilling and blessed it is to go through Scripture checking the many references when C h r is t uses the phrase, “I am.” He says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” “I am the good Shepherd,” “I am the Light of Life,” and here in John 15:5, “I am the Vine.” What did the Saviour have in mind when He said this? In Ezekiel 15:2-5 we read, “What is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest? Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a pin of it to hang any ves­ sel thereon ? Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire devoureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it meet for any work? Be­ hold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work: how much less shall it be meet yet for any work, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is burned?” If you were going in for landscape gardening and desired to have a very beautiful plot in front of your new home, this portion would suggest you not plant a vine since such a growth is not beautiful at all. One doesn’t have such a thing around for mere ornamentation. Again, if you have been wanting to build an addition to the house, don’t use wood from a vine. It is not suitable. Then, one other thought, don’t hang things on a vine. This Biblical passage shows that it is not useable for this either. It would seem that a vine is only good for fire wood. Yet Ezekiel says it really isn’t too good for that either. What the Lord is pointing out to us is that the sole function of a vine is to bring forth fruit. It must con­

by D. Stuart Briscoe

stantly reproduce itself. So, Christ is saying, “My sole function, as far as you believers are concerned, is that I might reproduce Myself in you.” Is there any living evidence in your life that such is true ? This is a very prac­ tical and realistic question. You see, the vine only grows its fruit through the branches. If one could choke off the branches from the vine the sole function of the growth would be de­ stroyed. Christ wants to reproduce His own wonderful, victorious, triumph­ ant, dynamic life in and through you. His reason is totally beyond our com­ prehension. Why should He limit Himself to activity through Chris­ tians? When you as a branch are not bringing forth fru it you are actually destroying the ministry of the great “I AM.” You are only limiting Him. It is my contention that Christ is not given opportunity to work in these days by the people who ought to give Him the privilege and honot. We do not see Him ev id en c ed in our churches, our homes, our factories and our stores. Too many Christians are so busy they have no time to let the Vine work through them as the branches. Check for a moment on yourself. How much evidence is there in your life of the great “I AM” being let loose? Someone may say, “It’s all very well talking like that but you can’t really apply this particular truth when it was spoken to a little group of dis­ ciples some 2,000 years ago. We are in the 20th century.” Basically, how­ ever, men are no different at all. Look at these men to whom Christ spoke. As a, John was a dead loss. The Lord Jesus had to call him “son of thunder” because he had such an uncontrollable temper. At the start he evidently was a bitter indi­ vidual. When the people of Samaria didn’t agree with him he wanted to 13

call down fire from heaven upon them. He was also a proud young man. He actually suggested that he should have a place of prominence with the Lord in His kingdom. The wonderful sequel to the story is that Jesus Christ was prepared to be the great “I AM” in John’s life. He then reproduced His risen life through this young and proud upstart. This is what the Saviour wants to do in your life as well. Think of another of these disci­ ples. Peter was a genius, an absolute expert, when it came to saying the right thing at the wrong time. When- GUIDED Sometimes I cannot see the road ahead; Each weary mife Is gained with trembling and with fear, And all the while I long to hear the guiding voice of One I Know

"Operation Firebrand" student, Fidencio Dumaran of the Philippines, has been heard frequently on the "BIOLA HOUR." Among other work, Mr. Duma- ran has an orphanage with some 145 children he cares for. He has been a real asset in this year's student body. He plans to return to Manila in August, the Lord willing. OPEN CONFESSION During the days of the reformation there was a monk named Martin of Basle who came to a knowledge and truth of Christ as Saviour. He realized that he could only be justified by confessing his sins and receiving the Lord. This tes­ timony was written on a piece of paper, “Oh, most merciful Christ, I know that I can be saved only by the merit of Thy blood. Holy Jesus, I acknowledge Thy suffering for me. I love Thee, I love Thee.” He hid this simple confession in a hole between the stones in the wall of his small room. The paper was not dis­ covered for more than a hundred years after his death. Until that time no one knew that Martin of Basle had really found Christ as Saviour. A t the same time, another monk named Martin of Wittenberg, discovered the same truth. He openly made known his profession of faith although it cost him greatly in many ways. The world m il never forget Martin Luther. Because of his bold wit­ ness for Christ, a mighty transformation swept across the church world. This word “confess” in our m odern language means “to say openly," or “not to keep silent.” This is what the Lord Jesus Christ meant when he declared, “Whoso­ ever, therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whoso­ ever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” * * * The devil is never too busy to rock the cradle of a sleeping backslider. 14

Telling me where I ought to go. Vet reading in His Word I find A comforting short verse That tells me that "my steps are ordered" And I need not rehearse Each timid move, But only step a little way As He directs from day to day. Then I can walk and feel secure My every footstep will be sure.

— Cecilia Stanley Hill

ever he opened his mouth he put both of his feet in as well. The Lord Jesus got a grip on his life and said, “Peter, you’re a branch and I am the Vine. Why don’t you let Me start working in your life?” The change came when Peter said “yes” to the Lord. This is what Christianity is all about. It is a divine relationship whereby you, a very ordinary person, allow the Lord Jesus Christ, the Vine, to reproduce His life in you. Have you ever experienced this kind of Chris­ tianity? If not, have a word with the Lord right now. Get the matter set­ tled in your life today!

MAY RADIO MESSAGE VICTORIOUS LIFE I sn ’ t it wonderful to realize that our blessed Saviour is the same “yesterday, today and forever?” He wants for our lives, above all else, that we may each enter into a rela­ tionship which will bring spiritual victory and maturity. True Christian­ ity is simply the unchanging Christ being allowed to do in our lives all that He ever has promised to do. The Lord limits Himself to bring­ ing forth fru it through branches such as we are. The degree to which He is allowed to reproduce Himself determines the degree of our spiritual growth. Today, there is so little evi­ dence of the Lord Jesus Christ at work in churches, as well as individ­ uals. The reason is that the branches are not functioning as branches. No wonder the Saviour declared, “With­ out me ye can do nothing.” As a re­ sult, this is precisely what many of the Lord’s children are accomplish­ ing : nothing. The fault comes from an effort to do all kinds of things with­ out taking Jesus Christ into consid­ eration. On the other hand, we can go about Christ’s way, for as He has promised, “He that abides in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.” F ruit is the outworking of the life on the inside. For instance, one can always recognize an orange tree in Southern California. The reason is simply that oranges grow on it. You never see tomatoes or pineapples on it; nature is extremely careful and precise about reproduction. The Lord Jesus said that much fru it would be an evidence of His indwelling the life of the believer. Each of us has a choice to make right now. It is whether our Christianity is going to be totally in­ effective or to be earnest, sincere and fruitful. Will we let Jesus Christ loose in your lives? Christ said, “If ye abide in me and you allow me to abide in you, then I

by D. Stuart Briscoe

will promise much fruit.” Perhaps to some of us it would have been quite sufficient if He had said “fru it” only. Yet since the Lord isn’t satisfied with just fruit, how can we be? Christian­ ity can always be the superlative ex­ perience. We are not to stagger through life, making the best of things. We are to have a real purpose. How much of this type of Christian­ ity do we see these days ? Is there any evidence of the risen Lord Jesus Christ reproducing His life in ordi­ nary people (in you), to a superlative degree? We need not generalize, but rather be personal and specific. The secret is a relationship to all that He is. The Saviour has given us two con­ ditions we must fulfill. Whenever there is a promise there are also con­ ditions attached. The promise here is much fruit, while the conditions are for us to abide in Him, and to have Him abide in us. The victorious life, you see, is a two-way street. Many people fulfill the conditions but never claim the promise. There are others who claim the promise, however, they are not willing to fulfill the condi­ tions. If you go about your Christianity in the manner Jesus Christ desired, much fru it is the inevitable conse­ quence. What does it mean to abide? There are two kinds of people in the world today, according to the Bible. There are those who are in Adam, and those who are in Jesus Christ. God says that the unregenerate indi­ vidual, the one who has never placed his faith in Christ, is in Adam. He doesn’t have to lift his little finger for this, for all men have been born in sin. Because of his sin, Adam was banished from the presence of God. To be in Adam means that the Lord reckons to your account all that He reckoned to Adam’s. The good news is that God has 15

made provision whereby people can step out of Adam into Christ. Once you are in Him, God reckons to you all that He reckoned to Christ. You step out of Adam into the Saviour. Just say, “Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. You died for people like me. I am so thankful. I give myself to you.” At that very moment God will save you completely. To abide in Christ means first of all that we must be certain we are in Christ. Do you know what it means to have been judged already in Christ? As fa r as God is con­ cerned, you were crucified there with Him on the cross. You have been buried with Him to come forth in newness of life. The next thing about abiding is to enjoy it. The Bible tells us, “Blessed be tiie God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heav­ enly places in Christ.” Are you set­ tling down and enjoying all that is yours in Christ? Do you possess all the things the Spirit of God wants to give you? You don’t need to go around asking God for more. He has given them all to you in Christ. If you are not abiding in Him, you can be sure that there will be no fru it in your life. When one receives Christ, he doesn’t receive a thing, but a Person, the Saviour in whom dwelleth all the full­ ness of the Godhead bodily. I t is very possible to have Him and yet not let Him abide in us. Perhaps in your case it was because you never grasped who it was you really received. Say to Him, “Lord Jesus, I'm available to You! I expect nothing less than You to do Your work through me since I’m abiding in You and You’re abiding in me. Thank you, Lord Jesus.” As a result there will be much peace. In addition, there will be many people who will find Christ as Saviour be­ cause you have let the eternal “I AM” loose in your'life. Blessing will be in­ evitable for you. May God bless you richly is my sincere and earnest prayer. * * * An egotist it really an " I " specialist.


Dr. Charles F. Woodbridge (led), chats with Biola President, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, preparing ter Campus Bible Conference June 27 to July 3. See back cover for mere details. Conscience is the still small voice, and halt the time when it tries to speak, it finds the line is busy. * * * If you go through life with a clenched fist, nobody will ever be able to put anything in it. * * * Marriages are made in heaven but a lot of the details have to be worked out here on earth. * * * Pride often builds the nest in which pov­ erty hatches out its sorrows. * * * Wearing your halo too tightly will give others a headache, too. * * * Be filled with the Spirit, for the world can always tell the difference between a vessel that's overflowing, and one that's merely wet on the outside. * * * The fellow who faces the music, will eventually get to lead the band. * * * The strength you acquire through confid­ ence will surely be lost rapidly through con­ ceit. * * * Some people learn from experience while others never quite recover from it. * * * It's not the minutes you take at the table that make you feel fat, it's actually the seconds. 16

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