Biola Broadcaster - 1965-06

spoke the truth of God as He knew it in actuality and all its fullness. There is no evidence to indicate that Christ did, or did not, attend school during the days of His obscurity. Such would not be contrary to the deity of our Lord. On His divine side He needed to learn nothing. He was a human being also, and in that aspect He did grow in wisdom and stature. Q . Seattle, Wash. — “I ’m troubled be­ cause my children now refuse to go to church, although my husband and I brought them up as Christians. What is there for us to do?” A. This is a problem which comes to our attention more often perhaps than any other. There is no set an­ swer since so many circumstances are involved. There is no one reason why such problems should come into the homes of seemingly Godly people. In same cases the parents may have been too possessive of their young people in earlier years, forcing them into re­ ligious habits. Yet, there are other homes where children are allowed great freedom and there are still dif­ ficulties. During these teen years, your child is making tremendous psy­ chological, emotional and physiological changes. He is facing problems of an enormous nature to him. Sometimes, we of the older generation don’t.fully understand or appreciate such pres­ sures of life as our youth seek to be­ come adults. They no longer accept rules and regulations just because their parents say so. They rightly want answers for themselves. The child may appear to rebel against the old order of things. Seek to be ex­ tremely patient with the child and un­ derstanding of his problems. You will most certainly need to diligently, earnestly, and fervently pray. In the case of the mother of St. Augustine, she prayed 33 years for her wayward boy. He repeatedly committed every known sin and it wasn’t until two years after her death that he came to the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. We have the promise of God, “Train up a child in the way he 29

Biola student Dennis Plies, frequently heard on the "BIOLA HOUR,” practices on new pipe organ. Him. For others it was doubtless in­ stantaneous. The Church was estab­ lished at Pentecost. The terminology of “born-again” has to do with Christ’s body. Those words don’t ac­ tually occur in the Old Testament. In those dispensations men were saved by faith as they looked forward to the cross. God promised His redemption as it is first recorded in Genesis 3:15. While evidence shows the faith of some of these apostles was very small and weak the same is true with all of us at some time or other. We believe that as the Saviour made an impact on their lives, they became born- again during His earthly ministry. Q . Medford, Ore. — “In Luke we read that Jesus ‘grew in wisdom and stat­ ure,’ however, did he ever go to school? I heard a minister say that during the days of His obscurity, after His appearance in the temple, He did. Is there any evidence of this?” A. It would not be at all inconsistent to the human nature of our Lord for Him to have gone to school. From the remarks of the learned teachers in the temple and synogogue contacts later, however, these men were amazed that He had not been to the schools as fa r as they could determine. There is no evidence to show that He had gone through educational discipline such as Paul under Gamaliel. He

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