
Show that

Mylène Freeman neutral

15 andwill endMarch 24, 2012. People have



until February 18 to become members.

For the moment, the voting method has

not yet been determined, relates Patrick

Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel MP

Costigan, adding that the one vote-one


MylèneFreeman intends to remainneutral

member concept will be retained. He

in the race to succeed Jack Layton as the

suggests that members keep tabs on the


campaign through the party website.

However, she does not rule out the

The Editor,

Freeman’s decision to not tip her hand

possibility of supporting a candidate

As anoldveteranwhohas servedduring

has surprisedmany, considering that the22-

eventually if issues concerning her riding

the 1939-1945 World War, often old sad

year-old had worked for Mulcair. When

become part of the debate.

memories awaken in me when the

askedwhy she remains neutral, the newMP

Following Jack Layton’s death August

November11 th


says: “I prefer to concentrate on the people

22, the party began organizing the contest to


of my riding. Yes, I worked with Thomas

find his successor. Five candidates have

I feel it ismydutyand thedutyof the few

Mulcair in the last election, but, for me it is

entered the race so far: PaulDewar, Thomas

old veterans who are left to remind the

important that I put my ideas forward. “


population that 44,963 young men and

At the same time, she allows that it is

Brian Topp.

women gave their lives during that terrible

possible that she eventually support a

The first to declare his candidacy, Brian

WorldWar so thatwemay live freely inour

candidate as decision time approaches.

Topp is president of the party and is from

beautiful Canada. The way to show that

Freeman hopes to see that the debatewill

Longueuil. Topp, who speaks French well,

you remember is to proudly wear a poppy

deal with issues such as community

has beenbackedbyprominentNDPers such

during the period of remembrance.

organizations, thebattleagainstpovertyand

as one-time leader Ed Broadbent.

Poppies will be offered to all by

improved access to public services.

Outside of Québec, a membership in a

Legionnaires. There will be many boxes of

provincial NDP organization automatically

poppies on counters in most of the

provides a membership in the federal NDP.

businesses inour community. Legionnaires

But since there isnoQuébecprovincialwing,

will also visit all places of business offering

there are fewer members in Québec than in

served after the ceremony.

wreaths that will be deposited at the

other provinces. Québec NDP assistant

We must also remember the Korean

cenotaph on Cartier Boulevard in

director Patrick Costigan estimates that

veterans, those in military service and all

Hawkesburyat the ceremonyonThursday,

Québec members number about 2,400, out

the soldiers who have served and continue

November 11.

of a total of 88,000 members in Canada.

to serve in peacekeeping missions, where

There will also be a remembrance

Therefore, Québec supporters account for

many have made the supreme sacrifice, in

ceremony at Alfred, Saturday, November 5

three per cent of the total vote. The party is

the Gulf War, Kosovo, the Congo and the

at 2p.m., alsoat themonument inL’Orignal,


ugly Afghanistan conflict.

on Sunday, November 6 at 11 a.m., and in


Inclosing, Iwould inviteall of youat this

Vankleek Hill, Sunday, November 6 at 2

There isnosuchcommittee inArgenteuil-

time of remembrance to have special

p.m. at the cenotaph at V.C.I.

Papineau-Mirabel yet, however, Freeman

thoughts in your prayers for the few old

Friday, November 11, after a church

assures that such a body will be formed

veterans who served in that terrible world

service at 10 a.m. at St-Alphonse Church,

within the near future.

war of 1939-1945 and who are still living

there will be a ceremony with the laying of

Outremont MP Thomas Mulcair, the last

today. It has been66 years since thewar has

wreathsat 11a.m. at thecenotaphonCartier

to enter the leadership race, is an Ottawa

ended. Hence we are all over 85 years old.

Boulevard in Hawkesbury.

native who is bilingual and draws most of


The public is welcome to join the

his support from Québec.

V ETERAN 1939-45

legionnaires at the Legion Hall in

MPMylèneFreeman:Ridingcomes first.



Hawkesbury where a light lunch will be


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