King's Business - 1920-05


THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S time. (6) The visible personal coming of the Lord. (7) The establish- ment ot the millennial kingdom with Christ’s second coming and the re­ moval of the curse. (8) A transfiguration of the planet into a new earth Concerning the truth of the Second Coming, Wesley’s word to Rev Thomas Hartley, rector of Winwick, Northamptonshire, England, concern­ ing Hartley s book on the millennium and the Lord’s coming, has been pub­ lished many times. It was this:, • . Your book was lately put into my hands. I cannot but thank you tor your strong and seasonable confirmation of that comfortable doctrine of which I cannot entertain the least doubt as long as I believe the Bible. ’ ’ . , The very foundations 0f the Methodist Church were laid deep* in the faith of the primitive, apostolic and martyr church. That the great Bible doctrines dear to Wesley’s heart, preached and defended by him and at- tested by the blood of martyrs, should be opposed by Christian men is one ot the astounding developments, in the so-called progress of the church. What a conflagration of holy fervor and soul winning would sweep over the churches if the faith that kindled the souls of the two Wesleys Fletcher, Coke, and the Oxford Methodists should really he revived once more. Would to God that the millennial songs of Charles Wesley, Watts, Heber, Montgomery and others of later times might resound again in every church and camp ground to the praise of the coming King. As Wesley “ Lo, He comes with clouds descending, Once for favored sinners slain. Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of His train. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, God appears on earth to reign.” —K. L. B. ¿Mfc .$!£. Jsk JÉ? Êè R eligious Fits (and Misfits) A friend wrote us some time ago of the apparent failure of an evange- - listie campaign in his town due largely to the fact that one of the leading pastors publicly expressed his disbelief in revivals and stated that in his opinion a revival was “ a religious fit.” A second pastor in the same town completely froze up. What an influence upon the flock over which the Holy Ghost made them overseers! That pastor who tries to hinder the work of soul saving because he does not subscribe to some of the Gospel truths which most evangelists preach, will have something to answer for. A man’s wife died, so the story goes. In driving to the cemetery the hearse ran into a tree. As a result of the jolt the woman is said to have come to life. She lived a whole year and died the second time. The same undertaker applied for the job of conducting the funeral. The husband replied (according to the story), “ I cannot employ you. You are alto- a it0° care*es? a driver.” What some preachers seem to want, if they will tolerate a revival at all, is an evangelist who would drive a dead church to the cemetery without waking up the corpse. __K. L. B.

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