J i r a p r m t h H a r k for Jsntrl is the M agazine fo r all who want to keep up with Jew ish M issions and Zionism . EleventhYear s s s E d ito r: THOM A S M. CHALM ERS. A ssociate E ditors:
REV . HARR IS H. GREGG, D .D ., W innipeg. REV . A . E. THOMPSON , New Y ork City.
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T h ese men know .the Jew ish question. Mr. Chalm ers has been a m is sionary to the Jew s since 1894, in C hicago, Pittsburgh and New Y ork City. Dr. G regg is a stron g Bible teacher and Presbyterian pastor. Mr. Th om pson w as fo r eleven y ears Superintendent in Palestine of the m issions of th e'C h ristian and M issionary A llian ce; au th or of ‘‘A C en tury of Jew ish Missions.** E3 E3 E3 These men co-operate to m ake a stron g magazine, full of information, inspiration and hope. In 1919 it gave 313 separate item s of news on Jew ish m issions, Zionism , developm ents in Palestine, etc., besides m any in teresting articles. One reader say s: "It is the most interesting Jew ish m issionary m agazine in the world. It reports the w ork of the NEW YO RK JEW ISH MISSION and of other Jew ish m issions all around the world. MONTHLY, 24 PAGE S. PR ICE, $1 A YEAR . Send fo r sam ple copies, free. Study our prem ium list and get up a club. THOM A S M. CHALM ERS, 2654 Marion Ave., New Y ork City, U . S. A . Enclosed find $1.00 for a y ear’s subscription to pray er and work for Israel. Name
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