into a barn with the little organ, a num ber of books and one helper. Sitting
After' letting the message sink in, I suggested that those who really desired to accept Jesus as Saviour, and let Him deliver them from the snare of Satan, should get down on their knees and tell Him so, while I prayed for them. Every man of them, seven in all, knelt together, and then and there accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Today that fire house is a different house, the men are different men, be cause the Word of God is there, and the Spirit of God is blessing them and teach ing them. While visiting them a few weeks ago, they asked if some night when they were off duty, it would be possible for us to come and sing, preach and pray with them and tiieir friends. Of course we said “ yes” and are looking forward to being with them again. This is the story of one of the fire houses, and we hope, as the Lord sends in the other 750 testaments, that out of the thousand copies we may have many more stories like this to tell, and many more souls saved to serve. “ Final ly brethren pray for us.” M. H| REYNOLDS.
down in the read ing room with the boys! we sang some of the old familiar songs, which seemed to warm the fel lows’ hearts. It reminded them of the old home, and they really enjoyed it. F i n a l l y I passed the little
Marlon Reynolds
Pocket Testaments around, telling the men if they wished one that they would be obliged to carry it with them wher ever they went and read at least a chap ter in it each day. This they said they would gladly do, and this started my desire to see all of the men in the City Fire Department signed up. After this it was suggested .that we allow God to speak through His Word, and a message was given from it, show ing to the men, sin, in all of its aspects, and last of all pointing them to the “ Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.”
Some of the Boys Reynolds Preaches to.
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