THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S SPANISH WORK Giving the Word to Mexican Catholics N O.W thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish.” Since we are concentrating our ef forts in certain localities, we have no ticed that at the first we have had large crowds coming out to hear us, no doubt with many coming out of curiosity; but as we continue to visit these places there is a falling away of the less interested ones, and only the more interested come together. There is, however, a reason for this. While talking to some of the women they said, “No, we do not want to listen to you because it is another re ligion.” No doubt this is due to the advice of the priest who is somewhat more active during Lent than any other time during the year. But, praise God, there are those whom God is calling out from among the crowd, so that in sev eral of the colonies we have groups of from six to twenty persons who are al ways glad to hear the Word of God. In one of the groups one of the men gath ers in his home those who cannot read and reads to them the Scriptures and other religious literature which we give them. In another place a Christian woman has opened her home and Mrs. Bender has a gathering of women and children. In still another place two Christian families come together with the children iand have a sort of Sunday School. How the Work Reaches Out A young woman, converted a year ago as the result of the testimony of two of our converts, told us that on Christmas Day she sent her New Testa ment to her unconverted brother in Mexico, which resulted in his conver sion. Now week by week, he gathers his children around him to instruct them in the Word of God. Through a Missionary of the Sunday School Union in the northern part of the state we are reaching several scattered Mexican families, supplying them with Christian literature, and in this way we are reaching unto the regions beyond. Rocks-—Rome’s Only Argument Like the Apostle Paul, “We thank God and take courage” for the many
The Tables Turned For Once Ti /r ISSIONARIES to the Jews are ac y l customed to seeking out the Jew- ish people, and pressing home the claims of Jesus Christ as their Mes siah, often on more or less unwilling ears and rebellious hearts; but to have the Jew seek out the Missionary with the sole intention of learning “ the way of life’’ is as refreshing in these dark days as it is rare. Such was the case of Mr. G— —, a well dressed, middle-aged Jewish man who came to our Mission Home a few days ago, and asked for the Missionary. He was told the Missionary was out but would return in about an hour and dur ing that hour he paced back and forth on the sidewalk before the Home. Al most his first words on the return of the worker were, “ I want to know how to have my sins forgiven. I want to be a Missionary.” (The Jews often use the word missionary for the word Chris tian, and what he wanted was to become a Christian.) The worker’s surprise and delight can better be imagined than de scribed. There was a look of determi nation on the inquirer’s face as though he had carefully considered the step he was about to take and had decided to let nothing interfere with his purpose. He had heard the Gospel some years ago in a little Jewish Mission, and the impression made on him had deepened as time went on .- Some of the inner workings of his heart he confided to a Christian who had some work done in •his shop and that man directed him to us. What a pleasure it was to open up the Word of God to this earnest soul, and how true are the words of Moses who said, “ If thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find Him if thou seek Him with all Thy heart.” Before leaving the house that day, this dear man found in Jesus of Nazareth the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. After making the way of life plain the worker had prayer with the inquirer and among other things prayed for this man’s wife and family who are in Russia and whom he has not seen for three years., Grate ful for the worker’s interest and for the Good News he had. received, the man at the conclusion of .the prayer leaned over and in true Russian fashion kissed the worker on the cheek. J. A. VAUS, Supt. Superintendent.
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