THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S evidences of His favor among the Mex ican people in spite of a new experience which we recently encountered, an ex perience that would not have surprised us in Central or South America, but oc curring in free and Protestant America, was quite unexpected. One evening while preaching in a certain place a stone was thrown. It landed on the shoulder of the student who was with us, and glancing, hit the lantern (for it was dark). But we continued to preach, and the Romanist arguments continued to fly. Undaunted by them we went on until we finished delivering the message, and on leaving the place were followed for a couple of blocks, and the argu ments continued to come. But what can we expect of the children of the “ Mother of harlots,” for persecution has ever been the outcome of false religions? Romanism has never had a change of heart. Christ (Tacked On the Wall We were speaking of the Savior to a young man who said, “ Oh, I have Him inside. Come and see.” We went in and saw over his bed a picture of the crucified Christ tacked to the wall. We said, “ That isn’t what we mean,” and then tried to explain, but he was so ig norant. He Wore glasses for he was near-sighted, and we thought of his spiritual condition in connection with his physical state. Truly the God of this world hath blinded their eyes that they should not see. Oh, how much we need to pray for these poor, blinded, de luded souls! ROBERT H. BENDER, . Superintendent. raa HARBOR WORK Tokens of Encouragement T HE fact that from time to time God is letting us see results from the seed-sowing of earlier years of the work has been most encouraging to us. There are those who have some times felt discouraged, trying to reach the men on the coastwise lumber schooners, especially after realizing the vast difference one finds among the men of the foreign and off shore vessels. But the testimony given and the trust placed in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit has not been in vain. Often it was hard work, sometimes discouraging, but nevertheless we always realized that sal vation must be of God. While far bet-
463 ter times are had and far more encour aging results are obtained on other ves sels, some of the men reached from the lumber vessels have given us much joy. Not long ago it seemed best to Him to give us another token to encourage us and strengthen our faith. It was a holi day, but a.a such days often mean good opportunities, it was decided to forego a little rest, and labor in His vineyard that day also; and like a reward this came to us. A large towboat, ready to leave for a several thousand miles’ trip, was boarded; but everyone seemed to have left the ship until a sailor was met who at once was recognized as an old-time lumber schooner man and we ap proached him with the offer of a Moody book. Instead of saying he was not interested he looked at the book, and said, “ I have had several of these Moody' books and I must say they are very rea sonable, and this man, Moody, I do like.” It developed that this man had been on many lumber vessels in San Pedro; and he confessed that he had been an unbeliever, a wicked man, com mitting crimes and generally leading a bad life. “ Some of the other sailors poked fun at the books, but I stood up for them and said every man has a right to belieVe in God, if he wants to, and I read the books and came to see by them that I was wicked and sinful and that life could have no good ending, un less I lived a different life and came to believe in God. I quit smoking and drinkihg and felt better in every way.” Regeneration in Place of Reformation The worker realized that with all his good intentions, having been taken out of an awful life of sin, realizing God’s existence, and fearing Him, it was so far only reformation that this man had; and like all reformed men, he had a certain pride possessing his heart, al though he was sincere and even his changed life was possible only through His help in a certain degree. The worker felt that while awakened to his condition and his position before God as a sinner and filled with fear of the future, he needed to definitely .accept Christ as his personal Savior. The way was made plain and he finally professed willingness to accept Christ. He then opened his heart to the worker and told him how much help the books were in bringing him to himself and to a real ization of his need and lost condition. He was not ready to take the full step
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