King's Business - 1920-05



the birth of Christ. It is yet to be the storm center of the world when the anti-christ arises. It will be the peace center during the millennium and the glory center of the universe when Christ becomes all. M w BIBLE AND TRACT WORK For the sake of believers in Christ, I make the following remarks with refer­ ence to their service in seeking to cir­ culate the Holy Scriptures and Tracts. What have we to do as Tract or Bible distributors? (1) Never to reckon our success by the number of Bibles, or Testaments, or Tracts which we circulate; for millions of Bibles, Testaments and Tracts might be circulated, and little good result from our efforts. (2) We should, day by day, seek God’s blessing on our labors in this par­ ticular, and on every Tract or copy of the Holy Scriptures which we give, we should, as much as possible, ask God’s blessing. (3) We should expect God’s blessing upon our labors, and confidently expect it— yea, look out for His blessing. (4) We should labor on in this ser­ vice, prayerfully and believingly labor on, even though for a long time we should see little or no fruit; yea, we should labor on as if everything de­ pended on our labors, whilst, in reality, we ought not to put the least confidence in our exertions, 'but alone in God’s ability and willingness to bless, by His Holy Spirit, our efforts for the sake of the Lord Jesus. (5) And what will be the result of laboring on patiently in such a spirit? We find the answer in the Epistle to the Galatians, 6:9 “ Let us not be weary in well-doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Observe, in due season. The whole of our earthly pil­ grimage is a sowing time, though we may be allowed to see, now and then,

fruit resulting from our sowing; but if it were not thus, or if comparatively little fruit were now, in this life, reaped, the due season is coming. At the ap­ pearing of our Lord Jesus all will be made manifest. Our reward of grace will be given to us for our patient ser­ vice then; and in the prospect of that day we have patiently to continue in well-doing. But this patient continuing in well-doing calls for much prayer, for much meditation on the Word of God, and for much feeding on the work and person of our Lord Jesus, in order that thus our spiritual strength may be re­ newed day by day.—-Geo. Muller. CHRIST STANDS ALONE THERE is that which is found in Christ which cannot be found in anyone or anything else. He is not to be found in Nature; but when we have found Him, we find Him in all Nature. We need to find Him per­ sonally, and then we possess Him uni­ versally. •We shall not find Him in the diffusive­ ness of Pantheism; but when our faith grasps His Deity, we behold Him throb­ bing in everything, and yet distinct from everything. Christ is not to be found in our human nature; for that is poisoned by sin, and polluted by iniquity; and yet we find traces of the image of God in man. We may study Truth in the abstract, contend for a religious system, and be conversant with the truths of the Bible; but when we see Christ Himself in the Book, then we behold, not only the per­ fect form of the “ burning bush,” but we see the living fire of His personality, and hear a voice which commands our rever­ ence and obedience. “ Do we know Him; not His doctrines; Not His wisdom, love and power; But Himself, the Friend unfailing •In affliction’s darkest hour?” B*. E. MARSH.

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