THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S pure Gospel. I stood at the door and listened and the words spoken touched my heart. The Lord showed me that the Bible was all the word He had given to lead us to salvation. I realized that the ‘holy’ hooks of the Mormon church, with all their erroneous teachings, were of the devil. The result was a glorious bonfire was made of all I had of them at that place. The Lord showed me clearly it was my duty to tell the Chris tian world of the deceit of Mormonism, and more than anything else, to tell the story of how Jesus had^saved, through His precious blood, one Mormon woman and how He is willing and anxious to save all others, whether Mormons or other sinners,” , GIVE GOD A CHANCE A busy preacher was one day telling a venerable Quaker how many times he had to preach, sind, altogether, how much talking he had to do, when the Quaker made this timely remark, “ If thou doest so much talking when hath God a chance to speak to thee?” , m m ONE STEP ENOUGH One step ahead, no more I ask to see; One step ahead He will reveal to me. Christ leads my way; with Him it’s safe to go And what my future is I would not know. One step ahead—why should I anxious he? He knows the way that is the best for me. He reads my heart and what I need He’ll give. How safe my life if in His will I live. One step ahead— no more I dare to ask Than grace today to help me in my task. He’ll lead me through, no matter what the trial, If in His love I trust, this little while. , —K. L. B.
474 a ‘queen wife’. I had taken the temple oaths and obligations and felt myself in every way obliged to obey those in au thority. ,, “ ‘Mormonism is a great secret organ ization under the guise of religion and perhaps the greatest enemy the churches have because they seemingly teach the pure Gospel, and so deceive the people. The Bible, to a Mormon, is the least of four books. It is simply the word of God to the ancient Jewish people. The book of Mormon is the real book of God. The Doctrine and Covenant is also the word of God. The Pearl of Doctrine and Covenant. The Mormon Great Price is a sort of annex to the teaches ‘as man is, so God was; and as God is, so man shall become’, in other words, man is God in embryo. “ The deception which is carried out in their tracts and articles of faith is so cunningly covered over as to mislead the very elect.. Jesus, the son of Mary and Adam; the Holy Spirit, the power in man to become God. Baptism, faith and repentance are three articles of greatest importance in the Mormon or ganization, hut faith is simply faith in the divine knowledge as revealed to the prophet Joseph and his successors, and repentance means sorrow that we did not accept Mormonism before. Christ, the Solid Rock “ Out of this darkness, and a great deal more which space does not now allow me to give, the Lord has wonder fully saved me. I went to a camp meet ing of Christian people to proselyte. Al though I had gone laden with Mormon tracts and booklets, I was convinced when only there a few hours, «that the song ‘On Christ, the Solid Rock, I Stand’ which they were singing, meant some thing I knew nothing about. I began to realize there was a reality in the peace which Christian people seemed to have. I recalled that my father, who was a Baptist minister, having died when I was a child, had taught me the
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