King's Business - 1920-05


THE K I N G ’ S BU S I NE S S keep on doing the wrong thing, God pun­ ishes us, and so one day a great army of heathen men came to fight against God’s people and gained the victory over them because they knew there was sin among them that had not been put away. After the first battle the two sons of Eli went into the church and brought forth the ark, which was not to be brought forth unless God told them to bring it forth, and God did hot tell them to bring the ark out at this time. (Explain the ark to the little folks.) These two sons were greatly frightened and they had good reason to be afraid, for they had been sinning every day and would not confess their sins to God and ask Him to forgive them, and God could not help them in their battle when they would not obey Him, and the ark could not save them, only God could do that, and now God must punish these wicked men for their wrong doing. When the heathen army saw the ark of God they were afraid at first, but finally they began to fight and oh so many of God’s people were killed and the ark was carried away by the heathen people, and among those who were killed were the two wicked sons of Eli. Eli the aged minister felt very sad when he heard that the ark had been taken out of the church to the battle, and he sat upon a seat by the road, so that he might hear the first word of news about the ark,, for he was afraid some evil would happen to it. At the close of the battle a man came running to tell the people how the heathen peo­ ple had gained a great victory. When Eli heard the shouting of the people he asked what it meant, and the man told Eli that many of the people had been killed, also his two sons were dead, and the ark of God had been taken away by the heathen people. Eli heard the sad story told until he learned that the ark of God was taken, and his grief was so great that he fell off from his seat backwards and broke his neck, for

Eli was a very old man and heavy. So now, boys and girls, there is a wonder­ ful lesson for us to learn from this story, for sometimes we do not like to have father or mother correct us and punish us when we do wrong, but you see it is better to have our parents cor­ rect, us than to let us have our own way, for the boys and girls that have their own way always get into trouble, and get a worse punishment in the end. (Teach memory verse.) Now you see God tells fathers and mothers to bring the children up to love and obey God, so now you will remember when father or mother corrects you they are doing just what God has asked them to. Closing Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, we thank Thee for the Bible, and help us to always obey Thy word every day. a » a» CARLYLE’S BELIEF Whatever may be said pro or con about Thomas Carlyle’s religion, it is certain that he believed the record of Genesis about the creation of man. On one occasion, some men who believed the theory of evolution were discussing it, but Carlyle took no part in it. At length a pause occurring, Carlyle em­ phatically and with solemnity observed, “ Gentlemen, you are well pleased to trace your descent from a tadpole and an ape, but I would say with David, ‘Lord, Thou hast made me but a little lower than the angels.’ ”

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