flight” and here this promise is abso lutely fulfilled. (Deut. 32:30). “How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, ex cept their Bock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?” Josh. 23:10. “ One man of you shall chase a thou sand; for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath prom ised you.” God said “ Amen” and put His stamp of approval upon Jonathan’s deed with an earthquake (v. 15). PRACTICAL POINTS (1) While Saul sulked under a tree, Jonathan sallied forth to triumph. (2) Saul, through disobedience, in curred the displeasure of the Lord and was deserted by Him. (3) When fellowship with the Lord is broken, fear fills the heart and failure marks the life. (4) When faith fills the heart, the hand feels the hilt of the sword. (5) The command of our Conquering Leader is “ Come, let us go !” (6) Numbers mean nothing with the Lord. With Him one becomes mighty. (7) The time to strike is when God gives the signal. Dreamers are seldom doers. Delay often means ' defeat. (8) God delights to give His disciples deliverance. Subject illustration—A noble soul. The Watch would not run so the arti cles in the room held a consultation as to what was the matter. “ Clean his face,” said the Washcloth with a flour ish. “ Grease his LESSON works,” advised the ILLUSTRATIONS Soap. “ Put in new W. H. Pike jewels,” urged the Jewel Box. “ There’s dust in his bearings,” said the Duster. “He needs a rest,” murmured the Pil
low. “ There’s a screw loose some where,” sharply said the Screw-driver. «“ Some wheel is bent,” asserted the Tweezers. They all got into a fine row over the matter. Then the Master en tered and took up the Watch, tried to wind it and said, “ Hmm!” and carried it off to put in a new mainspring. Jona than had this mainspring of God which is absolutely necessary to nobility of character. Jonathan built on God. The famous Marshall Field Company in Chicago in erecting their magnificent building to house their great business laid the foundation one hundred and ten feet below the street sidewalk. The first story below the street Is the sales room. Below this the second basement shipping room. Still below this is the subway floor, with machinery, and much besides. Below this are the solid concrete caissons, enormous pillars that stretch down through layers of clay, gravel, and sand, till they reach the firm rock one hundred and ten feet. No wonder they can display so much beauty in the show windows above. What a character can be reared upon the Rock of Ages. Jonathan followed God’s leading. When William Wilberforce and Isaac Milner were starting on a journey to Scotland, it was suggested that they take with them and read together Dodd- ridges’ “ Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul.” This reading led Wilber force to Christ, and through this came freedom to the slaves of the British Em pire. A glance into Dr. Watt’s hymn- book for Children saved Sir Walter Scott from suicide. Captain Cooks’ “ Voyages” made Wil liam Carey a foreign missionary and gave the Bible in their own tongues to over two hundred millions of the human race. Carey’s published letters sent Henry Martyn to India and Persia. Buchanan’s “ Star in the East” sent
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