King's Business - 1920-05



place of business— and there it will wit­ ness of Christ for you day after day. AIZ. WHAT DO THEY MEAN? In a full page advertisement put out by the Interchurch World Movement, a quotation from Horace Bushnell is fea­ tured. Bushnell said, “ One more re­ vival only is needed, the consecration of the money power to God. When that comes the Kingdom of God will come in a day.” Bushnell was a popu­ lar preacher of Unitarian sermons and the writer of very unsound books on theology. He certainly did not mean what the Bible means in the use of the term “ the Kingdom of God.” Some peo­ ple are beginning to wonder if the lead­ ers of the Interchurch World Movement have any clearer conception of what the Kingdom is they are striving to “ bring in.” As used by many “ moderns” the phrase means most anything from a world under the League of Nations to a dry world. i d THE ANVIL OP GOD’S WORD Last eve I paused beside a blacksmith’s door, And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime; Then, looking in, I saw upon the floor, Old hammers worn with beating years of time. “ How many anvils have you had,” said I, “ To wear and batter all these ham­ mers so?” “ Just one,” said he, and then with twinkling eye, “ The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.” “ And so,” I thought, “ The Anvil of God’s Word i For ages skeptic blows have beat upon, Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard, The Anvil is unharmed, the hammers GONE.”

saw the danger and believed in God, they were not afraid to go against the great army, and God was with them and gave them the victory. This brave Prince Jonathan and his armor bearer really and truly believed the memory verse we have for today; they really tried it and found it worked. “ Pear not; for I am with thee.” God always does just what He says He will do, and if we will live so that God is with us, we will not fear any danger. Closing Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, we thank Thee for Thy great power, and help us to be brave soldiers to stand against the wrong where ever we may be. PRINTED PAGE DID IT A King’s Business subscriber writes as follows: “ Enclosed find $2 for The King’s Business. I ca'nnot afford to be without it. It was through The King’s Business that I found my way back to God. One day I found a copy of this magazine on the wayside. I picked it up and it seemed I could not help but stop and read it. Through it I heard the still small voice. Praise God.” It is our aim to make every copy carry the plain message of salvation, so that whoever reads may find the way to God if they really want to know it. There are many religious magazines of which this cannot be said. Put The King’s Business on the table in your public library and other read­ ing rooms— keep it on the table in your

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