King's Business - 1920-05



them that Jesus Christ was a Jew and that He came to save the world. In the “ Oriental Missionary Stan­ dard” G. Sherwood Eddy tells of con­ ditions found in his visit to China. “ Several hundred non-Christians stayed to an after-meeting and almost fought for tickets to gain admission to the Christian meetings. This was due to a feeling which is spreading in China to­ day that the moral maxims of Con­ fucius are not sufficient and that some new power must be found to save this nation. They are turning with open mind to examine the claims of Jesus Christ to see if they can find in Him what they need for the individual and the nation.” EGYPT The paramount importance of medi­ cal missions in Egypt is as a means of opening the doors of th£ self-satisfied Mohammedans and providing a point of contact, according to “ The Missionary Review of the World.” Several weeks of daily contact brings results, and the ex-patients are particularly accessible when the itinerating doctor follows them up. HAWAII A fruitful evangelistic campaign has been carried on by Rev. Paul Kana- mori. For the first time the great mass of the Japanese in the Islands have been reached by the gospel. More than goiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiii^ 1HOW MANY 1

2,000 persons definitely pledged either to enter a new .life or to study further about Christ. INDIA “ We are hearing much about India’s political ferment and social unrest. There are a thousand evidences that back of and underneath it all is the entrance of the gospel that is shaking India from center to circumference. The astounding movement's of great masses and entire castes toward Chris­ tianity in all parts of the country are a sign and seal of the religious charac­ ter’ of India’s awakening from her old religious lethargy to a consciousness of the failure of Hinduism to satisfy the religious and social needs of the scores of millions of the common people. These represented the depressed classes, the untouchable a generation ago; but now we see the Spirit of God is fashion­ ing from these mighty agencies for the uplift and redemption of their fellows, and for the triumph of the Church of Christ.”— Survey of the Fields. The co-operation of all missions in India in establishing a Central Language Training School for Missionaries is be­ ing planned according to a note in “ The Missionary Review of the World.” This is particularly needed as the average efficiency of missionaries as regards lan­ guage is below what it ought to be. Buddhism in Japan is marshalling its forces to meet the advance. THE TEACHING GIFT A mistake that many good people make is to think because God has given them a good experience, therefore, they are immediately qualified to be teach­ ers. This is sometimes a damage to the cause of Christ. As Wesley says, "Much grace does not always imply much light.” God does not .give every body the gift to teach. But everybody can humbly testify to what God has done.



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