King's Business - 1920-05



ON THE TOBOGGAN SLIDE Latest statistics show that of the 110.000. 000 people in the U. S. only 40.000. 000 ever go to any church. There are 3,000,000 fewer children at­ tending Sunday Schools than before the war. Of the total number of pastors before the war, 20 per cent have re­ signed to enter other occupations.

3. “ Neverless X live, yet not I, but Christ. liveth IN me.” Crucifixion is helpless death; life is the capacity of enjoyment and of action. Death is for the old man (Rom. 6. 6 .); life is the principle that actuates the new man. 4. “ And the life which I now live in the flesh I live BY the faith of the Son of God.” This is life, not in its essence and principle, but in its conduct. It is life lived by a faith which has constant reference to the Lord Jesus. It is true that we derive life from Him, and that He lives in us; it is also true that in pursuing our Christian course we live daily by a faith which lays hold upon the Son of God— seeing and dealing with Him who is invisible. He died for me, I am crucified with Him, He liveth in me, I live by the faith of Him. That is Christianity.— Alex Stewart.


Does consciousness continue etween death and the resurrection?

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