King's Business - 1920-05

Individual Cups 1 Every church should use. Clean and sanitary. Send for catalog and special offer. Trial free. PRINTED SCRIPTURE PENCILS are Sunday School and Church “ Assistants” . Stamp. Grable & Co., Lancaster, Pa. Rev. A. Reilly Copeland, S.T.D., Bible Teacher, has been invited by Methodist, Baptist, Pres­ byterian and Methodist Protestant pastors to conduct Bible study campaigns. He has ac­ cepted these calls and will go anywhere in the United States ami Canada. Any one desiring information of the work may write Dr. Copeland at Wills Point, Texas. PREPARED OBJECT LESSONS—-Do you preach to children? If you do, try the “ Seeing Truth0 object packets. Objects and direc­ tions in each packet. Send 10c for a sample packet and the tract called “ How to Preach to Children.” Address Rev. C. H. Woolston, D.D., 1242 Marlboro St., Philadelphia, Pa. NOT S A V E D Th e sermon God h as used to save mul­ titudes. P reach ers say the most powerful of modern times. It will start a revival. Send 10 Cents. E. DeWitt Johnston, Evangelist. Address the Glad Tidings Pub. Co. 602 Lakeside Bldg. Chicago, Illinois

The Eight Little Handmaids of the Bible Object Lessons of Scripture 8 Pamphlets Illustrated No. 1 to 8—12 Object each°Pamphlet Set ° f 8 8 1 ‘ 2 S Get the Eight, price 15c, each postage 2c extra. Order by number Rev. Chas. Eickenberg 4029B N. Hermitage Ave. I CHICAGO. ILL. MENEELY BELL CO T R O Y , N .Y a n d 108 BROADWAY.N.Y.CITY.___ B E L . L 5 SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE CLOTH BOUND Large Edition, $2.50 Small Edition, $2.00 Contains all Scofield helps of more expensive binding ARE CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS CHRISTIANS? Treated as follows: Are there any good people among Christian Scientists ? Will all Christian Scientists go to hell? Are Christian Scientists saved? 8 pages—4c each—30c dozen 100 Assorted Gospel Tracts, Cards and Blotters, 20c Stamps acceptable PIONEER TRACT SOCIETY 813 Hannah Ave. Oak Park, III. IllllUllllllillllllU | Get Your Literature From a Safe Place | jj - Only Sound, Reliable Goods j| Handled 1 | BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, MOTTOES 1 Books, T racts, C alendars, Scrip tural § j Post-C ards, Prem illennial M aga- § H zines, etc. . | 1 Books by Paul Rader and Others | Evangelist F. Bertram Miller 1 C. & M. A. Gospel Tabernacle Kenton, Ohio | llillll]llllllll!inilllllllllllllll!IIIIIIllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllllllllllllll!!lll!llllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllll!l

Thomas Communion Service Co. Box 487 Lima, Ohio

The GOSPEL versus ANARCHY For the 182 Millions of Russian People

“ The Friend of Russia” Informational-Inspirational. William Fetler, Ed­ itor. $1.00 per annum. Special trial offer: 25 cents for six months. 1820 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.


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