King's Business - 1920-05

Why pay $35.00 or $40.00 for an insignificant 3% Oc­ tave, «ingle reed folding or­ gan when you can get a practical 4 Octave double reed PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGAN for $30.00 cash with order? We feel that our offer is a liberal one, and for the purpose of defeating the profiteer. Organs fully guaranteed or money re­ funded.

I V O C A L C O U R S E I | 12 V O C A L LE SSO N S FO R $ 1 .0 0 | | 'Published in B ook Form You should learn how to use your § | voice correctly in singing o r speak- | I | | K eepin g the th roat relaxed is | | essential. Th ese lessons will | 1 teach you how. The book contains system atic 1 H studies in tone production with full 1 instructions how to practice. Send § j $ 1.00 and get the book at once. A . FRAN CK E , V oice T each er | 3210 N. Clark St., Dept. A, Chicago, 111. i ïïiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiüiiiiiiiiiimmii,m,11111^,,! A Great Bible Tool It indexes, by topic and Bible text, the best you read in books, and files clippings almost automatleally. TH E K IN G ’S B U SIN E S S — May, 1919. pp. 424 "It is in advance of any other system we know of for enabling one to locate the material he wants when ho wants ft. PROF. K E IT H L. BR O O KS of the1 Bible ' Institute. " I am usfim this Index und would not know bow to with I t ” * without it. There is nothing to compere DR. G R IF F IT H TH O M A S •TJurtai thirty-five years I have tried all aorta of plane without sucmbs . I now use Wilson’» Index with each satisfaction that I hid others to 'to and do likewise.* ’’ We send the Index on approval. Send .for circular*. W IL S O N INDEX C O M P A N Y B o x x E a s t H a d d a m , C o n n . See review In The King’s Business May 1919, P. 42 4


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