AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING Pocket Testament League Owing to the tremendous rise in labor and cost of material we have been notified that beginning March 15, 1920 the cheap est Pocket Testament published, by the League will be 50c EACH, IN ANY QUANTITY These are the Testaments formerly sold at 45c. Will our patrons please remember this when ordering by mail? THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South H ope Street, L o s Angeles, C alifornia
SONG BOOKS When your Church or Sunday School needs Song Books let us quote you prices before writing East. We have a large selection including the following: SONGS FOR SERVICE AWAKENING SONGS WORLD RENOWNED HYMNS VOICES OF VICTORY SONGS OF DELIVERANCE WORLD WIDE REVIVAL ALEXANDER’S HYMNS and many others. Also remember we are agents on the Pacific coast for the Rodeheaver Com pany. Let. us suggest something to help your needs.
B 0 0 k S and Booklets BY Keith L. Brooks
The Summarized Bible The finest book of its kind ever published. Summ arizes not only every book but every chapter of the Bible. Sam ple p ages on application. WHOLE BIBLE, C loth................$1.75 OLD TESTAM EN T , P aper..............75 NEW TESTAM EN T , P ap er...........50 Simple Studies in Bible Marking A n easy simple method which will ap p eal to you instantly. Bound in p ap er ........................................................25c Ransacking the Scriptures A pocket w onder for the personal worker. Contains Scripture to fit all cases. Price 5c each ; $3.00 per 100
THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles
f. 536-558 South H ope Street, L os Angel es, C alifornia
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