(OMU) Offender Management Unit Assessment Screening Process Offender Management Unit (OMU): Missouri law requires all persons arrested for an alcohol- or drug-related traffic offense to complete an assessment screening at an OMU. The result of this evaluation determines the appropriate level of placement for each consumer. (OEP) Offender Education Program-SATOP Level i A 10-hour education course designed for lower risk consumers in understanding the choices they made that led to their intoxication and arrest. $200.00 Services and Fees (WIP) Weekend Education Program-SATOP Level ii A 20-hour level of service designed for repeat or high risk consumers using intensive education and counseling intervention methods over a weekend of structured activities. This program is conducted in a restrictive environment. $256.70 - $474.15 (Includes cost of materials). (CIP) Clinical Intervention Program-SATOP Level iii A 50-hour outpatient counseling program consisting of individual counseling, group counseling, and group education. Ten hours must address impaired driving issues. $250.00 - $1067.42 (SROP) Serious and Repeat Offender Program-SATOP Level iV An outpatient program consisting of at least 75 hours of treatment in no less than 90 days. Services must include a minimum of 35 hours of individual and/or group counseling. Successful completion of the treatment is left to the discretion of the program’s clinical staff based on the specific needs of the consumer. $250.00 -$1500.00
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