
Abstract Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was a purely Palestinian act according to the statements of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and confirmations from Iran. However, these confirmations did not avert serious and repeated questions about the limits of the Iranian role, especially since Tehran openly supports Hamas with funds, training and weapons. Questions regarding Iran’s role, as well as that of the Axis of Resistance, may not be limited to the scope of the role but may extend to its essence and nature. The Palestinian issue is deeply embedded in Iranian political thought and has formed a significant pivot in Iran’s foreign policy since the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran’s stance – and hostility – towards Israel –has been unwavering for over four decades. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of Iran, which have governed its policy in building alliances within the region, cannot be overlooked. These alliances have given rise to the Axis of Resistance. This is fundamentally linked to the ongoing conflict with Washington and Iran’s growing regional influence. More than a hundred days have passed since the Israeli aggression on Gaza started, and the Palestinian resistance has demonstrated its ability to manage a unique type of confrontation that the Israeli occupation has never witnessed before. The Axis of Resistance, represented by Hezbollah, the Popular Mobilisation Forces and other groups, joined the confrontation. The resistance in Gaza appreciated its efforts and requested more. Then, Ansar Allah joined to prevent the movement of ships heading to Israel, which made a significant difference. Considering the gravity of and determination in its actions, Ansar Allah seems to represent the crown jewel in the Axis of Resistance. The participation of the Axis, even if it represents no more than 5 % of its capabilities, serves as an indicator of the dilemma Israel may find itself in. This study examines the Iranian role and the role of the Axis of Resistance, as well as how confrontation with Israel and the United States is managed. It also explores the limits and determinants of these roles. Keywords: Al-Aqsa Flood, Hamas, Iran, Axis of Resistance, Ansar Allah

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