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(49) Ibid. (50) Kheder Khaddour and Harith Hasan, Ibid, 8-9. (51) Ibid. (521) Kheder Khaddour and Harith Hasan, Ibid, 16.

(53) Nabih Bulos, ‘‘Iraqi leaders reject Trump’s plan to use their country as a base against Iran,’’ Los Angeles Times, 2019, ‘‘accessed April 24, 2021’’. https://lat.ms/3tQzbRs. (54) Brian Everstine, ‘‘Withdrawing from Key Operating bases in Iraq,’’ Air Force Magazine, 2020, ‘‘accessed April 24, 2021’’. https://bit.ly/3sS2TV0. (55) Kheder Khaddour and Harith Hasan, Ibid, 16-17. (56) Matt Bradley, ‘‘Islamic State Executes at Least 40 Tribal and Iraqi Government Fighters,’’ The Wall Street Journal, 2014, ‘‘accessed May 31, 2021’’. https://on.wsj.com/3fBoXjl. (57) Omar Hejab, "The Defiant Iraqi Tribe of Haditha," The Arab Weekly, 3 July 2015, ‘‘accessed 2 January, 2018’’. http://www.thearabweekly.com/?id=966. (58) Craig Whiteside & Anas Elallame, ‘‘Accidental ethnographers: the Islamic State’s tribal engagement experiment,’’ Small Wars & Insurgencies, 2020, 225, ‘‘accessed April, 21, 2021’’. https://shorturl.at/wDGV0. (59) Shelly Kittleson, ‘‘Anbar tribes key to security, political backing ahead of Iraq’s October Vote,’’ AL-MONITOR, 2021, ‘‘accessed June 02, 2021’’.

https://bit.ly/3g3fG2z. (60) Wikileaks, Ibid.

(61) Al-Nahar, ‘‘Which Sunni factions are benefitting from the new law?,’’ Al- Nahar, November 27, 2016, ‘‘accessed June 02, 2021’’. https://bit.ly/34MXoxl. (62) Michael W. Hein, ‘‘Western Anbar after the Awakening A Tale of Three Cities,’’ Military Review, 2018, 98(2), 114-115, ‘‘accessed December 21, 2020’’. https://bit.ly/3vj4chu (63) Anand Gopal, ‘‘The Hell After ISIS,’’ The Atlantic, May 2016, ‘‘accessed May 31, 2021’’. https://bit.ly/3p75Qkh.

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