
Abstract The study aims to explain the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in China’s peaceful rise and the organisation’s ability to limit US military interventions in East Asia. The study also aims to review China’s foreign policy and the role of specific security agreements of the SCO. China has successfully collaborated with member states and participated in resolving crises in the region. One of the most significant findings of the study is that the concept of peaceful rise is controversial, considering the official Chinese position and discourses that suggest the use of military force to reunify Taiwan. However, there is an interest in the concept of moving towards establishing foreign relations based on cooperation and multipolarity in order to achieve stability in the world. As a result, China has benefited from the SCO through the prevention of any external interventions or "colour revolutions" from changing political regimes in member countries. Despite border tensions between China and India during 2013-2022, security, and economic competition between China and Russia in Central Asia, they are not mentioned, given China’s continuity and success in achieving its goals. Keywords: China-peaceful rise, Shanghai Organisation, Communist Party of China, Chinese socialism.

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