
Abstract This study addresses questions about the dimensions of the war on Gaza that started on the 7th of October 2023: What are the geopolitical implications of the Al-Aqsa Flood and the war waged by Israel against the Palestinian people under the pretext of deterrence, revenge, securing the release of the hostages, and eliminating the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)? Who are the winners and losers in this new geopolitical landscape? To answer these questions, the study sheds light on emerging geopolitical trends, places the war in its proper context, and explains the nature of subsequent geopolitical transformations. Moreover, the study examines the transformations that may result from this war, including a temporary setback in Arab-Israeli normalisation, Israel’s loss of deterrence, causing adversaries to neither fear nor respect Israel, and a relative decline in the influence and status of the United States due to its blind alignment with the Israeli position. This has turned the United States into a party to the war, allowing China and Iran to benefit regionally. The study focuses on medium-term transformations, such as the rise of extremism in the coming days and the decline in the prospects of a two-state solution, despite a reasonable opportunity to initiate a peaceful path. However, it will be limited and incapable of achieving the desired change. The final result indicates that the Al-Aqsa Flood will be a significant turning point in regional policies, pushing the Palestinian cause to the forefront. Some countries will be compelled to readjust their foreign policies to align with the post Al-Aqsa Flood era. Keywords: The war on Gaza, Geopolitical Dimensions, Hamas, Normalization, Israel.

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