y-Making Marketing Message With Our 5-Step ‘Mad Men’ Approach
STEP 2: Twist the dagger. Your marketing message should speak directly to your target demographic and address what marketers call their “pain points” — things that worry, frustrate, scare, or annoy them. Your product or service is the cure to this pain. Take the two Kodak examples above. In the Draper message, the pain point is the fear of forgetting important moments. The Carousel solves the problem by helping users “time travel” back to the good old days. In the real Kodak message, the pain point is the hassle of dealing with spilled slides and hand-cranked projectors. The words, “relax,” “spill-proof,” and “automatic” address the issue. To use the same strategy with your marketing message, write down a list of your customers’ concerns, then note how your product or service solves each problem. Good News Continued on Page 6 ... THE “Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool. ” –Proverbs 26:1 “He told them this parable: ‘Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.’” –Luke 21:29-31 “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” –Jeremiah 17:8
the five steps below to craft the perfect marketing message for your business, then see if you can guess which tagline takes the cake. STEP 1: Identify your target. In any content writing, the most important thing you can do is zero in on your target demographic. According to a 2015 Marketo poll, 63% of consumers are “highly annoyed” by generic ad messages. So ask yourself: Who is using your product or service? What is their gender, age, geographic location, and education level? What are their hobbies, goals, desires, worries, and fears? If you’re unsure, go through your customer database and look for commonalities. You can also download a customer avatar worksheet and fill it out to create a complete picture. ( DigitalMarketer.com offers a good one.) Once you’ve identified a demographic, crafting a targeted marketing message will sell those specific customers on your project or service.
your date? You can’t control whether someone likes you or not. However, you can set a goal to try your best. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
One of the most unique techniques in the book is actually about attitude rather than using another exercise. Try taking a fatalistic attitude toward the past and cultivate amor fati, or love of fate. To feel love for all the good that’s happened in your life, you can’t dwell on the ways it could’ve been better. Ultimately, Stoicism can help you develop a mixture of enjoyment and detachment of life, so you aren’t hyper-attached to materials or people to the point that you are incapacitated without them. Theoretically, with Stoicism, you can achieve tranquility no matter how difficult life may be. As a business owner, you may find certain insights and techniques from “A Guide to the Good Life” as helpful as we did. It’s a wonderful example of how philosophy isn’t only about reading books but also about seeing different perspectives in life every day.
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