King's Business - 1926-07

The Bible Ft

Volume 17—Number 7 20 cents a copy

$1.28 a year in U. 8. $1.50 foreign

DR. W . B. RILEY Founder end President World’s Christian Fundamentals Association Preacher — Pastor — Teacher — Evangelist

'For Ever, O Lord, Thy Word is Settled in Heaven' (Psalm 119:89)

i Happenedtopickitup” * (so writes a Pennsylvania housewife, enclosing her subscription to The W « Buyness), ‘and was very much pleated with it I want to subscnbe for myself and two fnends, so please send as soon as possible. A California High School Student: **I happened to pick up a copy at my aunt s and found it was just the thing I needed.” A New Subscriber from North Carolina: "A copy of TheJCing s Business hands, Providentially. * * * Please see that it starts immediately and comes regularly.

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r’ pi, D D.D.

The Teaching of the Scripture* Concerning the Last D a y * - - - —t^wis ...P r o f. Robert D.clt Wilson, A .M ., Fh.U. The Whole Christ and the Whole Bible for the Whole World..................... ...............C. D i x o r ^ ^ . The Bible and Science................................................................. ..................... ............................. w d n :i-v D D T,hc, Bib,! T ,,.J l ? ? j ! ° ,Uti0n ° r an ln,p,r‘ t,0n .........................;:::::CUrence Edward Macartney.' DO . Nailing it to the L ron .................. .......................-..........— .... .............. n a t « . ,* « D D The God of the Bible a Personal God..............................................v . .................... • 'e ’-.t The Reaponaibility of Christian Laymen for a Strictly Evangelical Pulpit...........•-• •g1“ ? I ‘ The Meaning, Menace and Misery of Modernism.................................................... ir j •" \ t / p , „ ' n'r\ The Origin and Growth of Modern Destructive Criticism..... ..................... „ —„ .Frederic W . Farr, • • Vulnerable Points in the Evolution Theory............- ........................................ Prot. Leander S. Keyser, U.U. THE KING’S BUSINESS External Te.timony to the Old

"The Bible FamOy Magasine” (Published by tbs Bible Institute of Los Angele*) g - ZC C 3 g - 3 g - - 3 E - ...H X



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T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: " I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: leet any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Itaiah 27J. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES DR. JOHN M. MadNNIS DR. 1. M. HALDEMAN DR. J. FRANK NORRIS - S K ä ä ä S ä S |SS S? s s a s t t r tw s perron and work of our Lord Jeeue Chriet. and thus hasten HU coming. ---------------------—_ Volume XVII July. 1926 Number 7 DR. C. E. MACARTNEY DR. LEANDER S. KEYSER DR. MARK MATTHEWS T. C. HORTON. - - * Editor-in-Chief WM. A. FISHER, Managing Editor CONTRIBUTORS DR. F. E. MARSH DR. W. B. RILEY DR. CHARLES ROADS

Table of Contents


Page ..379 ..380 ..380 ..381 ..382

Editorials Cheer and Comfort from Christ..... ................................................... Clean Cut for Christ................................................. ........... -............... The Law o f Liberty............................................................................. The Pernicious Peace Propaganda....................................... . ........... The Trend o f the World and the Tendency of the Church......... j Contributed Articles “ Beware o f False Prophets” — Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis....... Evolution: Unscientific, Unscriptural, Anti-Christian I — Dr. William B. Riley..................................--— ................... The Protest of Common Sense— Dr. John G. Reid.......................« The Confessions o f a Lawyer’ s Wife.......... ....... ---.......- ................ Modernism and Historic Christianity— Dr. R. C. Manly............ . Some Practical Aspects of the Blessed Hope— Hugh R. Monro Anthropology: or, The Doctrine o f Man——Dr. F. E. Marsh......... The Devil and Hell— Dr. Robert L. Selle............. ......................... “ Crowds for Christ” ........................—................................................. ■ Why Men Read the Scriptures— Dr. Charles Roads....,................. Hidden, Knowledge— Rev. C. Murdock Neve............ - ........... Matters of Moment........................................................ v—*y...................... Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stones from Real Experience).................... ...... -................................. Our Bible Institute in China.............. .................. -.........—•....................... The Children's Garden (The King’ s Business Junior).................... Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps).................... The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession).......... Practical Methods o f Personal Work (For Defenders of th i Faith) — T. C. Horton .......................................................................... Outline Studies in the Epistles o f John— T. C. Horton.............. ...... Christian Endeavor Topics...... ............................................... •—............. . Bible Institute Happenings .......................................................................... The Chosen People, the Land and the Book...... ............................... Best Books ............................................... *.....................................................


383 385 387 389 391 393 396 397 398 .399 401 402 403 .405 .407 .411 .412 .414 .415 .417 .419 .421 .423


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July 1926


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A Day o f Intercession


(A resolution adopted at the recent annual convention o f the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association at Toronto, Canada, held April 25—May 2, 1926.) “ Whereas, the apostasy from the faith on the part of the pulpit, the worldli­ ness and unspirituality in the pews, the alarming conditions morally throughout the nations, the breakdown of home life, the lack of respect for all authority in community life, the atheistic philosophy of the schools, the putrefaction of contem­ porary literature, and the indecency and damning influences of modern amuse­ ments, reveals the need of a sweeping revival ; and " Whereas, in this day of appalling need we call upon Christians everywhere throughout the world to pray earnestly and prevailingly for a Heaven-sent, world­ wide revival that shall awaken the Church, put the pulpit on fire, make soul-winning the chief business of Christians, bring conviction of sin upon the sinners and the fear of God upon the community and the nations ; "Therefore, we call upon Christians on every continent to keep the Fourth Day of July, 1926, as a day of prayer, when churches and opened everywhere for importunate prayer. We urge all Christian magazines and newspapers in every country, and in every language, to broadcast this appeal, and every evangelical pastor to announce the appeal and preach on ‘Prayer and Revival’ on the Sunday that precedes the day suggested for prayer. Shall we not have such a day of prayer as the world has never seen, and which will bring about results so far-reaching that hell shall be poorer and Heaven richer, and earth encircled with blazing revivals that shall bring multitudes to the Christ of Calvary !” PRAY FOR REVIVAL!


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1926


“ He that believeth hath everlasting life and shall never come into) the judgment, but is passed out of death into life.” But how can we be so confident that this promise will be fulfilled and at the same time carry within our own hearts doubt and unbelief when He says: “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid.” He has cheer and comfort for us at all times, wny should we be so restless! Why so unhappy! Why so dependent upon what we can see! Why not a greater faith—a sight that perceives the unseen! Why not give back to Christ, from our hearts, the warmth and v«-* blessing of l o v e

CHEER AND COMFORT FROM CHRIST No human words have ever brought such cheer and comfort to the hearts of men as have those which were spoken by our Lord that last night of His earthly life. Alone with His loved ones—those hardy fellows who had journeyed along the pilgrim path with Him,— with the shadow of the cross and its cruel torture con­ fronting Him; girded with a towel, He washed their feet, broke bread with them, and then gave to them His farewell message. Perhaps in all the Book so loved by believers, no word has brought such consolation and so cheered us on in our Christian _____

which He so gra­ ciously b e s t o w s upon us! Christ longs to cheer and comfort His dear ones, but there is only one way of access for H im i n t o o u r hearts. He comes with His soothing, loving words, but unbelief has closed the door. He stands and knocks. I f we open the door, by faith, in He comes a n d w e h a v e blessed fellowship with Him. See how He has emphasized t h i s fact in the twenty- seven verses of this fourteenth chapter o f John: “ I go to pre­ pare” ; “ I c o m e again” ; “ I am the Way” ; “ I am the Truth” ; “ I am the

s e r v i c e with its trials, temptations, joys and sorrows, as these: “L e t not y o u r heart be troubled; ye believe In God, believe also in me. • * • I go to prepare a place for yon. • • • I will come a g a i n and receive yon unto myself.” He read t h e i r hearts. He knew the question mark in their thoughts. He loved them; oh, h o w He l o v e d them! He was soon to part from them. How they w o u l d m i s s Him! How Satan would attack them and seek to destroy their faith in Him! What is it that creates f e a r a n d u n r e s t in t h e human heart! Why should a follower of Christ be uneasy

DWELL DEEP In the depths of ocean’s caves, far away from sight or sound Of its restless throb and fret, there are treasures to be found; Noble mountains rear their heads; at their feet the mosses creep; I f their beauties you would scan, you must Dwell deep! So in God’s most wondrous plan ever this must be the sign, If you would the fulness know of the mystenr divine— Life in death, and death in life ; peace amid life’s storms to keep; This the secret—learn it well—you must Dwell deep! Care and trial, stripes and pain, are the ropes that let us down;«' But our Father holds them well, and His peace our lives will crown; Worldlings take the surface show, then but dust and ashes reap; Would you win life’s purest joys? You must Dwell deep! Do you wonder, heart opprest, where He dwelleth? Come with me; In that quiet meeting place thy El-Shaddai waiteth thee; * Rest in Him; He will not fail, while earth’s shadows round you , creep, His Almightiness to prove if you Dwell deep! — M a y A g n e w S t e p h e n s .

„ „ t I have been a long time with you” ; “ He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father” ; “ I and the Father are one” ; “ He that believeth on Me” ; “ Ask in My Name” ; “ I will pray the Father” ; “ Ye see Me” ; “ I live.” Faith is the antidote for all trials and troubles. Faith appropriates His Word, absorbs it and is blessed by it. ' . Faith is the mainspring of our Christian life. Faith must grapple the anchor of the Word and rest upon it. The Father is real. Christ is real. The Spirit is real. Heaven is real. Salvation is real. The promise of Christ’s coming is real. Fellowship with Him is real. He wants us to make it all real and open wide our hearts to His cheer and comfort, all the days, until the DAY OF DAYS comes. L ife” ; “

fearful, questioning! Because faith is wavering. Faith in whom! In Jesus Christ, in His power, in His purpose. . . . . . . . Nothing hurts any of us so much as a lack of faitn in our friends concerning our sincerity, our truthful­ ness, our loyalty. Then how must His great heartsuf- fer when He detects in us a lack of confidence m Him! “ Believe me” He says td us; “ I am God. I am all powerful. I loved you and I love you. I died for you No good thing will I withhold from you. I am seeking your best interests. I have great plans for your life. Why will you not believe Me! Why will you hurt My heart with your doubts, your questionings, your unbelief!” . . . * / _ When we deal with some unbeliever, we quote (or read) His promises. We tell them that the Word says:

.July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


But—our fellowship is with the Father and ^ ith His Son, Jesus Christ. We can have no fellowship with those who deny the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Could you have fellowship with any one who would attack the character of your mother, your daughter, your sis­ ter, your wife ? No, never! But shall we, then, be more loyal to those who are bound to us by earthly ties than to Him who died that we might live ? We must be clean-cut for Christ! The greatest foes of our Lord are not the deluded sinners, but the pro­ cessing Christians who are not out and out for Him. r*ut on your armor! Hold fast the Word of God! Be clean-cut for Christ! THE LAW OF LIBERTY Here are two words standing in strange contrast to each other, “ law” and “ liberty.” Law means “ authority,” “ rule,” “ obedience, “ punishment.” Most people hate the word “ law” when its applica­ tion is to themselves, but are very much in favor of it when applied to others. We are firmly convinced that the law should be obeyed—by others, and are quick to demand the penalty for its violation by other people. In the city where we live there are thousands of ordinances, many carrying with them severe penalties, and new ones are enacted almost every week. Every household has its laws, but try and tell your neighbor what laws he should make for his home and see what he will say. Hear him: “ This is my home—my castle.' I run it to suit myself. You look after your own affairs.” _ But some people seem to think that God has no right to make whatever laws He pleases for HSs own world; though we have no objection to them so long as they minister to our health and happiness. I f we have crops growing and there comes a drouth we wonder why God does not look after our interests. We believe absolutely in “ speed laws” for the other man’s auto­ mobile, but think we are fully competent to decide for ourselves what the law should be in our own case. In fact, we ard quite sure that if we had the authority we could compile a system of laws which would be per­ fectly agreeable to all concerned and which would work wonders. But on the basis that, having created the universe and all things therein, including man, He had the right to formulate the laws which should govern, and know­ ing that most men would not have time for a long “ law course,” He put His rules into a simple, definite, compact form which we know as the “ Ten Command­ ments. ’ ’ Did you ever stop to think why it is that these laws of God with their “ Thou shalt” and “ Thou shalt not” are so distasteful to men? Why should the creatures of God rebel against His decrees? Has He not the right to say how the people who live in His world shall behave themselves? Well, any way, whether we like it or not, God exer­ cises the same authority and demands the same obed­ ience to His authority as does any sensible man in his own home. The Ten Commandments are the pattern which God has given us of the perfect man; and be­ cause no man that ever lived (except Jesus Christ) ever has or ever could keep the Ten Commandments, they are called “ the law of sin and death” by Paul in

CLEAN CUT FOR CHRIST We should be “ clean-cut” for Christ, as He is for us. Our Lord could say a great deal in short, crisp sentences. Hear Him say: “ He that is not for Me is against Me.” “ Suppose ye that I am come to bring peace on the earthT I tell you, Nay; but, rather, division.” The angels announced in their message, “ Peace on earth to men of good will,” i. e., “ men willing to accept the authority of Jesus Christ.” We can have peace by believing in Him who is the Prince of Peace, but there is no peace for the poor, old, sinful world. No, never until He comes, sceptre in hand, to rule and reign. _ . * What is involved in being “ clean-cut for Christ T A saved sinner,—saved by faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and definite public acknowledgment of Him as both Saviour and Lord; a member of His Body—the Bride of Christ; affiliated with other be­ lievers in faith and practice; believing the Bible from “ cover to cover” ; not ashamed to confess Him before the world; recognizing the obligation imposed upon every member of His Body to serve Him whenever and wherever He calls; recognition of the fact that he is not his own but is bought with a price, and is thus a bond slave of Jesus Christ; in the world but not of it; an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus Christ, possess­ ing rights and titles which money could not buy and which can never be taken away; having a conscious­ ness of his high and holy calling, feeling the responsi­ bility and seeking to make known to others the truth concerning Christ, His calling, His Commission, His crucifixion, His conquest of death and the grave, His coming again in power to reign, and His commission to go into this sin-sick, Satan-ridden world to show others the way out of bondage into the glorious liberty of the children of God. . There is no soft, sickly sentimentality about the religion


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1926

pose! Its headquarters are in Russia, its purpose is to destroy the moral tissue of this country, and it* mode of operation is planned by the devil himself. Where is the seed to be sown! In the schools and educational institutions of our land. Who will pay the instructors! Russia,—whose own children by the thou­ sands are homeless and helpless, oftentimes banded together as bandits to secure the bread they need to stay the. ravages of hunger. What is the propaganda! A plausible cry for “ peace!” Their emissaries in our schools are every­ where, with angelic tones, issuing their call to “ Dis­ band your armies! Let us have peace! Sink your ships of war! Scrap your guns and swords! Wipe out

the eighth of Romans, who also tells us of the new law which delivers us from this law of sin and death (Romans 8:2-4) : “ For the lew o f the Spirit o f l if e In Christ Jean* hath made me free from the law o f ain and death. “ For what the law could not do in that It waa weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh ; “ That the righteousness o f the law might be fulitllea in usf who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit# There we have the whole plan of salvation in its simplest form. Because no man could keep the Ten Commandments, and so could not please God, He, Him­ self, became man and paid the penalty of our failure to keep the “ law of sin and death” by His death upon the

your military training s c h o o l s ! Line up e v e r y week-kneed preacher and teacher possible! H a v e the students pledge them­ selves never to re­ spond to their coun­ try ’s call to arms in defence of its rights!” What is R u s s i a doing in her own land! Read this word of warning from the Los Angeles Times of April 22: ♦‘No God in Russia.— All the libraries In Rus­ sia to which the people have any access are being officially visited and all books of a re­ ligious cast or treating the church sympathetic­ ally are being destroyed. Also all volumes which treat of the land ques­ tion, economics or poli­ tics on other than Bol­ shevik lines are under the ban. Nobody can read any book that is out of tune with the soviet government, and the government cannot keep step with its own music. The soviet re­ gime wishes it distinctly understood that It can

cross, becoming ‘ ‘ sin for us” and being sep­ arated f r o m H i s Father when He cried, “ My God, my God, why hast Thou for­ saken met” When any one will bow to this manifesta­ tion of God’s law of love, accept His aton­ ing blood offering and confess H im before men, then he can shout “ Free from the laW, oh, happy condi­ tion 1 ’ ’ The burden of sin is all, r e m o v e d ; the shackles are broken ; Satan is outwitted ; God has the victory. A new law, a hew life, a new relation, a new prospect, a new fel­ lowship, a free pass­ port to Heaven, eter­ nal life, are freely be­ stowed—the g i f t of God! The only really free people in the world are the Christ-ones. T h e o n l y really

^ L ì t l f e w A w r f w l l f l sM itcä « o d

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get along without God— and, indeed, conditions there would indicate that It Is doing so." What are our officials, who are sworn to defend our nation, doing! Who will take this matter to heart! When *will our citizens understand that this cry of “ peace, peace” is a blow at the very life of America, a peril to every loyal public institution, every loyal private institution, every loyal religious institution, and, worst o f all, a stroke at the Scriptures themselves! “ There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked. The only basis for peace is to be found in the Prince of peace,—the peace which He paid for with His own blood. People desire peace in human affairs, logically, because of their own interests. War wrecks nations. But sin wrecks the soul. The pacifists who prate about 1 ‘ peace ’ -- in our churches are a fair sample of those pacifists in other circles. They can glibly say “ peace,” shake the hands

happy people in the world are the Christ-ones. The only really joyful people in the world are the Christ-ones. They have melody in their hearts and songs upon their lips. They are on the way to Glory Land and are seeking to tell the story to those whom Satan has bound, that they too may become Christ-ones and be partakers with them of this great salvation. Hallelujah! What a Saviour and what a salvation! THE PERNICIOUS PEACE PROPAGANDA A r e you asleep! Then, wake up! Wake up! Do you know what his majesty, the devil, is doing! Aré you conscious of the seductive, seditious, Satanic influence which is at work in our land, designed to bring about its disintegration and destruction! Do you know where it originates and what avenues are being used for the accomplishment of its fell pur-

July 1926

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


grace. They are wondering why there is no voice, no touch of sympathy. . _ „ .. We know the story. We heard it. We felt it. Others brought it to us. Why does not the pastor plead with his people—why does not the Sunday School teacher urge the members of his class—to “ go and JT*ve ? Why so indifferent? Why so cold? Why? Why?? Why??? , . . i Our Lord’s last command and commission to Jlis disciples is very definite. Matthew records it in telling n-f flip m oun ta in scene after His resurrection (.Matt. 28:19, 20): “ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing tbem In the name of the Father, and o f the Son, and o f the Holy Ghost; ■ _ . _ .____ “ Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Mark records it (Mark 16:15, 16): “ And he said unto them, Go ye Into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. “ He that belleveth and Is baptized shall be saved; but “ And said unto them, Thus It Is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: , . “ And that repentance and remission of sins should do preached in his name among' all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." John records it (John 21:22): “ Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.” Every Christian is under obligation and command to “ go and give” the Gospel. It is our business. It is our privilege. It is our joyful privilege. The joy of winning souls is beyond compare. But not to be a soul- winner is to miss the mark of obedience; to give sor­ row to Christ and to the unsaved; to fail of hearing the “ Well done, good and faithful servant” from His lips, and have fellowship through eternity with those who might have been saved through our testimony. When you read this, ask yourself the question: “ Have I been making soul-winning by my own per­ sonal effort the main business of my life?” I f the answer is “ no,” then resolve to enlist at once with the chosen band of loving, obedient followers o f our Lord who said: “ Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 111 ite NEW EVERY MORNING Yea, “ new every morning,” though we may awake Our hearts with old sorrow beginning to ache; With old work unfinished when night stayed our hand, With new duties waiting, unknown and unplanned; With old care still pressing, to fret and to vex, With new problems rising our minds to perplex, In ways long familiar, in paths yet untrod. Oh, new every morning the mercies of God! His faithfulness fails not, it meets each new day With guidance for every new step of the way. New grace for new trials, new trust for old fears, New patience for bearing the wrongs of the years; New strength for new burdens, new courage for old, New faith for whatever the day may unfold; As fresh for each need as the dew on. the sod, Oh, new every morning the mercies of God! he that belleveth not shall be damned." Luke records it (Luke 24:46, 47):

of rebels against God and call them “ brethren” when they know that their breath is foul with denial of the Virgin-born Son of God. These Christless “ Christians” break down the bar­ riers which God's Word has built and whisper soft words of peace, while with the knife of infidelity they cut from God’s Word the words of warning against their profane practice. There has never been any real peace in this world since Satan whispered his perfidious falsehood into the ear of Eve, and there never will be any permanent peace until the Peace-maker takes possession and cre­ ates a new dynasty which shall be Divine. “ Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.” THE TREND OF THE WORLD AND THE TENDENCY OF THE CHURCH We know that this poor old world is doomed to doom. We have the Book. We have the history of the ages. Sin, suffering and sorrow is the age-abiding story. We cannot save the world, but we who have had our eyes opened to see the vision of the lost world, as p o r ­ trayed in God’s prophetic Word, know that He who bore our sin gave us the commission to “ go into all the world” and save out of it such as are willing to be saved. The command is definite. Judgment awaits the sin- stricken, sin-suffering world. Its only hope is in Jesus Christ, but “ how can they hear without a preachert” and the saddest picture possible to depict is that of an indifferent Christian and an indifferent church. We get some conception of the grief which this indif­ ference brings to the heart of our Lord as we listen to Him, when,' looking out upon Jerusalem, with tears in His eyes and a sob in His soul, He said: “ 0 , Jerusalem, Jerusalem * * * how often would I have gathered you * * * and ye would not!” He loved them and longed for their salvation, but “ they would not!” He did His best to save them, but today we—who profess to be His followers—are not weeping over lost souls. We are eating and drinking, swinging in our hammocks, taking things easy. We are saved and safe. We sing our songs of praise. We shout our hallelujahs. We have our homes, our churches, our joys, our Heavenly expectations, but how many of us ever have a sigh, or a tear or a prayer, for the world which, swifter and swifter, is rushing on to eternity, helpless and hopeless t We are glad for ourselves, but we are not sad for others. * But—when God was here in the flesh He ministered to them. He went where the people were. He plead with them. Even a poor harlot woman claimed His sympathy and He went to her with the message of sal­ vation. A hopeless, helpless man, whose sobbing cry was “ I have no man!” found in our Lord a man to help him. Why are we so unlike Him? Why is the Church so blind to the need? Why are our ears so dead to the cry and sob of sinners? They are waiting for a message. They are waiting for the appeal. They are waiting for the truth. They are Waiting for the old love-story of the God of all










— Annie Johnson Flint

July 1926

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C o n t r i b u t e d A r t i c l e s


^ ^ " ^ ‘Beware of j^alse prophets” A Reconsideration o f an Old: W arning DEAN JOHN MURDOCH MACINNIS Bible Institute of Loe Angeles

First, the foundation of a living and true prophetic min­ istry and message is a living experience of Jesus Christ that changes the life from the Inside heart of it to the details of its outward expressions. This is the outstanding lack in the lives of those false prophets to whom Christ shall say at the judgment, “ I never knew yon.” He did not know them in a living experience that made them living prophets and enabled them to say, “ Lord, Lord” by the Spirit of God. In a mere professionalism and an external activity they were able to do many striking and attractive things, but there is no living message and no vital service where the transforming touch of the living Christ is not upon the heart and life. We have no true prophetic message, not until Jesus Christ lives in us in a vital, transforming experience. The second observation is that the thing that matters in religion is the thing that happens at the inner core of the life and changes it at its foundation and finds expression in its daily walk and conversation. The thing that mattered was not the sheep’s skin but what was inside the sheep’s skin. It was not the skin that gave direction and flavor to the life, but the wolf. It was not the foliage that gave shape and flavor to the fruit, but the inner life of the vine. It was not what they said and did but what they really were that made the final difference in the life of these false prophets. A prophet is not made from without, he is born again by the Spirit of the living God, and the flame is kindled in the inner soul. The third observation is that in this new life that makes possible a genuinely prophetic ministry and message, the thing that tells is the doing of the will of God and obedience to Jesus Christ. It makes no difference how fine a sheep’s skin we may have on, nor how beautiful the thorn looks, nor the thistle, nor how correct our creed and profession, nor how wonderful our sermon, nor how startling the big things we are doing, if the inner life is not finding expres­ sion in the right kind of fruit. Jesus said, “ By their frnits ye shall know them.” It matters little how much like a sheep the skin is if we are constantly hearing the growling of the wolf. It matters not how much like a grapevine the thorn bush may appear as long as we have thorns instead of grapes. For fear man might be mistaken at this point God gives us in His own Word a detailed list of the fruits of the wolf life as over against the fruits of the sheep life, and graciously puts them in the terms of everyday life so that we cannot pos­ sibly mistake them. He says the wolf life, or the life of the flesh, is mani­ fested in any or all of the following: fornication, unclean­ ness, sensuality, idolatry, magic. That far in the list we can easily follow the thought and feel quite comfortable.

HEN Jesus warned us against false prophets He was not thinking primarily of people who were in revolt against the Scriptures or the standard interpretations of the same; on the contrary; a careful study of the context o f this warning will show that He was thinking of people who were making an extra effort to conform with external standards and to have people think of them as theologically and ecclesiastically correct. All through the Sermon on the Mount He is contrasting the true with the false, and the false He associates again and again with the Scribes and the Pharisees. Their trouble was not a lack of reverence for the Scriptures and the traditions of men, nor a lack of the knowledge of the letter of the Scriptures; they were false prophets because they had a false life, and that is exactly the kind of a false, prophet Christ is warning us against. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He does not take issue with the standards but makes a definite and conscious effort to conform to them. He consciously puts on the sheep’s clothing in order to make the outside look as much as pos­ sible like a sheep. No details are overlooked in this regard. Jesus also warns the disciples that people in this age will be guilty of the same formalism and externalism. He says that it is “ not everyone that saith Lord, Lord, who shall enter into the kingdom of heaven bat he that doeth the will of his Father who is In heaven.” When we come to the Judgment there will be those who will be denied by the Lord and they shall answer, “ Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by Thy name and by Thy name cast out demons and by Thy name do many mighty works?” In other words they claim that they made the right approach to Jesus Christ— they addressed Him as Lord; they had a right message and they delivered it in His 'j name; in His name they cast out demons, and in His name they did many mighty works. They were right in their profession and in their activities but they were all wrong in their inner life and spirit. They called themselves sheep but the wolf nature mani­ fested itself. They wanted to be known as great minds but the thorn life was evident in their contacts with their fellows. They wanted to be known as fruit trees but they could not hide their thistle nature. The reason for this is given by Jesus when He said, “ I never knew yon." That, of course, does not mean that He was not cognizant of their existence, because He knows all things. This has reference to knowing them in a vital experience and a mystic relationship that would change the wolf through a new birth. While they were clothed with a sheep's skin, the inner life was the wolf life. This reconsideration of this old warning leads to several





July 1926


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

384 All of these are manifestly the wolf nature and not many who are anxious to conform to the externals of the true prophet will manifest them in the light. However the rest of the list is Just as much the Word of God as the part already given, and therefore what it means is just as much the wolf nature as are the things that have already been mentioned. With this in mind, let us dare to look at the list with honest eyes and steady gaze: quarrels, dissensions, jealousy, temper, rivalry, i factions, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, revelings and the like. These, according to God, belong to the wolf nature, and if they are in our life it makes no difference how much we say we are sheep— the howl of the wolf will drown the word of our testimony. Over against that list God has given us an analysis of the sheep life. The fruit of the Spirit is love, Joy, peace, good temper, kindliness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. That is God’s own list, and Jesus says we are to look for these things in the lives of men who come as prophets in His name. If they have not these things they lack the divine credentials and if they claim to be prophets they are false prophets. We fear that many of us wotald suffer a severe shock if we were honestly to bring our own lives to this test. How­ ever it is best for us to be honest with ourselves now, for Jesus says very definitely that that is going to be the test when we meet Him. One more observation: A sheep does not have to tell people that it is a sheep. Indeed it would never occur to a sheep that it was necessary for it to do so. All that is necessary for it to do is to live its life. If it is a genuine sheep it cannot help but act like a sheep. It will not occur to anybody that is normal to question the fact that it is a sheep, but if it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the most natural thing in the world for it to do is to constantly say, “ I am a sheep, I am a sheep.” Not only so but it would unconsciously endeavor to call attention to the externals which make it look like a sheep and boast of the reality of these. It is not necessary for a grapevine to be all the time saying “ I am a grapevine.” All it has to do is to quietly express its life in grapes. If it is a grapevine let it produce grapes. No professional

statement or scientific treatise regarding the vine can be so convincing as a bunch of luscious grapes. Even the ordin­ ary man can tell the difference between grapes and thorns. It never occurs to the real prophet that he has to be tell­ ing the people all the time that he is a true prophet, but if there is a consciousness of wolf characteristics he uncon­ sciously becomes vociferous in affirming that he is a sheep. No one would guess that he was if he did not say so. A rich bunch of. the grapes of the Spirit of God is worth tons of profession and clever argument. “ By their fruit» ye shall know them." “ Not everyone that saith Bord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven." Jesus Christ has expressed this will for us, and He died to make it possible in our lives. The man who hears His words and obeys them is a wise man and is building on a rock, but the man who hears His words and does them not, is a fool and is building on sand. Jesus Himself is the Rock, and the thing that makes possible building on Him is a liv­ ing experience that changes the life and makes Him Master in it. There is no prophetic or living message where that experience is lacking. If the Bible is true and Jesus is a real, living Saviour and Lord, let us live the fact, and when men shall see the grapes of His sacrificial life in us they can say nothing. As long as our thorns and thistles are sticking into the people who corné in daily contact with us it will require a good deal of loud shouting to convince them that we are a grapevine, or, going back to the first picture, as long as men see the quarreling, and dissension, and Jealousy, and the temper, the rivalry, factions, party spirit and envy of the wolf nature tt will require a great deal o f shouting on our part to make them believe that we are sheep. We may be able to deceive ourselves and make ourselves think that we are sheep but .we certainly cannot deceive God, and there is a very serious question as to whether we can deceive our fellowmen. There are many false prophets, but the most deadly and blighting in their influence are the false prophets who are scrupulously conforming to the standards in externals but in the essence of their life are producing thorns and thistles.




Spread out before the Lord that long-felt worry, Speak of it often to thy Heavenly Friend; He that belleveth shall not want to hurry Himself or God towards an expected end. Spread out before the Lord from its beginning Each piece of work attempted for His sake; Each call to service, social or soul-winning, No step at thine own charges thou must take. Spread out before the Lord thy daily duty, It is not waste of time to tell Him all; So shall life be “ for glory and for beauty” If Jesus guides in greatest things and small.

Go, spread before the Lord, thine empty barrel, Thy failing cruse of oil, thy slender purse; He feedeth birds, gives flowers their rich apparel, And shall He see His children faring worse? Go, spread before the Lord that startling letter Which brings dismay or trouble to thy breast; Like one of old, prove that it is far better To throw its weight on Him, and be at rest. Spread out before the Lord those sins besetting That bring the blush of failure to thy face; And fill thy heart with sorrowful regretting— r’hriot pivpth pnnniiPRtii in Hia secret Diace!

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July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S _______ _________________________ ¡ 5?

“ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth . . . . And God said, Let there be . . . . and there was . . . . And God said, Let the earth bring forth the herb, after his kind . . . . And the earth brought forth the h erb____ after his k ind --------And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind: . . . . And God made the beast of the earth . . . . after his kind . . . . And God said, Let us make man in our image......... So God created man in his own image.

V Evolution: Unscientific, Unscriptural, Anti-Christian! DR- WILLIAM B. RILEY Paator,/Firat Bajfoat Church. Minneapolia. Minneaota; President of the’ Northweatarn Bible School; Founder and Prea.dent of a ^ y World'* Chriatian Fundamental* Aaaociation. (See front cover page.)

Opening address delivered by Dr. Riley, debating with Mr. Maynard Ship- ley President of the Science League o f America, in the Bible Institute Audi­ torium June 19, 1925, before nearly five thousand people. The decision was overwhelmingly in favor of Dr. Riley, the vast audience rising practically en masse to show their approval o f his arguments against evolution.

,1r* the origin of all things. Its theories vary all the way from star dust to the Christian’s God, but it fails to account for the existence of “ star dust,” and it repudiates the super­ naturalism of the Christian faith, and so stands silent and dumb as to how the universe came into existence. Its explanation of the origin of species is antagonistic to nature’s own laws. With the hundreds of thousands of forms living now and reproducing each after its own kind, it is a travesty of terms for a professor to say, “ We do not know that the law now regnant obtained in remote times in all cases," and then make that lack of knowledge a basis upon which to build a philosophy of so-called "science.” Such a procedure makes ignorance the foundation of knowledge, and wild speculations and demonstrations of science to be synony­ mous terms. This is a reversal of reason itself. Mr. Darwin contends that while we now have no example* of hybrids reproducing their kind they “ may have done so in time’s remote history,"— a meagre supposition on which to base a science; but Darwin was a specialist in "suppo­ sitions.” In two of his chief works he introduces his argu­ ments over eight hundred times by the phrase, “ We may well suppose.” Since when did “ supposition” and “ science” become synonymy}us terms? Evolution’s explanation of man’s origin is false to every known fact. The greatest single hope of evolution is Henry Fairfield Osborn’s so-called “ Hall of Man.” There is not one specimen to be found in it save the chimpanzee and “ Homo Sapiens” (or the complete monkey and the com­ plete man) that can be historically defended. In the language of the late Prof. Virchow of Berlin, one of the greatest scientists known to any century, “ any attempt td find the transition from animal to man is now a total failure. The missing link has not been found and never will be.” When one remembers the disputed m*tbr- iais out of which the missing links in the “ Hall of Man” have been builded, he is disposed to agree with St. George Mivert, the Kensington University Biologist: "The whole hypothesis is puerile;” or with Dr. Fraas, the Old World’* great paleontologist, who, after having accepted and defended evolution, studied it further and confessed his mis­ take saying: “ The 14ea that mankind has descended froze

E are to consider the most burning question of the present day,— a subject which In Its natural rami­ fication Involves every form and Interest of life on this globe, namely, the hypothesis of evolution. My part In this debate will be to prove to your satisfaction that that hypothesis is unscientific, unscriptural, and anti- Christian, and to deduce from that demonstrated fact the conclusion that its teaching In tax-supported schools should be no longer tolerated, and that its defense and propagation In denominational schools is at once the defense and propa­ gation of a falsehood that can have but one fruit: the undoing and practical destruction of such institutions; while its final and more far-reaching effect will be the over­ throw of the State, or our highest and best form of civilisa­ tion. As suggested, I aflirm first of all that Evolution is Unscientific It is a speculation and not a science. Darwin called it a hypothesis. Huxley named it after the same manner. That term also was employed by Spencer. Haeckel was prac­ tically the only one of the old leaders who ever called it a science. It is the present day professor who talks of the ‘ ‘Science of Evolution,” and is only able so to do by for­ getting the Standard Dictionary’s exact definition of the term: "Science is knowledge gained and verified by obser­ vation and correct thinking.” I make an assertion here and nou^which I am ready to defend in the rebuttal address if it be denied: According to the scientists consulted, there is a claim of somewhere between 600.000 and 2,600,000 forms of life known to times past and present, not a single one of which has ever illustrated the evolutionary hypothesis; namely, that one specie« develops Into another; but, on the contrary, each one of them confirms the Genesis declaration, “ To each seed It is given to bring forth after its kind.” To employ the language of the late Prof. Agassiz (per­ haps the greatest paleontologist America has yet known), “ there is not a fact known to science tending to show that any being in the natural process of reproduction and multi­ plication has ever diverged from the course natural to its kind, or that a single kind (or species) has ever been trans­ mitted into any other.” I do not care to disco*« now the confessed fact that this hypothesis holds no explanation Of

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