King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


lira uiiiuuii oorvwQ, «iw «un An interesting if not unique feature of a Sumatra marriage ceremony is that the bride receives *• h t r «2 lieu of the usual cut glass or silver tokens which characterize Occidental weddings. Here is shown the happy couple in the cu stom a ry p rS cesf ion ^preceded by the p ltle n t bovine, which seems unable fully to sense the Importance of her place In this Joyful celebration.

the case, stands mid-way between. The present race of men began at their best when between 6,000 and 7,000 years, ago God formed their fore-parents in His own image. I would not say that there was not an inferior race on the earth back of that time. While science hasn’t demonstrated it, Scripture suggests it, the proper translation of Gen. 1:2 being, “ The earth came to be without form and void,” as though it had had a previous and more perfect existence, and some cataclysm had overtaken it; and suggests still further that at the time Adam was created by God’s injunc­ tion to our first parents, “ Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth,” and so far at least as the present race o f men is concerned, they have made history exactly counted' to the whole evolutionary hypothesis. As Prof. Graebner, in an article published this very month reminds us, “ Even in mechanical arts, where our twentieth century progress is our biggest boast, our evolution has not evoluted, for every modern builder stands in mute amaze­ ment before the pyramids of Egypt. Granite blocks so high that modern machinery would scarcely move them, yet transported by some law of mechanics long since lost to our knowledge and so laid one on another that after thousands of years they have not settled a measurable fraction of an inch, and are so compact that a knife blade cannot be inserted between one stone and another. The buildings at Thebes erected more than 3,000 years ago represent the noblest of architectural magnificence known to this hour.” In a Cairo Museum there is today a collection from Mem­ phis of modeled heads, 132 in number, and instead of illus­ trating the progress from monkey to man as Henry Fair- field Osborn has attempted to do in his hoax “ Hall,” they present identically the races of men known to human his­ tory. Our most matchless fortunes of today were made in the steel business, and yet we have actually lost the art tbat (Continued on page 430).

any Simian species whatever is certainly the most foolish ever put forth by man. It should be handed down to pos­ terity as a new edition of the ‘Memorial on Human Follies’.” Its terms of human history are as grossly untrue as its explanation of the human kind. Since man did not come up from a monkey, all the mul­ tiplied references to the "hairy tree man” and the “ early bestial carve man” are gratuitous assumptions lacking any scintilla of scientific evidence. Men sometimes climb trees now and build shacks in their branches; and men sometimes dwell in caves now, being too indolent to construct for themselves better coverings, but that the race ever did either with uniformity is utterly foreign to all known facts, and of a piece with the same evolutionary hypothesis that primeval man began with worshipping the sun and fearing thunder and finishing with the triune God. The exact opposite is the truth of history. Man was not only made in the image of God, but in fellowship with his Creator com­ menced his existence on earth in the highest state of civili­ zation, from which he has descended to every single degra­ dation that has characterized, and cursed the race. No less an authority than Sir William Ramsay admits that .we can not trace human history beyond about 7,000 years, and even the devotees of the Darwinian hypothesis seldom talk of civilization as covering more than a 10,000 year period, although maintaining that man has been on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Prof. Conklin of Princeton, a famous American evolu­ tionist, in his volume entitled “ The Direction of Human Evolution,” admits that man reached his highest state of development 3,000 years ago in Greece, while one of the text-books employed in this State thinks that the climax was arrived at 10,000 years ago. The truth, as is often

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