King's Business - 1926-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1926

T h e C o n fe s s io n s o f a L aw y e r ’s W i f e A Human Document Written Because a Broken Heart W a s Touched by the Divine Hand '•DEDICATED TO BROKER HEARTED WIVES ”

of the Lord as to His will, and decided to take a chance. I gave up my Sun­ day School class and went. Of course, I was miserable, but I tried to cover it for his sake. I felt so out of place the first time, not quite so much the second time, and the third time I didn’t care to go to church. The fourth Sunday came around, and I was getting ready to go with him when he said: "I do not care to have you go with me.” So I went back to my class and proved by expert- ence—and since by observation—that it does not pay to compromise. Farther and farther my husband wept from me and finally told me he had no further use for me—I could have any one I wanted. I told him I did not j want any one else. Even then I could : not give him up. When Christmas came i I begged of him not to giv6 B------------ any presents, and he promised me he would not, but afterwards he told me that he did. Then I wept to see her, as; she had moved into the next block, and told her she was breaking up my home. I asked her what right she had to accept presents from a married man, but gained nothing by it. It only made mat­ ters worse. I used to see them together and others would tell me, until it seemed I could not live. How often, when I awakened in the morning, I would wish I had waked up in Heaven. Finally I thought I would plead with him once more to give her up; so when be came home I told'him how my heart was breaking. Could he not give me one word of comfort? Had I none of his love? Did she have it all? He re­ plied crossly, “ I have no time to talk to you ;” and as I wept and plead with him, he answered with the same words for the third time. In my despair, I looked to the Lord, saying: “He could not do this if Thou didst not let him!" Then, with my whole heart, I said, “Thy will, and not mine, be done." And im­ mediately I was conscious of how much Jesus loved me, and as I looked at my husband, I thought, if I had all the love he were capable of giving, it would not compare with the love of my Saviour. It was so far beyond any love that I had ever experienced before, that I could not sleep for Joy. Oh, how little the sorrow seemed! It melted away, it didn’t seem as if it were mine, I was so far above it. The next morning as

was losing my mind. I no longer cared for the theater and things of the world. I had found something better, and was very happy in being my Lord’s bond slave. It worried my husband to see me give my Lord the pre-eminence in all things. He went some distance to get a close friend to come and see met and try to influence me not to think of things religious so much, prophesying I would be in an insanse asylum within two years. As Bhe told me her fears for my sanity, I replied, “ If this is insanity, I want more of it.” As the days went by, although I was still devoted to my husband, and loved him more than ever, and was very care­ ful always to be at home at meal-time, and do all I could for his physical com­ fort, he grew tired of my not wanting to go to places of amusement. How could I? My time was not my own. I had been bought with a price, the precious blood' of Jesus. The health and strength that had come with my healing, I could not afford to waste, for whatsoever we do, we are to do it for the glory of God. I did want to please him, but when I had to decide between my Saviour’s will and his, I could not choose less than the best. Yet it hurt me so to have him go without me, and I shed many bitter tears after he left. Nor was it long before I found out that some one else went with him, not only to theaters, but to dinners and for rides.. The affections he had given me were transferred to another, B Oh! how it hurt to have him go away without the usual caress that had been mine. The lonely hours that would fol­ low were my Gethsemane. Finally, after he had repeatedly asked me to go to a pleasure resort on Sunday, I thought maybe I could help him by going. I couldn’t seem to get the mind

Introduction: About two years ago hi telling some of my experiences to a friend she said, “Why don’t you tell some of these things at testimony meeting In church? Many would be helped.” I replied, “I have never felt I could open my life In that way.” Then she suggested that I give It to the press for the good it might do. I began to look to the Lord to know His will In the matter, and now I am fully per­ suaded that wnat I have written Is for His glory. If only a few are helped to more fully trust God in the time of severe trials and temptation I shall feel more than re­ paid. Gethsemane

OON after my husband began his practice of law, I was healed in answer to prayer, al­ though my physician had said I would never be well. Soon after that the Lord impressed on my mind Psalm 40:3: “He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many §hall see

it, and fear, and shall trust Jn God." I thought, now that is what I want. So I dedicated myself to the Lord, all that I had or expected to have, all' my time and talents to be used for His glory. I purposed in my heart to go all the way with Jesus, cost what it might. How little I realised what it was going to cost! If I had known then, I could never have said “Yes,” but the dear Lord only showed me things to give up as He gave me strength and grace to do so. The promise, “As thy day, so shall thy strength be,” I have many times proven to be true. There were several years of financial testing as my husband was trying to build up a prac­ tice. Many times I would take a spoon and scrape out the last bit of flour and tell the Lord, “Now we are at the bot­ tom," for when the flour was gone, al­ most everything else was used up; but always on that day some money would come in. We never lacked the necessi­ ties of life during those years, but we never knew ahead of time from what source to expect supply. These years of struggle taught me how to trust God for finances, and I have never had a financial test since that time. I have always been able to see ahead and have had every need abundantly cared for. The radical change in my life, after I consecrated it to the service of the Lord, caused my husband to think I

T h i s hearty appreciation comes from a reader in Michi­ gan: “ I like The King’s Bnsiness very much and receive much blessing from it. I thank and praise God for its many excel­ lent, Spirit filled messages. It is a wonderful magasine. May God richly bless its ministry.

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