King's Business - 1926-07

i Happenedtopickitup” * (so writes a Pennsylvania housewife, enclosing her subscription to The W « Buyness), ‘and was very much pleated with it I want to subscnbe for myself and two fnends, so please send as soon as possible. A California High School Student: **I happened to pick up a copy at my aunt s and found it was just the thing I needed.” A New Subscriber from North Carolina: "A copy of TheJCing s Business hands, Providentially. * * * Please see that it starts immediately and comes regularly.

Why should your friends be denied the





privilege o f membership in the K i n g ’ s Business Family?

to these new members o f K. B. Family. Isn’t it fine that they happened to


Invite them to t o d a y ?

become acquainted with the very mag­ azine they were n e e d i n g and

y h

O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R : Here is an op­ portunity to

wanting b u t didn’t k n o w where to find? BU T ,— would it n o t h a v e been g r e a t if t h e y had been introduced to it long before by some other member o f “ OUR FAMILY’ ’ ? T h e r e are hundreds and thousands o f

serve the Lord, a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e qecure a splendid and helpful book. If you will send us five new subscriptions for 6 months trial, at 50c each, we will mail you a copy

o f “ SCRIPTURAL INSPIRATION vs. SCIENTIFIC IMAGINATION” containing the following addresses by noted writers:

other fathers and mothers and young people and children who need and want T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S .

r’ pi, D D.D.

The Teaching of the Scripture* Concerning the Last D a y * - - - —t^wis ...P r o f. Robert D.clt Wilson, A .M ., Fh.U. The Whole Christ and the Whole Bible for the Whole World..................... ...............C. D i x o r ^ ^ . The Bible and Science................................................................. ..................... ............................. w d n :i-v D D T,hc, Bib,! T ,,.J l ? ? j ! ° ,Uti0n ° r an ln,p,r‘ t,0n .........................;:::::CUrence Edward Macartney.' DO . Nailing it to the L ron .................. .......................-..........— .... .............. n a t « . ,* « D D The God of the Bible a Personal God..............................................v . .................... • 'e ’-.t The Reaponaibility of Christian Laymen for a Strictly Evangelical Pulpit...........•-• •g1“ ? I ‘ The Meaning, Menace and Misery of Modernism.................................................... ir j •" \ t / p , „ ' n'r\ The Origin and Growth of Modern Destructive Criticism..... ..................... „ —„ .Frederic W . Farr, • • Vulnerable Points in the Evolution Theory............- ........................................ Prot. Leander S. Keyser, U.U. THE KING’S BUSINESS External Te.timony to the Old

"The Bible FamOy Magasine” (Published by tbs Bible Institute of Los Angele*) g - ZC C 3 g - 3 g - - 3 E - ...H X



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