July 1926
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
o f M a n . ^
A n t h r o p o l o g y : or, T h e D o c t r in e r - THE SOUL OF MAN D R . F. E. M A R S H Editor "The Prophetic New»,” London, England
The seventh in a series of articles by this well known and well loved Bible teacher, preacher, author and editor. The aspects of the topic already con sidered have been “ The Creation of Man” ; “ The Nature o f Man ; Man s Relation to God” ; “ Man’ s Authority and Responsibility ; The Constitution o f Man” ; “ The Spirit of Man” , and now, in this issue, ‘ The Soul of Mail.
There are five senses in which “ soul” is used in the Bible. Generally speaking, soul is the vital principle which ani mates all creatures and makes them “ living creatures. Sig nificantly, soul is used to distinguish the spirit from the body. Specifically, soul is representative of the person, and therefore denotes personality. Objectively, soul is' equivalent to the life as lived; and metaphorically, soul represents the emotions, affections and desires. Generally, “ soul” speaks of the vital principle which ani mates all creatures and makes them “ living creatures. ’ The Old Testament word for soul (Nephesh) is applied to man (Gen. 2:7) and animals generally. The words “ crea ture” and "life” in Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, 30, are the same as used of man as “ a living soul.” The seat of the soul is in the blood, for we read “ the life” (soul) “ is in the blood” (Lev. 17 :11 ); hence, the reason why the Hebrews were prohibited from eating flesh with blood in it, for the “ blood is the life” (soul) (Deut. 12:23; Gen. 9:4, 5). When we turn to the New Testament we find “ psuche” (rendered “ soul” ) is used of life in the same way. Thus we read of thqpe who “ sought a young child’s life” (psuche) (Matt. 2:20 ). To save “ life” one is allowed to break a ceremonial law, as Christ Indicates when He asks the ques tion: “ Is it lawful on the Sabbath : . . to save a life” ? (psuche) (Luke 6 :9 ). The apostles were men who “ haz arded their lives” (souls) for the sake of the Gospel (Acts 15:26). Paul did not count his “ life” (soul) “ dear unto himself” (Acts 20:24). Of Eutychus, when others thought he was dead, Paul said his “ life” (soul) “ was hid in him” (Acts 20:10). All things in the sea which had “ life” ( bou I) will' die under the last judgment of God (Rev. 8:9; 16:3). The Spirit describes the act of Christ’s atonement by the sentence, “ He poured out His soul unto death” (Isa. 53 :12 ); and Christ Himself said He would “ give His life” (soul) “ a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28), and that He would vicariously “ lay down His life” (soul) (John 10:11, 16, 17). Significantly, ‘ ‘soul” is employed to distinguish the man of the spirit from the outward man of the body. The prophet says, “ Shall I give my firstborn for my transgres sion, the fruit of my body fo r the sin of my soul?” (Micah 6 :7 ); and Christ says, “ Fear not them which kill the body and are not able to kill the soul” (Matt. 10:28). In these passages “ the soul” practically stands for the man himself, and “ the body” for the house in which he lives. The Spirit employs three distinct words to distinguish between the outward man of the body and the Inward man of the spirit. The names: tor the outward man are "sonia,” "skenos,” and “ olkia.” The names which mark the inner man are “ psuche,” “ pneuma,” and “ nous.” “ Sonia” refers to the body as a whole. The man Is dis tinguished from his body. Hence Abraham “ considered (Continued on page 436)
SYLLABUS'. The meaning o f the words for “soul, (Om»na/ life,’’—‘ Spirit" and “soul" used interchangeably . . too, sometimes spoken of as “ the man." . . . . Five-fold differ- ence between “ spirit” “ soul” and “ body; Generally, soul, the vital principle; Significantly, “soul" distinguishes from the body •’’ Specifically, "soul" represents the individual; Objectively, "soul" is descriptive o f the life as lived; Metaphorically, soul denotes the emotions, feelings, etc ........... Olive Schreiner on the aim of a true life ........... The Poet’s longing and mistake. . . . . "Soul" used in contrast; outward life and inner soul. Psalmist on “soul" and “ all that is within me.” . . . “Sour used in a variety of ways. . . . tgsc • r*- — [HE Hebrew word "Nephesh” and the Greek word “ Psuche” are used in a variety of ways and trans lated by many different words. Generally speak- I ing the “ soul” is expressive of animal existence and is limited to the present life. Angels and demons are never said to have “ soul.” God is said to have soul, but not in the sense, as expressive of life. When applied to Him, it represents His affection (Matt. 1?:18 ). v When “ soul” is used of a disembodied spirit, it has ref erence to personality, and not to natural life (Matt. 10:28; Acts 2:27; Rev. 6 :9 ). It may be as well to note here, that “ spirit” and “ soul” are sometimes used interchangeably. The following couplets will illustrate: “ My soul is exceeding sorrowful” (Matt. 26:38). “ His spirit was stirred within Him” (Acts 17:16). “ My soul is cast down” (Psa. 42 :6 ). “ His spirit was troubled" (Gen. 41:8.) “ Now 19 my soul troubled” (John 12:27). “ Troubled in the spirit” (John 13:2). “ Give His life (soul) a ransom” (Matt. 2:28). ,.“ He yielded up His spirit" (Matt. 27:50). “ Upon every soul that doeth evil” (Rom. 2 :9 ). “ That the spirit might be saved” (1 Cor. 6 :6 ). “ I saw the souls that had been” (Rev. 6 :9 ). "Spirits of Just men” (Heb. 12:23). There is another thing to recognize and that is, some times the “ bo.dy” is spoken of as “ the man.” Hence, we read: ‘ “ Devout men carried Stephefi to his burial” (Acts 8 :2 ); and of Ananias we read: “ The young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out and buried him” (Acts 6 :6 ). Strictly speaking, the bodies only of these are meant. The difference between "spirit,” “ soul,” and “ body” may be defined as follows: Spirit is self-consciousness, soul is life-consciousness, and body is sense-consciousness. These may be summarized under five sections each: Spirit Soul Body Intelligence Animal Nature Feeling „ Will Life as lived Seeing Conscience Desire Hearing * Judgment Affection Tasting Memory Pleasure Smelling
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