399 cism, books upon books of that cult in a great volume, instead of intelligent and spiritually penetrating explana tion of the words of the Bible itself. It is a "commentary” only in mis naming. If such unacquaintance with the text of what they were discussing could be found among Orthodox com mentators or writers how the whole crowd of the Modernists would shout "Ignoramus!” The. Orthodox do not need to call names, but lovingly ex hort these neglecters of the Bible for the libraries of infidels to go back to the Word itself. Let us make a com pact to study the Bible as never be fore. That is the sure way to get nearer together. It need not be "literal” study, if the Modernist is afraid of that. Let him master the contents. If he does, how ever, he will get a very profound respect for the very words of the Holy Scriptures. There is something very wonderful in Bible words both in the original languages and in accurate translations. But in any case, it is only fair and honest scholarship to really know what one is discussing. “ Think for yourselves, ladies and gentlemen: I employ a man to educate my boy; he drills into my boy Tom Paine’s ’Age of Reason.’ I object; then the state comes in and sells my home and with' the money pays the teacher and says to me: ‘You shall pay the teacher’s salary and allow him to drill Tom Paine’s "Age of Reason” into your boy.’ “ That is exactly the issue, except that evolution is far worse than Tom Paine’s ‘Age of Reason.’ God’s Word says that God created great whales; evolution teaches that that is a lie; that whales used to have legs and walked around on the earth and got to going into water more and more and after millions of years evolved into whales; here it is in school books. “ God’s Word teaches that God cre ated every winged fowl. Evolution teaches that is a lie; that birds used to have four legs, but no feathers and no wings, and after millions of years evolved into birds; here it is in school books. “ God’s Word teaches that God cre ated man in His own image; evolu tion teaches that this is a lie, that the first man was midway between modern man and an anthropoid ape. “ God’s Word teaches that the first man spoke a plain language; evolu tion teaches that that is a lie; that the flrBt man had no language at all. “ God’ s Word teaches that the first man fell by sin, and as a result God’s Son came to redeem us from all in-
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
^ — W h e n M en Read the Scriptures DR. CHARLES ROADS Dr. Road* is not only one of the Contributing Editor* of The King * Buainea*. but an Associate Editor of “The Methodist, and ha* had a large and long experience a* pastor and teacher. We welcome this splendid article on reading the Bible. Hi* reference to George Wendling remind* the editor of the privilege he had of bringing Mr. Wendling to lecture in Indianapolis, following a lecture by Ingeraoll, and of tht won derful crowds who listened to hi* masterly defence of the Word bf God. -
® GORGE WENDLING, a fol lower and close friend of Ingersoll, read the Scrip tures more closely than he knew Ingersoll did, that he, too, might be able more successfully to argue against them. But Wendling, reading sincerely, became convinced of the truth of the Word, was converted, and became Ingersoll’s most powerful an tagonist. To Ingersoll’s lecture on “ The Mistakes of Moses” he replied with one on "The Mistakes of Bob,” crushingly showing up Ingersoll’s ignorance of the Bible. So also Joseph Barker, the English infidel, reading the Bible to get more material against it, came to believe it, and went unweariedly over his ground again to undo the great harm he had done, becoming a flaming evangelist in England and America. And General Wallace, unbeliever when "he began reading the Gospels, was saved by them and Inspired to write his soul stirring book, "Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ.” Thus always the Word of God is its own complete vindication. Men 'con tinue unbelievers and scoffers only so long as they do not or will not read it. How do men ‘liecome Modernists and remain such? By ceasing to read the Word itself and going to libraries and reading books against it. The proofs of such neglect of the text itself are clear, and more and more convincing as we read or hear the Liberals and Modernists. One of their theological leaders sneered recently at “ minute acquaintance with different bookB of the Bible! What did that amount to? Living the Christian life is the thing!” Another great professor of Yale Col lege showed amusing and amazing ignorance of the books of Matthew and of Revelation which he was discussing. Astonishing misstatements of what they* say the Scriptures teach are everywhere in their sermons and books. Some of these writers impress the close reader as probably not having read their New Testament through nor probably a complete Gospel nor any Epistle since they lapsed into Modernism.
Collate what they declare Jesus did not claim to be; examine what they say He emphasized as the most im portant concern of life; see the aston ishing things they put intp His mouth. All absolutely unfounded in the Word. Study their arguments of how Paul taught differently from Christ, misrep resenting both Christ and Paul. And so op, more and more misstatements in ignorance of the Word; the writ ings of the Modernists and their ser mons steadily drifting farther away from the light of the actual Scriptures. Professor Peake’s “ Commentary,” which but for Bishop Leete, it is re ported, would actually now be in the Methodist course of study, is a rehash of the most extreme destructive criti-
R. T. T. Martin, that doughty a n d indomitable Defender of the Faith and Enemy p t Evolution, has enlisted in a
campaign to banish the teaching of evolution from the tax-supported schools of North Carolina, which bids fair to be as completely successful as was the effort in Mississippi, in which Dr. Martin brought victory to the Fun damentalist forces. Speaking in Char lotte, N. C., at a mass meeting re cently, Dr. Martin hurled these unan swerable arguments into the teeth of the evolutionists and their supporters: “ The fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excludes any general power of the state to standardize its children. “ ‘The child is not the mere cre ation of the state; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right and the high duty to recognize and prepare him for additional obli gations.’ Now the constitution of the state of North Carolina, article one, section 26, says: “ ‘All men have a natural and in alienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience, and no human author ity should in any case whatsoever con trol or Interfere with the rights of conscience.*
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