King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Jesus’ personal contact with fourteen different individuals, and the lessons growing out of the same, Philip, Mary (the mother of Jesus), Nico- demus, the Woman at the Well, the Nobleman’s Son, the Impotent Man, the Outcast Woman, the Blind Man, Lazarus, Mary of Bethany, Judas, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Peter. When you have done this you will not only have a new conception of real soul-saving, but a new, holy desire to be a soul-winner. Then make it a point to have always in your pocket or handbag one or more Gospels, and you will' find easy access to people. Ask some such question as, “ Have you ever noticed the manner in which Jesus dealt with a blind man?” or “ an out­ cast woman,” etc., at the same time handing them a Gospel open at the PaOr *askCthis question: “ Would you do me a favor if it didn’t cost you any­ thing?” and when they say Yes (which in almost every case will be the reply), hand them a Gospel and say, "Then please read this. Then you can go on your way and follow.the Gospel with prayer. God will take care of His Word. (Isa. 55;11). So much for the principal thing. Now as to suggestions for profitable books, we would recommend, for the preacher: Why I Believe in Jesus, by Edward Leigh Pell ($1.00). The Local Church, Its Present and Future, by Frederick A. Agar, Secre­ tary of Stewardship and Efficiency, Northern Baptist Convention ($1.00). The Dragon and the Lamb, a New Time Story of an Old Time Power, in the Romance of Redemption, by Dr. Leon Tucker ($1.25). Evolution Examined in the Light of Reason and Revelation, by Albert P. Schrack, an experienced scientist in thfi realms of geology, mineralogy, For General Reading Creation, Not Evolution, by Alonzo P. Baker and Francis D. Nichol, a non-technical examination of the the­ ory of evolution which is commended by Prof. George Macready Price ($1.60). Love and Courtship, by the Mare- chale (Catherine Booth Clibborn), written in answer to a great, deep need ($1.00). Christ Supreme, by Dr. Arthur H. Carter, England (30c add 75c). The Power-Full Christian, by the author of “ How to Live the Victorious Life” (Devotional) ($1.00). God’s Way of Holiness, by Horatius Bonar (20c). The Modern Triangle, by Prof. S. J. Bole, Wheaton College ($1.50). They Have Taken Away my Lord, by Wm. Edward Biederwolf (20c). For further suggestions read “ Best Books” in this number on page 4198, or send to Biola Book Room, 680 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal­ ifornia, and they will gladly send you a catalogue of “ Books for Summer Reading.”

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The Uilliains ¡Service, Now York The picture represents with graphic suggestiveness thé difficulty * O*®*) would experience In passing through the needles eye. For that Is the term by which the small Inner door Is designated. If for no other reason surely his impedimenta would render such a feat Impossible.

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Mother’s Day, I 'wish' to testify that mother was right, and that I yearn for her Saviour, Jesus Christ, to be mine. And I call upon you and your great church, who I learn still believe in the old Bible, and the power of prayer to save, to pray that I may be saved under the blood of Christ and admit­ ted with Mother into the Heavenly Kingdom. (Signed) ‘A Mother’s Son.’ " What Can We Do? “ Our only hope is t 6 ~c 2 iry the fight to the people and drive every evolution teacher and every evolution book out of every tax-supported school in America.” Alfe, Alfe, JH SUMMER READING AND RECREATION Vacation is confronting many of the members of The King’s Business Fam­ ily. Some are planning for their sum­ mer reading and some are not plan­ ning to read at all. For both these classes, we have some suggestions to make. Vacation for the Christian should be a time o f re-creation. The body is to be strengthened by exercise; the mind’ enlightened by contact with ether minds and the printed page; the soul fed by meditation upon the Word of God and, where possible, spiritual fellowship with other saints who are Journeying to the Celestial City. As you look upon the waters of the ocean or lake, or view the hills and mountain peaks, or gaze upon the sun­ lit skies, you can hold holy commun­ ion with Nature’s Maker and have sweet fellowship with your Lord. And as you do this— wonder of wonders! — it will minister to the strengthening of body, mind and spirit. What will you take to read? Well, first of all, we commend for a “ pocket- piece” the “ Little Red Gospel of John.” Determine to master, in some measure, the wonderful love story which is unfolded in the record of

iouity. Evolution teaches that man has never fallen but that he is always evolving upward. “ Now the Saviour endorsed Genesis as the Word of God. If Ho endorsed a tissue of lies as God’s Word, then He was not God's Son, and the world is left without a real Redeemer and without any authoritative standard of morals. “ But the evolutionists raise the cry that evolution is doing no harm, but that it is a great aid to Christianity. Professor Leuba, of Bryn Mawr, has published to the world that investiga­ tion in great northern colleges has re­ vealed that after the first year 15 out of 100 had given up faith in the Bible as God’s Word and the Saviour as the real Redeemer of mankind; after the second year, 30 out of 100, and 45 the third year. Tlie Sad Story of a Shipwrecked Student “ Here is a sample in a letter to a friend of mine: Mgy 8, 1921. “ ‘Dear Sir: “ ‘I was the son of a Christian mother; went to college, was taught by infidel teachers, studied E'volution, etc.,— traveled extensively, c a m e home, insulted my old mother; went the primrose route, and today I am a mental, spiritual, and physical wreck. My soul is a starving skeleton; my heart a petrified rock; my mind is poisoned and as fickle as the wind, and my faith as unstable as water. I broke the heart of my mother, dis­ appointed my friends, stood before my class on graduation day, delivered the valedictory address, lauded ‘Darwin’s Theory’ to the skies, and other things I can never recall. I have run the gauntlet, I am at the end of the rope. Oh, wretched man that I am. There is no rest, happiness, or peace for me. I sometimes think I will jump overboard and end it all. I wish I had never seen a college; I hope you will warn the young men of the impending dan­ ger Just ahead of them. I may be beyond hope, but on this glorious


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