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July 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
SHORT WORDS There are long words and short words, more of the short than of the long, and it is to the use of short words that the English tongue seems to run. Not long ago, a group of scholars chose what to them were the big words in common life, ’and they were all short words. Take that which is outside of us, the mystery of the world, how it all falls into the span of short words: Sky — star — sun — earth — air — rain — snow — tree — grass — water — grow. And the things more near us in the way of life— that word “ life” itself!— man — woman — child — food — drink —- fire —- home — love — work — play. The things of the spirit, all said in short words: Faith— hope— fear— grace— strong— weak— wonder. And then those two infinitely deci sive words: Yes—No. Most of them words of one syllable, too. Even “ syllable” might have been written “ part.”— Dearborn Independ ent. In 1025 the woman governor of Texas extended an open door to 1715 convicts, and during the same period the Governor of Illinois said “ Good bye” to 2000 prisoners, while the Gov ernor of California gave freedom to one man, and he an innocent man who had been wrongly convicted. It is said that the seismographs, the delicate instruments which record earthquakes, have been in constant agitation, for iponths. Never before in the history of the world have there been so many earthquakes as during the last year. The unspeakable Jap anese disaster was the greatest in all history. In 'southern California, Los Angeles, the Imperial Valley and else where many earthquakes have occur red within the last three or four months, as well as in Spain, France, Italy, Australia and South America. Men who study earthquakes think that another great catastrophe may happen at any time in the earthquake belt. Our Lord left the warning that there would be earthquakes in divers places as among the signs of His Return and the end of the age. “ For nation shall rise against na tion, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be fam ines and trouble.”— The Prophetic Voice, 1924. THE SHAKING EARTH
the United States a criminal knows there are seven chances to eight he will not be arrested; fifteen chances to one he will not be convicted, and 100 chances to one he will not be hanged even if convicted.”—-Exchange. Women are permitted to practice law now in Russia, while thousands of hungry children break the law in order to secure bread. THE INSTALLMENT AGE A business expert told an audience that this should be known as the in stallment age. He says that we are in a world of partial payments and that most of our commercial contacts are now on the basis of so much down and so much a week. The young man buys his engagement ring and the bride her trousseau on the basis of $5 a month. Most motor cars are sold on time pay ments, and the furniture of the home is largely acquired on the same accom modating plan. Even the grave and the tombstone that complete the chap ter of human existence are paid for in rvenient installments.— Exchange. The “ best sellers” for 1025 were “ religious” books, and the best of all was the “ Best Book”— the Bible. It outranks all other books in the world, in point of sales. SWISS FIND MOUNTAIN IN MOTION Careful observations kept by the Swiss Topographical Bureau s i n c e 1888 show that the Motto D’Arbine, a mountain 5550 feet high near Bellin- zona, in the Canton of Tessin, is mov ing. The mountain sank at an average of nearly an inch and a half a year during the first fourteen years of ob servation. The latest report is that there has been a subsidence of more than six inches during the last twelve months. Observers say when the un derlying mass of rock gives way the whole of the great plateau will crash into the valley. Precautions have already been taken to prevent loss of life should the plateau fall.—News Item. Bijt we will not “ fear though the earth be moved and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea” for “ the Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge” (Psa. 46:2, 7). Russia expects to obtain $250,000.00 revenue from the sale of vodka, their national intoxicant. But there is no record of their expectations as to what vodka will produce.
117,188,817 people are now trying to lire in the United States.
THE NEW JERUSALEM • The subdividers have broken into the Holy Land. They are laying out two or three new towns— one of them a seaport— and are conducting opera tions along lines familiar to dwellers in California and Florida: They are not sacrilegious. They haven’t yet got to the point where they are uprooting landmarks, but there is no assurance that they will always be thus consider ate. A modern subdivider is quite capable of zoning Bethlehem for busi ness or putting a scenic railway on the Mount of Olives.— L. A. Times. Buddha is being worshipped in Los Angeles, California, by 2000 people in a new $250,000 temple. UNFIT TO MARRY Obeying a new statute designed to raise the standard of Iowa’s cMidhçn, State officials are compiling X list ■ Iowans unfit to marry and rear fam ilies. The list, which may contain as many as 100,000 names, will be arranged in alphabetical order and placed in the hands of county clerks, who will be in structed to decline to issue marriage licenses to any persons whose names are included, Inmates of State institutions who may be released, persons who are pr have been dependent on the county for financial help, are among the first to be listed.— Exchange. 26,000,000 young people under 25 years of age in this country are with out any religious training. CRIME CURE In an address before the Union Min isters’ meeting in Chicago, Judge Mar cus Kavanagh laid much of the blame on lawyers for their opposition to a change in the criminal code, and on good citizens for refusing to serve on juries, and for their Indifference con cerning the ballot at elections. While the ministers applauded him vigorous ly he classed them also among those who are to blame for crime conditions. “ You have not taken your part ser iously enough,” he said, directly ad dressing the ministers. “ You talk too much about social questions and dilet tante matters, and not enough about Jesus Christ. “ Our remedy lies in surer and quick er punishment. In England a would- be murderer hesitates when he real izes that in seven or eight weeks he will be standing on the gallows. In
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