King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S _______________

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In t e r e s t in g S t o r ie s f r o m R e a l E x p e r i e n c e tow by Bible institute w ork ers ----- as

evangelistic Uepartment


portune time. Two days later his wife came to our office and she too accepted the Lord Jesus. Shortly after this word was received of his death. The wife being in the city all alone and needing our help it fell to our lot to arrange for the undertaker, funeral service, and many other little things that came up as a result of this con­ dition. How glad we were that we had the opportunity o f thus serving one so in need, yet words can never express the joy that was ours because we knew he had passed out of death into life and she had a hope, although but a few days old, which stretched beyond the horizon of time into eter­ nity. So you see aside from ministering to the needs of the men at work we are continually called upon for services such as this arid as a consequence need a great deal of prayer that we might know His will and do it. Those interested in our department who will pray for the work definitely are urged to let us know and definite prayer requests will be sent to them from month to month. m t SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bandar, Supt.—Coapel Meeting* and Houaa to Houaa Work among 50.000 Mexicans in Loa Angeles and Vicinity. “ The god of thia world hath blinded the minda of them that believe not, lent the light of the glorioua gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.** home, and while there offered grace at the table whereupon his mother said to him, “Where did you learn to pray so beautifully?” He replied that when one accepts Christ the Holy Spirit comes and teaches one to pray. When she in­ quired, "What must one do to pray so?” he responded, “ Accept Jesus as your Saviour." “Oh, no," she said, “I could not leave my religion which my fathers taught me.” “ Well,” the son asked, "how do you expect to be saved?” She replied, “By the indulgences that I have earned,” and began to enumerate the thousands of indulgences she already had. The son began to count them up and they amounted to 32,000,000. “Now,” he said, “if we count off each day for an indulgence, if you should get to heaven, what would you do after you had com­ pleted the 32,000,000 days?" “Well," she said, "my mother knows." “ No," said the son, “God would have to tell you to get out; but on the contrary I confide in the blood of Jesus Christ, and He will never cast me out. I am secure as long as He is there.” Nothwlthstand- E would like to give you an Incident which corroborates the above Scripture. One of the members of our Bible Class spent the holidays at his

BIBLE WOMEN S WORK Mrs. L y m a n Stewart, Supt.—Twenty-five Women Engaged in Houae to Houaa Pereonal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning Cluba, The Euodia Club UST a month ago we told of what the Lord had done in our Euodia Conterence, and you readers of The King's Business had the joy of see­ ing the happy group of high school girls as they were gathered together in that great outdoor meeting place. The work begun there in the hearts of the girls is going on and almost every day we see some njsw result in the lives of the girls. The dear Lord has blessed the Work in such a sweet, quiet way in so many of the clubs. In one club, at the begin­ ning of the year, it was so difficult to get any of the girls to lead in prayer. Oenerally we could depend on two girls, the one called upon to lead and the one called upon to close. The rest of the prayer time would be made up of painful pauses. He has been giving victory though and several weeks ago, when the time came for our prayer circle, twelve or more girls found their voices in prayer and supplication. Surely there was Joy in the heart of the teacher, and we know His heart was made glad. Then too He has been making hearts rejoice by definite conversions. Into one of the clubs there came a Roman Catholic girl. She came a few times last year but did not seem so very much interested. This year she came to the first few meetings and then missed many ’ times, but finally one rainy day when there were only a few girls out the Lord dealt definitely with her. That day we had a circle of tes­ timonies and one after another of the girls told where she was born, when she was "born again," and what was the most precious lesson He had taught her since she had known Him. When it came to the Roman Catholic girl she said, "I don’t know what you are talking about. No one ever told me abotit taking Jesus as my Saviour." Somehow the message had never been personal before. The girls all slipped out quietly and with His Word we showed her Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life, and had the Joy of hearing her say “ Yes” to Him. In that same club, after a meeting in which the Holy Spirit had so plainly shown the girls the difference be­ tween trusting in church membership and trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ as their hope of salvation, another girl was led to see tbat the foundation on which she was building was not His foundation. The girls bad started home, and this girl came back to the teacher with such a won­ dering look on her face and such an

There are no doubt many of your f r i e n d s who would be blessed by reading the monthly record o f God’s workings ap­ pearing regularly on this page A t the trial rate o f 6 months for only 5o cents no one should be deprived o f the monthly visits of The King’s Business. I f you will send in five o f these short term subscriptions we will send you —with our compliments—a iopy o f "Scriptural Inspiration vs. Scientific Imagination.” S e e coupon on page 433.

earnest question on her lips. As she told us that she had joined the church when but a small girl and then said, "That means that I am saved, doesn’t it?” we had the privilege of showing her from the Word that acceptance of Christ was the only plan for saving lost sinners. So He works, and as we see the re­ sults in the lives of the girls our hearts rejoice, and we echo the words of the Psalmist, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy- name.” ¿He. m WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.—Meetings hold in Shops, Factories, Car-Barns and Firo Engine Houses in Los Angeles. well as the dying. This past month has been full of many diverse expe­ riences, one of which will give you a picture of some of the problems that we face in the great work of preaching Christ to those who labor. Recently a report came in from one of the out of town shops that one of the fellows was in the hospital here, in Los Angeles. Calling upon him, we found him in much pain and as a con­ sequence suffering a great deal. Min­ istering as best we could that day, we returned later on and had the oppor­ tunity of dealing with him about his soul. -o . . . . Following this It was the privilege of one of our workers to lead him to Christ in what proved to be Qod’s op­ ORK in the Shop Department of the Bible Institute varies from that of giving o u t tracts to arranging details for the care of the sick as

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