July 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
- lege of service and is now putting aside as God prospers him to carry the good news to those who sit in darkness. “ I cannot work my soul to save, for this my Lord hath done, But I can work like ahy slave for love of His dear Son." As we looked into his peaceful face, listened to his testimony, heard his prayer, going up in behalf of “others , and took notice of the two men he had brought to "Biola Hall” for a personal interview regarding where they stood in things eternal, our heart was lifted in praise unto “Him who is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him." .416. m WORK AMONG THE JEWS David L. Cooper, Supt.—Bible Classes and Personal Work, Street Meetings and Semi- monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. Semi-Monthly Meetings meetings held at the Institute. At the meeting of May 9 the subject discussed was the Second Psalm, which brought a blessing to many. At the conclusion of the message the testimonies of the Hebrew Christians of what the Lord had done for them were very inspiring. After the testimonies there were four immersions, two Hebrews and oUr own two little girls being baptized. At the meeting of May 23 a series of lectures on the Song of Moses in Deut. 32, illustrated with the lantern, was begun. Slides giving the Hebrew text, and biblical pictures Illustrating truths mentioned in the text, were thrown upon the screen and proved very helpful to all present. The Jewish at tendance was especially gratifying, there being present some who were not be lievers, but who were very much im pressed. Prayer Meetings The prayer-meetings continue as usual and are especially well attended. Dif ferent ones come to our daily prayer meeting at the office from 9:00 to 9:30 and we bring the needs of the work to the Lord in earnest prayer. The Thurs day prayer-meeting is also well attended and the interest is growing rapidly. As a rule we have three or four Jewesses present who enter heartily into the praise and prayer. Prayer Sheet The prayer-sheet which we print each week is being used of the Lord greatly. Of the first issue we printed about 120, but at present the demand has grown until we print about 300. Since so much prayer has been going up in behalf of the work, the devil has especially been bringing many problems before us, but we praise His name that by His grace and wisdom we have been able thus far to meet and solve them. II is only through Him that we meet them. When God’s people become busy Satan becomes very active. Visitation The visitation work on the part of our regular workers and the students is especially encouraging. Many homes (Continued on page 428) t URING the month of May the Lord indeed blessed our semi- , monthly meetings, notwith standing the fact that at the same time there were special
to the latter class, for after his depart ure, we discovered he not only left with all the perfectly good bedding, but literally took up the bed and walked, off with it likewise. But this other man turned out so well, we want all our readers to share our praise and thanksgiving, while we ask for much more grace to take -the "spoiling of our goods” With joyful- ness, not simply resignation. This other man was Just a simple, shy, unassuming fellow, so very reserved and Quiet it was real hard work to draw him out and get him to acknowl edge his leanness and poverty of bou I. He had grown up to manhood believing his “confirmation” as a lad constituted all that was necessary to insure an en trance into the pearly gates. Joining the Church when very young, strictly adhering to all forms and cus toms imposea upon him by over zealous parents, deeply encased in a shell of piousness and exceedingly sanctimoni ous, he endured his religion, suffering inwardly, but never possessing the cour age to open his heart to any one, never discovering one who really cared for his soul, always struggling to remain faith ful,. fearing, hoping eventually the good God would save him in the end, if only- somehow he could manage to keep clinging. A sad state indeed, but alas, we have every reason to believe the condition of thousands of other poor struggling souls. The kindness and . love of God our Saviour brought this man to our doors where he fell into the hands of a .good Samaritan possessing a great big heart with an inexhaustible store of patience, who with “line upon line and precept upon precept” lovingly and prayerfully brought to bear upon him the tnith of God’s simple unencumbered way of life with the most praiseworthy results, so that at last he could sing: “My chains are snapt, the bands Of sin are broken and I am free! Oh, let the triumphs of His grace Be spoken who died for me. Done is the work that saves, Once and forever done, Finished in righteousness That clothes the Righteous One; The love thQt blesses us below Is flowing freely for us now.” Romans 4:4, 5 as well as Titus 3:6 has been used by the Holy Spirit to convince many souls that all our “dead ly doing” only ends in death. This poor man was a Christian only in name, possessing no other hope for eternal life than water baptism and the hands of some church dignitary placed on his head. The Bible was a sealed as well as an unread book to him. Surely "there is a way which seemeth right unto a man but .the end thereof is death.” But now, praise God, he is being rooted and grounded in the Living Word, is increasingly seeing the privi-
ing this practical illustration, she said she preferred to go on in the same old way. Dear friends, do you not see how true the Scripture which heads this article is? And this is the delusion of millions of Romanists! How much we need to pray for these deluded people, that their eyes may be opened by God’s Holy Spir it. Here is an opportunity to be an intercessor for those who sit in dark ness and in the shadow of death. In contrast to the above incident, one of our men in Mexico writes us that he laments that he is not able to give as much time as he would like to give to this work because of having to. sup port his family, (he is giving only part time). He says the need is great and the people seem very hungry fpr the Word, and often they ask if he .cgpnot come oftener. Of course he is simply a volunteer worker as we do not have the means to pay a salary, but we re joice to know that they are constrained by the love of Christ to go forth and sow the precious seed. We would like to send him an offering occasionally and so encourage him in what he is doing. Will you not pray that God will supply this need? Another fine Christian Mexican -young man has joined our Bible Class and is anxious to return and find his father, who was formerly a priest in Mexico, and preach the Gospel to him, but has not the means to return. We covet him for the work. He said he would be glad to sell books down there to meet his expenses until he could find his father, and perhaps his father, who is an editor of a paper, would help him financially. Will not a large com pany of the readers of The King’s Busi ness Join us in prayer that his way may be opened very soon. He is working here but has not steady employment, as happens with so many Mexicans. He formerly was a rank infidel and would make a fine worker, so please pray earnestly for these two cases. We also wish you would join us in prayer that the Lord may supply the means to secure one thousand copies of the "Travelers’ Guide" in Spanish—a booklet illustrating the way of Salvation -through Scripture texts. t &U. BIOLA HALL David Cant, Supt.—Our City Mission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings con tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. This very man, four or five days be fore, had slipped a fifty dollar bill in the same hand and only a few weeks ago had been guilty of the same of fence, the actions seemingly bringing him so much pleasure and genuine joy that evidently he intends to keep it up, and thereby hangs a tale. We are told not to forget to “enter tain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” All we do entertain do not turn out to be angels, unless, alas, they are very much fallen. One recently entertained at “ Biola Hall/* turned out to belong MAN just placed in the writer’s hand a nice big fat roll of bills, telling him to invest it in spreading the Gospel to the regions beyond.
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in Pennsylvania they share their blessings: "T h e King's Business is such a joy and inspiration, and when 1 am through with each copy, it is a great pleasure to pass it on to someone else.”
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