July 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
He said further that he had never before heard what his visitors had Just told him, that Jesus Christ had died for the sins of the world, and that by faith in Him men could obtain eter nal life and eternal Joy. And so, he added, “ According to your teaching we farmers do not need to wosship the god of the fields, the god of the clouds, and many other gods, but simply be lieve in Jesus Christ and sincerely wor ship the one true God; then our sins will be forgiven and our hearts will be filled with peace. If these things are true, then surely I and my entire family want to believe in J e s u s Christ.” With hearty greetings from China, Most truly yours, Frank A. Keller. Changsha, Hunan, China, April 3, 1926. M . THE BIBLE A PERPETUAL MIRACLE By Rev. Wm . Wood, Kennebunk, Me. 1. The miracle of its origin: Moved by the Holy Ghost men heard, Received, and wrote the sacred Word; And, moved by Him through every age, Have found God through the sacred page. 2. The miracle of its preservation: Moved by the Spirit of their Lord, In many lands, of one accord, From fire and rack saints never swerved, That God’s own Book might be pre served. 3. The miracle of its distribution: From east to west, from pole to pole, They’ve borne this charter of the soul; O’er trackless seas and desert sand, They’ve carried it to every land. 4. The miracle of its moral results: Peoples of every tongue and hue, Hearing this Word, are born anew; Marvels of grace attest its might; Gross darkness yields to Living Light. B. The miracle of its music and gladness: Sweet music from this harp divine, And gladness spring from every line; “ Rejoice! rejoice!" its message rings; Gladness to all mankind it brings. 0. The miracle of its living hope: Sad, sad the world, black with despair! But light and love upspringing there Create a hope, bright, full and free, And big with immortality. 7. The miracle of its indestructibility: The hate and craft of sin have sought To bring this Book of God to naught; Though earth recede and fade away. This Word of Life is here to stay. — Bible Society Record.
The evangelists quickly dispelled his fears by telling him that they had not come for money or for anything else that he might have, but simply to bring to him. the good news of free salvation and eternal life through faith In the Lord Jesus Christ. They asked him if he had ever visited the Gospel Hall in the market town of that district. He replied that he had not; he only went to the market town once each year on "The day for escaping a hundred diseases” ! On this day he saw a building and was told that It was a “ Foreign Religion Hall,” where they exhorted men to* be good, but his time was limited and he did not go in. In that district they have a strange custom. Even our Chinese workers had never heard of it before. On the 16th of the first month of each year great crowds of men, women and chil dren from all quarters of the sur rounding country flock into the mar ket town and walk up and down the streets, believing that if they do so they will be kept free from sickness during the coming year. The old man said it was a tradition that had been handed down for many generations.
ness and fear; she kept looking around In a distracted way, and very evidently their words were not taking hold. They continued to pray as they spoke and at last they told her of God’s precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; , of how He had come to this earth and had died on the cross for her, and there on the cross had paid the penalty for all her sins, and was now offering to her free pardon for all her sins and an eternal life of hap piness and peace. This statement gripped her at once. Her whole attitude was changed. With deepest Interest and manifest Joy she asked question after question about the Gospel message, and how to be lieve, and when our evangelists had to leave they did so with the deep convic tion that the Holy Spirit had truly be gun 'a work of grace In this woman’s heart. Let us pray that the work may go on and that she and all her household may become children of the King. •«The Day for Escaping a Hundred Diseases” .. On another day they came to a farm house decupled by a tenant who worked the farm on shares. There had just been a severe drought, his grain had all dried up and he had no harvest and so he was not able to turn over to the owner the specified amount of grain. The owner had or dered him to leave the farm and the poor fellow thought that our evan gelists were agents of the owner who had come to turn him out. The evan gelists write that he seemed even more scared than the woman mentioned above.
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The King’s Business brings blessing to this reader in China: “ I am glad to say that my subscription to The King’s Business has been a great bless ing to me. One cannot have such a magazine in his or her possession, reading and study ing it, without feeling a sense o f dnty to do God’s will.”
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