King's Business - 1926-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1926

God is a Judge, Psa. 60:6. God is my helper, Psa. 54:4. God is for me, Psa. 56:9. God is my defence, Psa. 69:9. God is my salvation, Psa. 62:7. God is a Father to the fatherless, Psa. 68:5. God is good, Psa. 78:1. God is my K|ng, Psa. 74:12. God is with His own, Isa. 8:10. God is merciful, Psa. 116:6. God is faithful, 1 Cor. 1:9. God is one, Gal. 3:20. God is rich in mercy, Eph. 2:4. God is a consuming fire, Heb. 12: 29. God is light, 1 John 1:5. God is love, 1 John 4:16. — J. B. E. THE ATTRACTABILITY OF PER­ SONALITY “ Death recently ended the long vigil of Nero, a dog who died on his mas­ ter’s grave in a lonely cemetery in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. “ His owner, Charles Farmer, was shot to death last July in a gun fight with prohibition officers. Nero fol­ lowed the funeral procession to the cemetery, where he kept watch daily, leaving the grave at short intervals for fo od .' All efforts to coax the dog away failed. “ Today a boulder marks the grave of Nero. "Ministers in their sermons refer­ red, Just as they have in the past six months, to the love and devotion of Nero for his master." The personality of the master was everything to the dog. When one per­ son attracts another, the attractability causes the attracted one to do the un­ usual. Rebekah was attracted to go with Eleazer to Isaac (Gen. 24:58), and so the Spirit attracts us to Christ. Ruth was attracted to Naomi (Ruth 1:16, 17). Believers are attracted to each other. Jacob was attracted to R a ch e I (Gen. 29:20). So Christ loves the church. Jonathan was attracted to David (1 Sam. 18 :1 ). So the friend loveth his friend. Mary was attracted to her Lord (John 12 :3 ). So the consecrated one gives all to Him. Caleb was attracted to his - God (Num. 14:24). So love follows the Lord fully. Paul was attracted to Christ and loved to Berve Him (2 Cor. 5 :14 ). When love within the spirit burns, The soul with real affection yearns; It looks not to the cross it bears, But walks with Christ, whose yoke it shares. — F. E. M. God is true, John 3:33. God is Spirit, John 4:24.

(Joshua 1). David (Matt. 1 :1 ). Eli­ jah (Mark 9 :4 ). Daniel (Ex. 14:20). The Seven Great Men o f the New Testament Peter (Matt. 4:18; Acte 2 ). James (Mark 1:19 ). John (Luke 6:10). Paul (Acts 9 :3 ). Luke (Col. 4:14). Matthew (Matt. 9 :k ). Mark (Acts 12: 12 ). The Seven Great Chapters of the Old Testament Gen. 1; Ex. 20; Deut. 28; Psa. 91; * Prov. 3; Isa. 53; Joel 2. The Seven Great Chapters of the New Testament Matt. 6; Luke 24; John 14; Rom. 8; 1 Cor. 13; Eph. 3; Rev. 21. The Seven Great Psalms 1; 28; 32; 37; 91; 103; 119. The Seven Great Women of the Old A Testament Miriam (Ex. 15:20). Ruth (Ruth 1:14; Matt. 1 :5 ). Hannah (1 Sam. 1). Jephthah’s daughter (Judges 11: 30-34). Deborah (Judges 4 and 6). Queen of Sheba (1 Ki. 10). Esther (Esther 4:4-17). The Seven Great Women of the New Testament Mary— mother of Jesus (Luke 1: SO­ SO). Mary— sister of Lazarus (John 11:6, 38). Martha (John 11:6, 21). Mary Magdalene (Matt. 28 :1 ). Dor­ cas (Acts 9 :36 ). Lydia (Acts 16:14, 40). Chloe (1 Cor. 1:11). — C. H. Y. & J. B. JB. “ HIMSELF” OUR CROWNING BLESSING Blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ.— Eph. 1:8. In whom we are accepted.— Epn. 1 : 6 . In whom we have redemption.— Eph.l:6. In whom we have forgiveness.— Eph. 1:7. Through whom we have peace witn God.— Col. 1:14. Through whom we have eternal life. — Rom. 5:1. Through whom we have access unto the Father.— Eph. 2:18. By whom we are called unto eternal glory.— 1 Pet. 6:10. Our crowning joy will be when we shall see Him as He Is.— 1 John 3:2. m « crowning day will be the day of the gladness of His heart (S. of 8. 3:11) when He shall present unto Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.— Eph. 5:27. — E.A.H. WHAT GOD IS God is thy refuge, Deut. 33:27. God is-a jealous God, Josh. 24:19. God is my strength, 2 Sam. 22:33.

OUR HOPE The Coming of the Lord Is— (1 ) A saving hope— Rom. 8:24. (2 ) A good hope.— 2 These. 2:16. (8) A blessed hope.— Titus 2:18. (4 ) A Joyful hope.— Hebrews 3:6. (6) A living hope.— 1 Pet. 1:8. (6 ) A purifying hope.— 1 John 3:3. (7 ) A hope of righteousness.— Gal. 6 :5 . — J S . . A CONDESCENDING GOD The Lord looked down from heaven* •• to see, Ruin— Psalm 14:2. The Lord looked down from heaven* *• to hear, Repentance—Psalm 102:19. The Lord looked down from heaven* •• to deliver, Redemption— Psalm 33:13-19.' O, God, look down from heaven* •• and visit, Revival— Psalm 80:14.—*—J. M. H. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAITH a n d WORKS Faith 1. No faith. Mark 4:40. 2. Little faith. Luke 12:28. 3. Great faith. Matt. 8:10. 4. Rich faith. James 2:5. 5. Precious faith. 2 Peter 1:1. 6. Full faith. Acts 6:5. 7. Perfect faith. James 2:22. Works 1. Dead works. Heb. 6:1. 2. Wicked works. Col. 1:21. 3. Dark works. Rom. 13:12. 4. Unfruitful works. Eph. 6:11. 6. Good works. Matt. 5:16. 6. Greater works. John 14:12. 7. Perfect work. James 1:4. —T. B. SOME BIBLE STUDIES IN “ SEVEN" The Seven Great Doctrines Sin (Rom. 6 :19 ). Repentance (Acts 17:30). Faith (Mark 11:22). Redemption (Eph. 1 :7 ; Col. 1:14). Justification (Rom. 6 :1 ). Regenera­ tion (John 3 :i-9 ). Sanctification (1 Thess. 4:3, 4; 2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1 :2 ). _ . ^ The Seven Great Revelations God (Acts 14:15-17). Life (2 Tim. 1 :10 ). Immortality (2 Tim. 1:10). Resurrection (John 11:25). Judgment (John 16:7-11). Heaven (Rev. 4 :1 ). Hell (Rev. 9:1. 2). The Seven Great Bible Events Creation (Gen. 1 :1 ). Fall (Gen. 8: 6). Sinai (Ex. 20:1-17). Bethlehem (Matt 2 :1 ). Calvary (Mark 16:25). Ascension (Luke 24:51). Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). The Seven Great Books of the Bible Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, John, Acts, Romans, Revelation. The Seven Great Men of the O. T. Abraham (Jas. 2:23 ). Jacob (Gen. 32:28-30). Moses (Dent. 34). Joshua

God Is mighty, Job 36:5. God is great, Job 36:26.

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