King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A Day o f Intercession


(A resolution adopted at the recent annual convention o f the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association at Toronto, Canada, held April 25—May 2, 1926.) “ Whereas, the apostasy from the faith on the part of the pulpit, the worldli­ ness and unspirituality in the pews, the alarming conditions morally throughout the nations, the breakdown of home life, the lack of respect for all authority in community life, the atheistic philosophy of the schools, the putrefaction of contem­ porary literature, and the indecency and damning influences of modern amuse­ ments, reveals the need of a sweeping revival ; and " Whereas, in this day of appalling need we call upon Christians everywhere throughout the world to pray earnestly and prevailingly for a Heaven-sent, world­ wide revival that shall awaken the Church, put the pulpit on fire, make soul-winning the chief business of Christians, bring conviction of sin upon the sinners and the fear of God upon the community and the nations ; "Therefore, we call upon Christians on every continent to keep the Fourth Day of July, 1926, as a day of prayer, when churches and opened everywhere for importunate prayer. We urge all Christian magazines and newspapers in every country, and in every language, to broadcast this appeal, and every evangelical pastor to announce the appeal and preach on ‘Prayer and Revival’ on the Sunday that precedes the day suggested for prayer. Shall we not have such a day of prayer as the world has never seen, and which will bring about results so far-reaching that hell shall be poorer and Heaven richer, and earth encircled with blazing revivals that shall bring multitudes to the Christ of Calvary !” PRAY FOR REVIVAL!

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