King's Business - 1926-07

Practical M ethods of Personal Work FOR DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH T. C. HORTON

best ways to "Defend the Faith" is to get Christian people to read The King’s Business. Write for sample copies, subscription blanks, attractive leaflets, etc., and use them In speaking and writing to your friends. We are counting on our “ Defenders” to help make the magazine what it ought to be for our Lord and for His glory. Don’t fail us! LESSON TWENTY-FOUR One of the most subtle of the mod­ ern cults is that known as "New Thought” which, like Russellism, mas­ querades under many different desig­ nations, such as "Unity,” “ Divine Sci­ ence F e 11 o w s h i p,” “ Advanced Thought,rt and so on ad infinitum, every individual leader giving some new "twist” to their teaching, but all having the same basic principle,-;—the glorification of man and the attempt to "climb up some other way” (John 10:1, 7-10). New Thought, like Christian Sci­ ence, Theosophy, and all other similar modern fads, is anti-Christian. It denies every distinctive feature of Christianity. It is in no sense “ new,” but as old as the Gospel itself. It denies the supernatural inspira­ tion of the Bible. So did Jehoiakim 600 B. C., who cut the writings of the prophet into strips and burned them in his brazier (Jer. 36 :23 ): «A id It came ta p a ... tkal when Jefcndl had read three or foar leaves, he cat It with the penknife, and eaat It lain the Sre that wae oa the hearth, until all the roll was consumed la the dre that was on the hearth.” It denies the incarnation,— so did the Jews, and crucified the Son of God for claiming to be such (John 19 :7 ): Mj

"Why don’t the ministers wake their people up? Why don’ t they send them (not Just politely ask them, but order them) to go out two by two? Why not flood the cities with God’s Word? Anybody can give out Rom­ ans 10:9, even if they think they can­ not speak to people. "Mr. Horton, I could go on forever, If It would do any good; but, anyway, we can do our little share toward spreading the Word, and we pray that GO, LABOR ON! Go, labor on! spend and be spent! Thy joy to do thy Father’s will; It is the way the Master went; Should not the servant tread it still ? Go, labor on! ’tis not for naught; Thine earthly l oss is heavenly gain; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Master praises: what are men? Go, labor on, while it is day! The world’s dark night is hasten­ ing on: . Speed, speed thy workl cast sloth away! It is not thus that souls are won. Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice! For toil brings rest, for exile, home; _ Soon shalt thou hear the Bride­ groom’s voice, The midnight peal, “Behold, I Come!” (1843) —H. B onail God will let us do more and give us a mighty power to turn many to right­ eousness.” We have Quoted at some length from this letter, for It was such an inspiration to our own heart, and we know that It will be to all *born- again” ones, giving them new zeal to "Preach the Gospel, sound It forth, Tell to all the world the story.” “ If there be first a willing mind, it Is accepted,” and as„we “ learn to do by doing” so these two dear women are learning in the most effective possible way to do the work which Is the busi­ ness of EVERY BELIEVER, and lay­ ing up rich treasures for themselves against “ that day” when every man’s work shall be tried by fire— "wood, hay, stubble”— "gold, sliver, precious stones” (1 Cor. 3:12). Don’t forget, In giving out your Gos­ pel literature, that one of the very


Some time ago a letter came from a California “ Defender” in which ahe said that she was sorry she could not do more definite soul-winning work, but was somewhat handicapped by the fact that she was a little deaf and also because she was the mother of eight children; "but,” she went on to say, “ I take them all out with me whenever I can get the time, and we go, two by two, with Gospel literature to the homes!” Now we have another letter from her, giving a "report of what she has been doing of late, *?J we know all the other Defenders will be interested. She says: “ The Lord has laid it upon my heart that His message to the unsaved m these days Is especially Romans 10. g■

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