King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Biblical lands. For a third of a cen­ tury archaeologists ■have had their eyes fixed on this place. The first news of this expedition will be given at the Winona Lake Bible School of Theol­ ogy where Dr. Kyle, returning Just as the School opens, will lecture for the entire period of four weeks. A number of other well known Bible teachers are also represented on the Faculty. _ . Full credit toward Degree work is granted by practically all Theological Seminaries and Colleges. For all par­ ticulars address the Dean of the School, Rev. W. E. Biederwolf, Wi­ nona Lake, Indiana, who will be pleased to answer all questions. ìià EUROPE PREPARING FOR ARMAGEDDON will be the unusually interesting topic to be discussed by Dr. Arthur H. Car­ ter, (Pastor of Hounslow Undenomina­ tional Church, and Editor of ‘ The Bible Witness,” Middlesex, England), at the Popular Meeting of the South­ ern California Premillennlal Associa­ tion, 3:00 P. M.t Monday, July 19, in the Bible Institute auditorium. Dr. Carter is one of the outstanding Fundamentalists of the present day, being one of the speakers at the recent World’s Christian Fundamentals Con­ vention in Toronto. He is the author of a number of books, as well as Bib­ lical Lecturer at Kensit Memorial Col­ lege, London, and Chairman of the Council of the Bible Witness Union. We are sure that all the friends within a reasonable distance of Los Angeles will avail themselves of this unusual opportunity, to hefer t h i s strong, virile preacher and teacher of the Word. Dr. Carter will be glad to respond, as far as possible, to any calls for service while in this country, aud may be communicated with c/o Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 636 So. T a *» A n n r a ln a P a U f A f l l l i l ¿Us. m SHAMEFUL The anti-Biblical, un-Methodistic, infidel, faith-wrecking teaching in some of the books in the course of study for our young preachers is not the only objection to the course as such. There is. not one word in the •whole course calculated to help a young preacher to win a lost soul from nature’s darkness to the light of the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God— not one. And yet the salvation of the lost is the chief business of a Christian church. And the bishops are wholly responsible for this shameful matter. —-The Methodist. M PASTOR’S ASSISTANT If there is a pastor among the mem­ bers of the K. B. Family, who is need­ ing the help of a consecrated, efficient Christian woman, of splendid person­ ality, a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, as an assistant in his work, he may get in touch with one by communicating with T. C. Horton, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

But we are now alive (Col. 2 :13 ): «And you, being dead In your the undrcumclalon of your Of«». Be quickened together with him, having fn p tr l v a n v n u a l l The believer has passed out of dark­ ness into light, for “ God is light.” He has passed out of death into life (John 5:24). He is a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). (v. 16): «Hereby perceive we the love of God, becauae he laid down hla life for uai and we ought to lay down our live» for the brethren.” Here we have the “ ought” of love. We ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. We know God loves us, because He laid down His life for us, and the love of God in us will move us to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians. The proof of love is in what Undoes. The secret of this service for our brethren is in self-sacrifice, which must be preceded by self-surrender (4:10; Rom. 5:6-8)., Our love should be like His in char­ acter,— in spirit. Paul is the best il­ lustration of'this (Phil. 2:17, 18): «Yea, and If I be offered upon the »ac- rlflce and »ervlce of your faith, I Joy, and rejoice with you all» "For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me.” (Acts 20:24). The life of our Lord evidenced His love for humanity in little things as well as in larger things: Look for instance at Him in His attitude at the well at Samaria— one woman! (John 4:8, 9). The friendless man at the pool (John 5 :7 ). The Syropheniclan woman (Matt. 15:28). The leper (Mark 1:40 ). Feeding others while He fasted Himself (Luke 9:13). A mere profession of love is worth­ less. Love moves, acts, does. Not boastful; not puffed up. It is perfectly natural— spontaneous. It must be cultivated by knowing, in a larger and larger way, the love of God which is the embodiment of all love. (In August, “ Our Purpose and Prac­ tice,” vs. 19-24). m DR. KYLE TO BRING ARCHAEO­ LOGICAL FINDINGS TO WINONA LAKE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY The Winona Lake School of Theol­ ogy opens this year on Friday, July 15, and closes Thursday, August 12. This Summer Seminary, which is de­ signed especially for m i n i s t e r s , although others are urged to attend, has made remarkable progress. This School of Theology devotes itself especially to the emphasis and defense of the particular points at which the strictly evangelical theology is being attacked today, although it covers as well the entire range of Bib­ lical Interpretation. How better can the minister spend the month of his vacation than by sitting at the feet of the country’s most noted theological scholars. The Faculty this year is especially strong. Pres. M. G. Kyle, America’s most noted archaeologist, is now excavating at Kirjath Sepher, the library town of

dwell t> yon. Now H M r * “ ^ 7 * ^ » * the Spirit of Chrlet, he le none of hie. (2 Tim. 8 :12 ): «Yea, and all that will live Chrlet Jeene «hall »offer per.ecutlon. (Matt. 24:9). . _ . Love for our brethren is evidence to the world that *we have the new na­ ture. (John 13:35): «By thl» «hall all men know that ye are my dlaclple«, If ye have love one to another.« _ (John 15:12, 17, 18; Gal. 6:22; 1 Pet. 1:23). , . .. The murderer abldeth in deatn. That is, he lives in the old nature which possesses all the potentialities of Satan himself (John 8 :44 ): «Ye are of your father the devil, and the ln«t« of your father ye will dot he wai a murderer from the be*lnnin*. Tad abode not la the truth, becau.e there"« no truth lu him. when he «Pert- eth a lie, he «peaketh of hi» « " » > ior he 1« a liar, and the father of It.” Hate is the absence of love. Hate is of the devil. One is spiritually dead who hates his brother. One could not be a true believer and continue in a life of hatred, though one could be a murderer, and be re­ pentant and be forgiven. • Love must dominate in the life or the believer, and must overcome the old nature of hate. Love is manifest in action, and God’s love is manifested in action." Christ’s love is manifested in His death on the cross. He gives here the model for us to follow (v. 16). Love’s origin is in God. (4 :1 0 ): «Herein 1« love, not that we loved God, but that he loved ua. and «ent hi« Son to be the propitiation for our »In». The channel through which love is manifested is Jesus Christ, God s only Son,— God in the flesh— the God- UlttU. . The method is by the giving up of His life upoh the cross,— a propitia­ tory offering for sin. - ( 2 : 1 , 2 ) : “My little children, theae thins« write l unto you. that ye «in not. And If any man «In, we have an advocate with the (rather, Jean« Chrlat the rl*hteou«i «And he 1» the propitiation for our ■ln«i and not for our« only, but al«o for the »In» of the whole world.” (Rom. 3:24, 25): «Being Ju»tWed freely by hi« *r»®* through the redemption that 1« In Chrlat *«Whom God hath «et forth to be a pro­ pitiation through faith In hi» blood, to declare hi« rlgbteouane»« for the reml»- •lon of »In» that are paat, through the forbearance of God.” The marvel of it is that while we were yet sinners^ Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8; Col. 1:21, 22). The fullness of it is that it takes in the whole world. (2 :2 ; 2 Cor. 5:15). The purpose of it is to redeem from sin (Eph. 5:25, 28; Titus 2:14). (v. 14): «We know that we have paaaed from death unto life becauae we love the brethren.” That is,— we have passed out of moral or spiritual death. We were dead in trespasses and sins— alienated from God (Col. 1:21; Isa. 59:2).

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