King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


T h e C h o s e n P e o p l e , t h e L a n d a n d t h e B o o k Jewish News Notes Compiled from Various Sources by David L. Cooper



An examination of the minutes of the anti-Semitic congress in Budapest discloses the fact that the delegates attending the congress disagreed on the methods of carrying out the pro­ posed anti-Semitic program. The dele­ gates from Hungary, Roumania and Austria demanded the adoption of the method of terror and pogroms against the Jews, while the delegates from Italy and Germany were opposed to such methods. m NEWS NOTES Two thousand immigrants arrived in Palestine during the month of March, according to figures published in Jerusalem on April 2. King George V. conferred the title ot Marquis on the Earl of Reading, in recognition of his services as Viceroy of India. Lord Reading is £he first Jew in the British peerage to bear this title. An observation Jewish Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been formed by the French Govern­ ment. It will be directed by M. Canet, chief of the Department of Religious Affairs. Russia exported to Palestine, Syria and Egypt, during the year 1925, mer­ chandise to the amount of 2,000,000 roubles. Of this amount 750,000 roubles worth of merchandise was ex­ ported to Palestine. The world receipts of the Jewish National Fund for the month of March reached the amount of $160,000, the highest monthly income for this year. Last March the total received was $108,540. The largest contribution for March of this year has been that of the United States, $62,100. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise was awarded the Gottheil medal, which is conferred by the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity to the -American who is considered to have rendered the greatest service tb Judaism. The medal, of which Rabbi Wise is the first recipient, will be awarded annually in honor of Prof. Richard J. H. Gottheit, for eight years president of the fraternity. The synagogue at Capernaum (K ’far Nahum in Hebrew), recorded in the New Testament as one of the first places where Jesus of Nazareth spoke to the people, will be reconstructed in accordance with an agreement con­ cluded in Jerusalem by representatives of the'' Franciscan Order and Herr Bauerle, a German contractor, states a Jewish Telegraphic Agency report. A change in the headdress of Pal­ estine Arabs from the Oriental tar- bush to the western hat was recom­ mended at a meeting of Moslem and

as if they thought the Jews stopped thinking two thousand years ago." Rabbi Levi renders a good service when he concedes that this civilization is Christian. It would be well if all men would realize and acknowledge this historical fact, and also that all Americans would realize that this na­ tion is founded on Christian principles, and requires the teachings of the Christian Scriptures to fit the citizens for intelligent obedience to these prin­ ciples. The ancient Israelites’ plan and history were the bud of which Chris­ tianity is the fruit. It is because the Jews tried to hold to the bud and re­ jected the friiit that they have been stunted and stultified in connection with this civilization. It is encourag­ ing to see this ancient people awaken­ ing to their mistake, and we ever look for the day when they will openly and ardently embrace Him who was born of their own race and whose mission was first of all to the House of Israel. When this day arrives, it will be a blessing ta the whole world. M ANTI-SEMITIC INTERNATIONAL From the article of the "Scribe” of April 30, “ Anti-Semitic International,” we are convinced that as a political ne­ cessity the Jews will have to have a home land, and that very soon. This hatred toward the Jewish race is be­ coming such a powerful factor in the world that the Jews will be driven out of most nations and will be compelled to return to the home land. This re­ turn, however, is not the glorious res­ toration of which the prophets speak in such glowing terms, but is the res­ toration mentioned in Zeph. 2 :1 ,.2 , which speaks of the gathering to­ gether of the nation “ that hath no shame,” or, as is given in the footnote of the revised version "longing.” It is a well known fact that Zionism is purely a political ana not a religious movement. Note from the extract be­ low the gravity of the situation: Sensational revelations with regard to an attempt made by the anti-Semit­ ics of various countries to create an anti-Semitic' International were mado by the “ Israelitisches Familienblatt,” a German Jewish weekly of Hamburg. It appears that the initiative for call­ ing the congress in Budapest was taken following the discontinuance of finan­ cial assistance rendered the European anti-Semitic organizations by Henry Ford, the paper states. The congress was organized by the Austrian Consul General in Budapest, de Pottes, alias Olier. The call to the congress was issued under the slogan: “ Liberate the enslaved nations of the world from the reign of international Judaism.”

CABLEGRAM FROM DR. At the present time Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle, president ot "Xenia Seminary, is engaged in excavating Kirjath-sepher (book-town mentioned in Joshua 15:13-19). This is a town which Caleb gave as a marriage dowry to his daugh­ ter, Achsah. It is with great interest that we read the following cablegram from Dr. Kyle, which appeared in the Sunday School Times of May 15: “ Joshua 15:13-19 confirmed. Field and springs found. Kirjath-sepher fully identified. Remarkable finds far exceeding expectations. Walls origi­ nally thirty-five to forty feet high. Great complicated gateway showing five periods of building, three Canaan- ite, two Israelite. Gruesome layers of ashes show city burned three times: by unknown, about 1700 B. C.; by Othniel at conquest (of Canaan by Joshua); and by Nebuchadnezzar. Evi­ dences of terrific fighting. Mysterious and unique system of shrines in rooms, probably a Canaapite temple. Re­ markable plumbing system.*’ Let us pray that if it be God’s will new evidences will be brought to light which will refute many of the false conclusions which are being taught by the destructive critics of today. JEWISH RABBI STUDYING THE LIFE OF CHRIST From “ The Presbyterian” of recent date is taken an article which shows that among the more liberal minded of the Jewish communion there is a growing interest in the study of Christ and the books of the New Testament. Read carefully the following: Rabbi Urges Jews to Study Life of Christ.— Dr. Gerson B. Levi, rabbi of The Temple, Fiftieth Street and Green­ wood Avenue, Chicago, recently said in a sermon quoted in The Chicago Tribune, that it was the duty of all, Including Jews, to study the New Test­ ament. He later said, says the Tri­ bune: “ A protest of orthodox Jews criticis­ ing me for my position has led me to make this public statement. For some time I have been teaching in my classes here at the temple the New Testament, with special reference to the life of Jesus in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, giving the history of the founding of the Chris­ tian Church. This is a Christian civil­ ization, and the majority of the people of America are of the Christian faith. Therefore, I feel it the duty of every one who would understand our present civilization to study the foundations upon which it rests. “ I also think it is the duty of Chris­ tians to study the Jewish faith and learn our viewpoint. Some people act

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